Author Topic: Confidence Issues  (Read 14382 times)

Offline leighmundo40

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Re: Confidence Issues
« Reply #15 on: November 03, 2012, 05:03:51 AM »
I think it's a maturity thing and a pack mentality thing, once one starts, the others join in. Double standards really, because can you imagine the sh*t storm that would ensue if you pointed out that a girl had a wonky boob, and took pictures of her, posting them with the tag "Wonky"???

It's easy to say "rise above it" but, that is what you have got to do. And yes, there is an element of going along with the joke and putting on a brave face, however, you can also say "You know what? It aint funny, so move on!"

Offline MarkusToe

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Re: Confidence Issues
« Reply #16 on: December 27, 2012, 04:23:17 PM »
first let me say goingbald20 and saucy - from your profile pictures I think you are good looking dudes

and now to the girls: I always felt very insecure about my looks so I always thought about what other people might think about me and "hopefully they don't think of me as too unattractive and I hope they like me" - things like that - it never ever came to my mind to think about if I like those people, if they match my standards

I have always been insecure in the presence of attractive people and thought of me as inferior, even if they were complete morons and idiots, just lately I defined my own standards and now I always try to think if I like those people and if they are such shallow, insensitive, rude and definitely unconfident persons I won't mind about their stupid behaviour. there have been way too many times where I accepted someones bad behaviour, just because I thought I had no right to say something against it because I was inferior of my looks - that's how harmful such self defeating beliefs can be - and you know what, I dont blame the persons who treated me badly because I didn't tell them not to and it never had consequences for them - now I respect myself and now I know that I don't have to run after every attractive girl who seems to be interested in me

so please don't give a f**** about those girls - it really means nothing - there are sure girls (now women) out there who once thought Vanilla Ice is cool dude - so what do they know?

so keep practicing the guitar! who are your favorite guitarists? mine are neil young, john frusciante, jimi hendrix, nick drake, joe pass, wes montgomery, nels cline and many many more  ;D

Offline bbcguytom

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Re: Confidence Issues
« Reply #17 on: December 27, 2012, 06:20:52 PM »
Forget those people, as they are immature. Did you ever think of the people you will attract because your bald? Food for thought.

Offline sleekunique

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Re: Confidence Issues
« Reply #18 on: January 15, 2013, 05:23:51 PM »
I guess my younger days weren't quite that harsh from the start, but I do remember the first time a girl stood over me and pointed out that I was thinning. I was only 18! I ignored it for a few years, but it was obvious I was gonna be bald young. And when I did decide to shave off the hideous "curtains"I did it for a laugh for fancy dress.

I do have a good batch of mates though that only ribbed my a little about it. I always came back with comments like "Think of all that money I will save not paying for haircuts and shampoo, gel, wax or hairspray." After I knew I was going to go bald I knew I had to accept it. The alternatives are ridiculous.

So I got on with it. It actually made me kick myself in the arse. I lost 2 stone of beer fat and toned up and got fit again. It made me realise I could style myself on one option of hair style. No more did I have to panic about wind swept hair or getting gel in my eyes. ITS ACTUALLY GOING TO MAKE MY LIFE EASIER!!

Positive thinking my man.... it will take you places.

And once you do get some confidence (over time granted) there will be a host of girls that dig that head of yours. When I was your age I met my ex-girlfriend of 9 years. She is a pretty girl. And there has been a few since.

And you will have to take a middle ground with idiots taking the piss. Don't get all crazy about it but don't just roll with the punches. Theres no harm in actually telling them "Heyyyyyyy it took my ages to work the courage to do this!! Shaving it was a bitch!" Act all hurt and innocent but with a bit of acting charm, you may even get an apology or even a positive comment!

Offline bennett11

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Re: Confidence Issues
« Reply #19 on: January 16, 2013, 05:38:09 AM »
Many many years ago I buzzed my hair very  short while in college.  I got nicknamed cue ball.  Actually I liked that as I felt I got noticed and had the courage to be me  - greater self confidence.

