Author Topic: bald by choice guys, what made you decide to become sly?  (Read 25194 times)

Offline amatlock2778

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bald by choice guys, what made you decide to become sly?
« on: March 03, 2016, 12:00:28 AM »
As a bald by choice member, last couple days i have been wondering about what made some of the other bbc members decide to become sly?

When i was younger, i always liked how guys eith shaved heads looked.  Anyway, over time this evolved to a desire to see how i might look bald. Would i look as good as the guys  i kept seeing around?  This simmered in my mind for years, but i never did anything about it for fear i might not look as good as they did. My mother didnt exactly help, as whenever i would make some offhand comment to her, she would always say she thought very few guys could pull the look off as they had poor shaped heads for it?  Sounds pretty familiar to many of you reading, even the bbn guys, right?

Fast forward to last year, things started out looking like it would be a great year. But things went downhill pretty fast. About mid February i was let go from my job over attendance issues despite that i never called out when i wasnt truly sick except once about 2 years prior. Had just been getting sick more often for some reason. Anyway about a month later, when i finally had begun a new job search since i had plans to visit oug of town friends when i was let go that i couldnt cancel,  i found out why i had been sick so much more often than usual and had to have sugery to fix the issue,  and the doctor ordered me to take it easy for almost a month and half after to ensure no complicayiins in my recovery,  so job search again went on hold again. Finally found a  new job in june, and things were looking up again, i was enjoying my new job so much, way better than my old job. Got a newer car, the nicest ive yet owned, and things were great. Then came the worst blow of all. My father passed away from a massive stroke. I had lost family members before, namely both grandparents on dads side, but i wasnt particularly close to them, infact in the case of grandma and grandpa on dads side, i hadnt seen them since i was a small child. So there was that, i was devastated and depressed much of the holiday season.

So finally new years came, i was starting to feel much better about myself and had high hopes for the new year. Decided it was finally time to give shaving a try, maybe it would be the confidence boost i needed to get back to my old self. I figured id do it just for a week or 2 to give myself the experience of being bald that i had always wanted. I certainly had good reason to want a change after the terrible year i had just had, so i bought a oair of clippers, some good shave cream since i dont usebit when i shave my face, and good razors too, since i needed to get new ones any way, and off came my hair. Wow i looked as good as id always hoped i would!

  Kept to my self commitment to only do it for a week or 2 though, and began letting my hair grow back. Got as far as maybe the equivalent of a #2 clipper guard, and realized i missed the feeling of being bald. Also looked at a pic of myself from before i shaved alongside one while i had been in my 2 weeks of shaving and thought, wow, i look kinda ugly with hair, and besides, although its not obvious yet both my mom and my partner have been telling me im starting to go grey. Off came my hair again, and ive been shaving every day, sometimes twice a day since. Dont think ill ever grow it back.

So, fellow bbc members, now that ive shared my story, i invite you to share your stories. Why did you choose to become sly?

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Re: bald by choice guys, what made you decide to become sly?
« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2016, 06:31:20 AM »
I have posted several times why I went bbc. One of the reasons I stayed bbc was the initial reactions I received. A few hours after the initial shock, my then s/o said I should keep it shaved for awhile, as she really liked it. So I posted a photo on Facebook, and got almost all positive comments. A couple of months later, my s/o decided I should grow my hair back,  it by then, I was hooked on shaving bald.
Bald by choice, and loving it!

Offline amatlock2778

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Re: bald by choice guys, what made you decide to become sly?
« Reply #2 on: March 03, 2016, 09:30:11 AM »
The reaction of my s/o was the opposite. At first he was unsure, but tolerated it, now though he loves how i look bald and tells me occasionally he wishes i had done it sooner. Well not in so many words, but its implied in  the things he does say about it. My mother has yet to really see my full baldness as each time ive seen her since shaving ive been wearing my favorite hat, but she knows that im bald, and quietly accepts it, occasionally making a light hearted joke about it. Everyone else in my life has either not commented at all, or loved the look on me from day one. Well except for my good friend who helped me shave for the first time, but i suspect he just thought it looked wierd because of how lilly white my scalp was at first. He hasnt seen me in person since then as our shedules dont allow us to hang out often, and i havent mentioned anything about it when we've talked on the phone,  but i think after some initial ribbing about it, as thats just who he is, he will come to accept, probably even like my bald look.
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Re: bald by choice guys, what made you decide to become sly?
« Reply #3 on: March 03, 2016, 11:33:52 AM »
I keep coming back to BBC not because it looks good on me, as it does not, but because I like the FEEL of it.  I love the feeling of getting and being shaved.  There is nothing else like it.  Also, getting rid of the hair, the hair care, and the vanity involved with that is very empowering to me.  It gives me a big shot of testosterone and confidence.  This is me.  Take me or leave me!

