Author Topic: Women  (Read 11723 times)

Offline warhawk

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Re: Women
« Reply #15 on: September 13, 2007, 07:03:41 PM »

Alright guys, i´ve gone back to work after my two days rest and i´ve come home dissapointed.
And why do i say i´m very dissapointed?
Ahh, she once again put me back at the start, this is so disapointing.

I´m sorry about the rant, but i really needed it.
fabiom.....1st of all it's okay 2 rant here, that's why it's called the sbg forum.  we  r here 2 help & encourage.  2nd.... please don't get disappointed.... there is nothing worse than a disappointed sly guy.  so....from reading your post this woman gives u a "hot" & "cold" look.  yeah....that can  b  pretty confusing but that is why they  r  women.  women show many many type of emotions.  that's why we (men) get confused.  THERE IS NOTHING WE CAN DO ABOUT THAT.

just worry 'bout what u can do.  u need 2 get assertive & just ask her out.  from my experience (when i was single)....that is the only way 2 go.  just go 4 it.......just invite her 4 some coffee or if she can accompany u  4 dinner after work.  and if she says "no"....then move on & then ya know that she wasn't interested in u.  well that's my 2cents.


« Last Edit: September 13, 2007, 07:05:34 PM by warhawk »
Tough times don't last but tough people do!!!

Offline shyslyguy

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Re: Women
« Reply #16 on: September 14, 2007, 02:04:31 AM »
Hey FabioM,

Being in a long-term relationship, I don't really know too much about asking women out but, I would say, you're reading too much into every little smile etc. Why does it have to be all or nothing? Just because a girl smiles & is friendly doesn't automatically mean she's got the hots for you. - Just because she smiles at your co-worker too doesn't mean she's playing games - just being friendly - & why shouldn't she be?

I agree with Warhawk - Bottom line is you'll never really know, until you ask her, whether she likes you enough to go for a coffee or something with you, but even if she does, again, don't take that as some kind of coded "green light" that means that you're "in there" .... it just means ... she likes you enough to go for a coffee ... but it's a start!

For all you know though she may already have a partner but you'll never know unless you start chatting with her

Anyway, good luck bro!   O0
His heed was ballid, and schon as eny glas


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Re: Women
« Reply #17 on: September 14, 2007, 09:07:21 AM »
Jon and Warhawk covered it well.  Just go for it man.  It's the only way. 

Like Jon said, a might not mean a thing except she is a nice person and being friendly.  I smile at people a lot when I'm out just because it's my nature when I make eye contact with someone.  Most women smile back at me.  I'm sure it doesn't mean they want me.  I'd like to hope that it is what it means but...Never mind.  >:D  Take it a little at a time man.  Don't think too deep in to it or rush anything if things do go well.  Like Warhawk and others have said, just invite her for coffee.  If she goes for that then you know that at least she is interested.  Or at the least not totally turned off by you.  This is sort of your "foot in the door."  If she goes for coffee with you just talk about general things.  Try not to dive too deep into her life.  It may make her uncomfortable and intimidate her.  Just try talk about the basics.  What she likes to do when not at work, music she likes, movies, brothers or sisters, where she grew up, etc...  If she opens up to you that's a different story.  Dive in with both feet because this means she trusts you enough right off the bat and things are moving a little faster for you.  Which can be good.  But otherwise, if you think you may really like this lady, take it slow.  The last thing you want to do is scare her off if she seems interested.  Good luck.  O0

Offline JDog

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Re: Women
« Reply #18 on: September 14, 2007, 09:16:18 AM »
Its been a while since I played the field but I do know one thing that I have seen over the years.

Girls love confidence. A confident man who is happy with who he is and comfortable with himself.

Arrogance and confidence are a fine line, one still needs to be a gentleman and polite and do some charming but having a little self confidence never hurt.

In real life, 99 percent of the time, the girl will go after the guy who has the balls to go up and make conversation instead of the timid guy who stands in the corner too scared to go up and ask her how she is doing.

Good luck
« Last Edit: September 14, 2007, 09:17:55 AM by JDog »

Offline xnewyawka

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Re: Women
« Reply #19 on: September 14, 2007, 11:50:02 AM »
Fabio, to echo what the guys have said and to reiterate my first post, take it a little at a time, smile when you see her, chit chat if you can, don't worry about who she's with.

You will have to ask her if she would like to join you for coffee, etc. That is when you can get to know a little more about her, like Lance said.
It's the only way, otherwise you'll always be guessing. Who knows, you might even find out you don't want to date her. Either way, at least you'll know.


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Re: Women
« Reply #20 on: September 14, 2007, 03:17:44 PM »
If she aint opennly receptive to your advances, cut your losses and move on. Say F*** shave your head, find this book"women don't lie, Men don't listen" I believe it can be found at . To sum it up, they're are alot of women out there, dating is a numbers game, out of 10 lay days only 3 would be a decent or tolerable match. Ask her for her home number, If she hesitates or gives you weak response x her and move on. Don't make the mistake of putting her on a pedastel, that only sets you up for dissappointment when you find out how flawwed she actually is.

Offline Tyler

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Re: Women
« Reply #21 on: September 14, 2007, 11:56:03 PM »
Fabio, here's a true story for you that I think fits your situation.