Offline Billy

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Re: Confidence Issues
« Reply #20 on: March 03, 2013, 10:47:35 AM »
I'm right there with the other guys, hit the gym and focus on enhancing your style and overall look.  A strong stance, confident step and holding your chin high will help too...  I practice mine regularly to make sure I maintain a confident, powerful presentation.

Also don't forget your ego - there is NO shame in having a healthy ego!  It helps us respect ourselves, demand respect from others and be exactly the men we want to be.  Likewise it prevents us from giving a flip what anyone else thinks which is why so many women seek to diminish/supress it (what these girls were trying to do).  Kill a man's ego, he's your slave.

Once I went sly, the true value and meaning of ego came into focus.  It wasn't weakend with hairloss, it was supercharged with the freedom to re-invent myself as a man who demands respect.  If you accept that pride, self-respect, strength, drive and masculinity are not outdated traits, you won't have any more problems.

Offline geeman

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Re: Confidence Issues
« Reply #21 on: March 03, 2013, 12:31:15 PM »
as usual, some great inspiring words of wisdom from my brothers, don't let shallow immature "children" cause you worry, as I have said in another post, are they the sort of girls you would want as a partner? to be understanding when you need emotional support?does what they say truly matter? you've probably stepped in deeper puddles than those girls, ignore hem, they matter not, in fact, I always feel sorry for those types, they seem to live on facebook and post updates of what they had for lunch, or the new handbag they bought...they will be saying the same about anyone that looks different, they don't have the personality to give their own opinion, because they would be perceived different by their sheep like rock the sly look

Offline gutsygirl

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Re: Re: Re: Re: Confidence Issues
« Reply #22 on: March 03, 2013, 01:16:43 PM »
If none of this works,put Nair in their shampoo bottles and rogaine on their toilet seats.

LOL. Best post on this thread!!!

I'm sorry those girls said that stuff to you. Sheesh, they make all us women look dumb. :-(  And I'm also glad the other guys took them off your hands because obviously they are shallow girls and you don't need that - let those other guys make that mistake!

Then go out and find some REAL friends!  :-)  if those guys heard all that and they didn't either stick up for you or encourage you AND they still thot those girls were cool after they teased you, then those guys are equally shallow and it is probably best to MOVE ON.,

Offline slane

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Re: Confidence Issues
« Reply #23 on: March 30, 2013, 10:14:45 PM »
I'm right there with the other guys, hit the gym and focus on enhancing your style and overall look.  A strong stance, confident step and holding your chin high will help too...  I practice mine regularly to make sure I maintain a confident, powerful presentation.

Also don't forget your ego - there is NO shame in having a healthy ego!  It helps us respect ourselves, demand respect from others and be exactly the men we want to be.  Likewise it prevents us from giving a flip what anyone else thinks which is why so many women seek to diminish/supress it (what these girls were trying to do).  Kill a man's ego, he's your slave.

Once I went sly, the true value and meaning of ego came into focus.  It wasn't weakend with hairloss, it was supercharged with the freedom to re-invent myself as a man who demands respect.  If you accept that pride, self-respect, strength, drive and masculinity are not outdated traits, you won't have any more problems.

I like this post a lot.  I stopped shaving for a bit back in January.  3/4 laziness, 1/4 being really cold.  Before long I didn't feel like myself anymore and HAD to go back to being sly.

I never would have believed you if you had told me this last year, but I actually am MORE confident sly than with hair now.  I guess I needed that one last slip-up, that kick in the butt when seeing myself in the mirror as a--yuck--BALDING guy.  Completely sly > balding, in any style of dress, any day.

A little muscle goes a long way, too... it's the best fashion "accessory" there is.


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Re: Confidence Issues
« Reply #24 on: March 31, 2013, 10:22:07 PM »
Dude are you sure they were mean?   Perhaps... maybe they were teasing you to give you attention?