Offline amatlock2778

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Re: bald by choice guys, what made you decide to become sly?
« Reply #4 on: March 03, 2016, 12:28:17 PM »
I keep coming back to BBC not because it looks good on me, as it does not, but because I like the FEEL of it.  I love the feeling of getting and being shaved.  There is nothing else like it.  Also, getting rid of the hair, the hair care, and the vanity involved with that is very empowering to me.  It gives me a big shot of testosterone and confidence.  This is me.  Take me or leave me!

I stay bbc for those reasons as well as that i like how i look bald. But what made you decide to do it for the first time?
Bald by chioce, never going back

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Re: bald by choice guys, what made you decide to become sly?
« Reply #5 on: March 03, 2016, 03:52:55 PM »
I can no longer claim BBC, as nature has taken over.  But when I first shaved, I considered myself BBC.  I my early years, I always thought a shaved head was cool looking and made up my mind that when I started balding, I would rather shave it all than try to live with comb overs and bald spots.  Truth be said, I was never happy with my hair.  It was wavy - to much for any good looking hair style, but not enough for a curly hair style.  It took way too much time to attempt to style it in the mornings, with poor results.  So I normally just kept it cut short, in the typical side part style (back in the 80's when it was not considered a cool haircut).  I tried flattops, crew cuts, and longer styles.  None of them worked for me.  In my early 40's I noticed my hair was thinning.  It was not noticeable to others, since my hair was always very thick, it was still thicker than a lot of guys started with.  It continued to thin, and under certain conditions (wet, swimming), you could see skin through my hair at the crown.  That was all I needed to take a razor to it.  I think I was around 48 when I shaved, I am 54 now.

Offline amatlock2778

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Re: bald by choice guys, what made you decide to become sly?
« Reply #6 on: March 03, 2016, 07:37:39 PM »
Mine was pretty wavy too, but that was never really an issue because i always liked shorter styles. Whenever i got a haircut, j would tell the barber i wanted it buzzed to a 1 or 2 on sides and finger length on top so that i could get away with not styling it if i felt lazy,  but still do something nice with it otherwise. Its always been very thick, still is. Even having the barber use thinning shears it was very thick. Fast growing too, so now that im bbc, i have to shave at least every day, if not more just to keep it nice and smooth with little evidence of a 5oclock shadow.
Bald by chioce, never going back

Offline zeligtheblessed

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Re: bald by choice guys, what made you decide to become sly?
« Reply #7 on: March 30, 2016, 01:24:59 AM »
my story is kinda weird i guess, i never really thought about going bald since i have a very very full head of hair, if i grow it out its almost a afro, however i was put in a spot where i was going to have ear surgery and the doctor said we are gonna have to shave part of my head for it, being in the medical field all ready i knew that post surgery i'd have to keep the area clean, dry, deal with tape and bandages and i didn't want to deal with just a bald spot (no matter how big it was), so i started thinking about just shaving my whole head, be easy to take care of while healing, would look better and have some perks and after my head heals the hair can grow in all at once.  so i started looking around and found St. Baldricks organization, (shave your head to raise money for childrens cancer) and decided that if i did it i'd do it for them, so i made a video on facebook calling out all those people who did ice bucket challenge as trying to be cool kids instead of giving money to charity, had several people donate money to childrens cancer, and shaved my head haha. all ready had all the tools to do it since i cut my own hair to start with and after i did it, my s/o liked it, she loved my hair but she likes dome too (she supported me knowing about the surgery and all) and then my surgery got pushed back a little over a month so i kept my head shaved for longer than i thought haha, and it grew on me, i'm sure i'll grow it out someday but right now its fun and exciting and i'm experiencing something new. just going with it

Offline amatlock2778

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Re: bald by choice guys, what made you decide to become sly?
« Reply #8 on: March 30, 2016, 09:03:48 AM »
my story is kinda weird i guess, i never really thought about going bald since i have a very very full head of hair, if i grow it out its almost a afro, however i was put in a spot where i was going to have ear surgery and the doctor said we are gonna have to shave part of my head for it, being in the medical field all ready i knew that post surgery i'd have to keep the area clean, dry, deal with tape and bandages and i didn't want to deal with just a bald spot (no matter how big it was), so i started thinking about just shaving my whole head, be easy to take care of while healing, would look better and have some perks and after my head heals the hair can grow in all at once.  so i started looking around and found St. Baldricks organization, (shave your head to raise money for childrens cancer) and decided that if i did it i'd do it for them, so i made a video on facebook calling out all those people who did ice bucket challenge as trying to be cool kids instead of giving money to charity, had several people donate money to childrens cancer, and shaved my head haha. all ready had all the tools to do it since i cut my own hair to start with and after i did it, my s/o liked it, she loved my hair but she likes dome too (she supported me knowing about the surgery and all) and then my surgery got pushed back a little over a month so i kept my head shaved for longer than i thought haha, and it grew on me, i'm sure i'll grow it out someday but right now its fun and exciting and i'm experiencing something new. just going with it