When I was in junior college my buddies and I would eat lunch on the steps of the cafeteria.  It a perfect place for us to see who was going into the cafeteria and who was sitting in the quad.  Anyways, there was a girl that used to walk by us everyday.  Right after she'd go into the caf. all the guys would flip out and talk about how hot she was and what they would do to meet her.  To give them credit, she was one of the most beautiful women I'd seen in our town.  A few of us would plead with them to just go up and talk to her.  They would always say "I've tried to smile or say hi and she never responds" or something of that matter.  One day I was in a mood and just got on their case pretty hard and one of them challenged me to go talk to her.

So, me being the guy that can't sit there and eat my own words, headed my own advice and walked into the caf to look for her.  I found her sitting at a large, round table all by herself.  I grabbed some food and headed over to where she was sitting.  I asked her if she'd mind if I sat next to her and she said it was ok to.  I took a couple of bites of my food and took a minute to figure out what to say to her.  I noticed she was studying math and was having some trouble with it.  I then used that opportunity to ask her what area of math she was studying.  She replied with something that I had already taken.  She also added that she wasn't having a good time with it.  I then offered to help her with it and began exlpaining how to solve the math problem she was working on.  After that I introduced myself and started asking her basic questions like where she went to high school, what subjects she was taking, etc.  Turns out we even had a class together - it was a large class.

On to the point.  We ended up dating for a while and she let me know that she was so shocked that I talked to her.  She said that most guys tend to ignore her.  I was thinking "Are you kidding me?"  Nope, she wasn't.  Here's one of the most beautiful girls in our city and she gets ignored. Not only was she beautiful, but she was one of the sweetest people on this earth.  So, moral of the story.  You never know what a woman is really like until you go up and talk to them.
People are not limited by the circumstance that they are born in. They are limited by the size of their dreams. Show them that their dreams can have no limits and in turn their accomplishments can be limitless.

Offline HotCajun

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Re: Women
« Reply #22 on: October 03, 2007, 10:04:39 PM »
I just want to know if you've gone sly yet.....cause sly bald guys Ooze sexy confidence and that is what real women want!!!!! So shave your head,get out there, and ask her out already!!!!!!  At least if she says "No" you'll know where you stand and you can quite wondering and move on!!!!

Offline Tagus

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Re: Women
« Reply #23 on: October 04, 2007, 01:00:42 PM »
HotCajun, no i still haven´t gone sly yet due to the dress code in my company. You can read my post in the Bussiness/Work section. I´m still waiting if i can sign a new contract with the company which will make me belong to them permanently and not temporary like i´m now.

About the girl i think i´ve blown it, because she doesn´t look at me like she used to do. Maybe i gave her too much signs and that might have scaried her away.

But i´m still trying to approach her and will invite her for something...i really have to do that :)


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Re: Women
« Reply #24 on: October 04, 2007, 02:54:38 PM »
I just want to know if you've gone sly yet.....cause sly bald guys Ooze sexy confidence and that is what real women want!!!!! So shave your head,get out there, and ask her out already!!!!!!  At least if she says "No" you'll know where you stand and you can quite wondering and move on!!!!

Cajun has a point. I've seen a lot of homely looking dudes that landed a hottie. If you don't think you have a chance, then your screwed cause chicks can sense your insecurity man. I've went out with a few gals that were way outta my league. I just said to myself "screw it! ,I don't care if they say no". The problem is most guys put beautiful women on a pedastal. Make them out to be beyond human. If you actually hook up with her, after awhile you'll start to see her faults and realize that she is just as f@#ked up in the head as most other women out there are. Your in the fantasy phase now, once reality kicks in she probably won't seem as attractive to you.

Offline PBurke

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Re: Women
« Reply #25 on: October 04, 2007, 03:11:26 PM »
got a buddy that has an ex wife that was in playboy. he says it best, "No matter how good she looks, someone somewhere is tired of her crap." all i can say is AMEN BROTHER

Treat people with respect, or just ignore them!


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Re: Women
« Reply #26 on: October 05, 2007, 03:11:54 PM »
got a buddy that has an ex wife that was in playboy. he says it best, "No matter how good she looks, someone somewhere is tired of her crap." all i can say is AMEN BROTHER

second that !!! It's a rarity to find a girl who is as beautiful inside as she is outside. Of course the few that are usually end up with some bone head that treat them like dirt.

Offline Tyler

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Re: Women
« Reply #27 on: October 05, 2007, 04:03:21 PM »
Here's a website that proves what you guys are talking about -
People are not limited by the circumstance that they are born in. They are limited by the size of their dreams. Show them that their dreams can have no limits and in turn their accomplishments can be limitless.


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Re: Women
« Reply #28 on: October 05, 2007, 10:23:54 PM »
Here's a website that proves what you guys are talking about -

Dude that's just a funny title!!!  :*))

Offline Jdogs Better Half

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Re: Women
« Reply #29 on: October 05, 2007, 10:30:39 PM »
Kinda sounds like you are over thinking all the little things! I think you should just bite the bullet and go for it!

My best friend (who is a 10 - as you guys put it) liked a guy that she worked with.....never spoke to him in over 12 months, waited until he was leaving the company to even say hi (after about 10 vodkas) This girl normally has no problems talking to guys (she talks non stop anyhow) but she didn't have the confidence to even have a chat, the point of this story is even super hot girls get shy......

Looking forward to an update!!