Author Topic: Folliculitis.  (Read 2444 times)

Offline Weevil

  • Sly Guy in Training
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  • Posts: 24
« on: July 29, 2009, 10:43:12 AM »
Hey guys, I searched the board earlier to see if there was a thread related to this, but I haven't found anything. Let me know if I'm wrong.

Like some of you may know, I've been experiencing various scalp conditions these past few months, one of them being diagnosted as "folliculitis". I wasn't able to upload pictures so I'll try again later.
I just wanted to know if any of you had had the same problem. It's basically a chronic breakout of something that looks a lot like acne. I am currently medicated and have been for 2 months, but it seems to have backfired lately and is particularly unconfortable, specially in public. Now, I've read on other boards that people actually shave their head to get rid of it ( since it's an infection of the hair follicles ). But it's getting very painful to shave. It comes and goes, but it's still there. I have seen three dermatologists and all three made the same diagnosis.

Thanks in advance if you have any stories to share.