Thats a great story about deciding to shave it all for your surgery, and doing it in a charitable way like st baldricks. I sometimes wish i had waited to find a charity like that , but knowing my friends and the fact many of them live paycheck to paycheck, i wouldnt have been able to raise much money to donate. So my more recent thoughts on the subject is perhaps i could volunteer at a st baldricks event doing the shaving. I dunno. Will have to find out more about it, k might discover they only want licenced beauticians for that job. But if so, im sure they have other positions i could volunteer for.
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Re: bald by choice guys, what made you decide to become sly?
« Reply #9 on: November 14, 2016, 12:16:05 PM »
I always had a full head of hair-got it from my Mom's genes.  I can turn into Wolfman Jack-even at 54 given the chance! 

It was in the Summer of '09 when I started to wonder what it would be like to be bald.  The shortest my hair was in a military buzz for ROTC over 30 years ago.  So, in '09 I first took my head down to a buzz.  Then a few days later I went sly.

My wife-a 2x cancer survivor who endured chemo-induced baldness-wasn't happy about the style; as were a couple of other people. My wife said my baldness reminded her of her experience, something I had to learn to have it not get to me.  However, I was blessed not to have no snide remarks my way.  Plus, the majority of the family, friends and coworkers were cool with the sly look.

My only beef that I had was being bald was just the extra shaving time.  Otherwise, I enjoyed the freedom and masculinity of baldness.  Shoot, I even love bald women! It's been a great ride. 

Over the last 7 years, I've gone off and on the sly wagon.  Currently, I'm sporting a no-guard buzz.  However, I plan to go sly in the not too distant future. 

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Offline Hieu Tran

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Re: bald by choice guys, what made you decide to become sly?
« Reply #10 on: November 22, 2016, 06:03:26 PM »
I like the feeling when I touch my scalp when it smooth. Some kind of addiction, I think.

Comment of people around me is not the same. Some say bald head is not suit me since I was too slim, some say bald head made me look meek.

So I decided on my own to be bald.

Ps: I have facebook account too, please add me reddog :)

Offline DarkseekerSmooth

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Re: bald by choice guys, what made you decide to become sly?
« Reply #11 on: January 08, 2017, 05:45:23 PM »
Personally it just happened for me.
My mum always cut my hair growing up with clippers and scissors she bought from the store.
When I was 13 she decided she wanted me to grow my hair, but I wanted it short.
I got a hold of her clippers secretly, and clipped on the #2 attachment, thinking it would give me 2 inches of hair.
I shaved off all of the hair on the top of my head before I noticed.
After the initial shock, I just kept doing that.
By the time I turned 14, I started trimming it down to a 1, then a 0.
When I was 15 I tried shaving smooth, but our cheap razors gave me a full head of razor burn.
I tried with electric razors and what not for years.
Eventually I just kept shaving to a 0, periodically growing my hair back out.
Last year, at 22, I got a safety razor and gave getting a smooth head a shot once again.
As you can imagine, I got cuts all over again, but kept at it. After a few months I got my head smooth WTG for the first time.
I kept up that routine, but eventually went down the path a few of you may have experienced as well.


Naturally, this was a bad idea, and so I stopped shaving and took it as a sign I was meant to grow hair.
Well, when I have hair, I am always fighting the urge to shave, so a few months ago I gave up again and cut it all down to nothing.
This time I started shaving with the grain once again for a few weeks.
Then I found this forum.
I was a bit of a hipster, liking to say I shaved with a safety razor. But, after reading a few posts here about the Mach 3, I decided to give it a shot.
A very gentle shave later; I got my first ever smooth head.
I've been in love with it since.

My hair grows pretty rapidly, so I have to shave every 24 hours or so to keep it perfectly smooth.
I'm currently in the process of toughening my scalp for ATG shaving, but it's slowly getting easier.
I've scalped myself a few times, but it's worth it in the long run.

Sorry for the long reply. I've had issues signing up, and got a little excited to finally be registered; and to find a topic right away that I wanted to comment on.
« Last Edit: January 08, 2017, 05:49:08 PM by DarkseekerSmooth »

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Re: bald by choice guys, what made you decide to become sly?
« Reply #12 on: January 08, 2017, 07:23:49 PM »
Welcome DarkseekerSmooth , the look works well.
« Last Edit: January 09, 2017, 09:38:24 AM by Magoo »
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Re: bald by choice guys, what made you decide to become sly?
« Reply #13 on: January 09, 2017, 12:09:26 AM »
 looking good dark seeker ! 

Offline dshupe

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Re: bald by choice guys, what made you decide to become sly?
« Reply #14 on: January 09, 2017, 06:40:36 AM »
Welcome Dark Seeker Smooth!!!!!  Looking great!!!!