Author Topic: 23 young and my hair sucks  (Read 6787 times)

Offline dart24

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23 young and my hair sucks
« on: August 11, 2015, 04:28:32 AM »
hello everyone i am kinda new to this site i found it during a search for some info about this type of stuff.
well my story is like this:
at 17 year's old some friend of mine told me that i have receding temple's and it made me super self conscious  and i denied it and thought that its probably normal or like a mature hairline or something because there are people with this stuff and they have normal hair overall also my mom didn't make a big deal of it and said everything is normal.i must note that i have no sibling's with baldness or anything like that in my family all my problem's started around 16-17, i frequently made use of the blow dryer because i wanted to have an emo looking hair and also i had this big body hair growth i mean all my front became hairy and dad's not hairy at all (at my age right now i even have back hair  :-[ ) this stuff kinda happend in a bang like my hair became shitty and frizzy and shitty looking and started falling down. anyway at some time i went with my mom to a doctor who didn't say anything if i had hair lose or something just said i had "saborea" and gave me this shampoo
well i used it for some time don't know if it helped,i stopped just because to get it you needed to go to the doctor and get a prescription from him and i was lazy and busy and also i had a very short hair at the time and i denied  that i had anything.some people like 4 years ago started to say that i am going bald and i denied it although i started to see on my crown shitty thin hair but thought that maybe my hair is just like that or maybe the flash of the cam makes it thinner or the lightning and i felt stress although up from 17 until today i felt stress about it, it just made me even more stressed.
anyway i went to some doctor again and didn't get any good answer's she just said that if something progress i can just a prescription to the med and it was such a shitty answer.
anyway like 2 years passed and i tried to grew my hair a little bit longer and i it grows bad and also my mom started to tell me that i have weird thin hair on the crown and always makes me feel bad.
anyway here's some photo's

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Re: 23 young and my hair sucks
« Reply #1 on: August 11, 2015, 05:56:02 AM »
Welcome to the board, sir.

You are not alone. A lot of us started losing hair when we were around seventeen.

I often have wondered about the irony of testosterone causing  a guy to lose his scalp hair and gain body hair at the same time. I used to joke that my hair did not fall out, it just migrated south.
"A man who has lost his hair and is bald is clean."
Leviticus 13:40
(Do not argue with Moses!)

Offline dart24

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Re: 23 young and my hair sucks
« Reply #2 on: August 11, 2015, 06:56:29 AM »
i always had pretty low confidence and sucked with girls and also shy
since that day when i was 17 and my friend pointed out that out my life became even more stressfull
it seems with the years more people notice it and when someone makes a comment i just deny it and feel depressed for alot of time i try to say to myself that maybe it wont progress maybe its something else and it just like that.
i once trimmed it off really low( i guess you can call it shaven) max low on my machine its like 0.2mm
and well it wasn't that bad actually i thought that in worst case scenerio its ok less or more it just sucked because there aint a hairline to put a frame to the face,anyway i got a lot of attention because of that at the place i worked most guy's thought it looked cool and alot of girl's thought it looked weird like a nazi or a thug it was really hard because of people's opinion's but one girl actually said it looked good lol and because if that i never done it again
but you know when i shaved it off i finally felt free and i really enjoyed the feeling of water on my head the feeling of those small shaven hairs lol.

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Re: 23 young and my hair sucks
« Reply #3 on: August 11, 2015, 07:54:14 AM »
Have you tried facial hair?  Having facial hair can help balance the lack of scalp hair.  I suggest you try keeping a buzz cut and when you are ready you can shave it.  Buzz cuts are very common at your age, even for guys with lots of hair.

Offline dart24

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Re: 23 young and my hair sucks
« Reply #4 on: August 11, 2015, 08:26:27 AM »
the hair cut i do right now is the shave on the sides and on the crown and a comb over on the hairline its a pretty popular haircut here anyways kinda.

anyway here how i looked when i shaved it all its been 2 years ago

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Re: 23 young and my hair sucks
« Reply #5 on: August 11, 2015, 09:48:50 AM »
Welcome! Looking at the pictures in the first post as opposed to the pictures in the second post, the pictures with the real short buzz looked much better. Should you go for the shave, a goatee or beard would help. Keep us posted!
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Re: 23 young and my hair sucks
« Reply #6 on: August 11, 2015, 11:20:25 AM »
I am sorry that you feel bad about losing your hair.  I don't even like to hear that you feel bad about yourself - because you are such a terrific looking guy when you shave your head!  You don't need "a hairline to define the face"!  When you shave your head people's attention naturally goes straight to your eyes!

You have a great shaped head, nice dark eyebrows, striking eyes, and you are even able to grow a nice stubble goatee/beard.  Really, what more can you ask for?  You are a good looking guy!  You look better shaved than with hair!  You are a handsome guy and you are 22 years old - 22 YEARS OLD!! You have the world by the tail!  So shave your head, and go out and grab some life for yourself!!!!

You are going to be great!

Offline dart24

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Re: 23 young and my hair sucks
« Reply #7 on: August 11, 2015, 02:25:23 PM »
thank you very much :), but it so damn hard because i am young and its so damn weird for this stuff to happen at young age and also i have no family members with baldness,one of my fears is that ill look super old and stuff.
at list unlike other guys that say that when they had hair they had lots of women attention i had non even with hair.
actually my main problem with hair lose and going bald is women and looking old other than that i think i could have come to terms with it, oh and also that my best friend hates bald people lol.
 my mom tells me i should go to a doctor that maybe they can somehow fix it because we have no baldness in the family but after reading allot i am not sure if its fixable i mean if its like a hormonal thing would my hair grow back if i lower it?
because its been allot of years too.

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Re: 23 young and my hair sucks
« Reply #8 on: August 11, 2015, 04:29:11 PM »
thank you very much :), but it so damn hard because i am young and its so damn weird for this stuff to happen at young age and also i have no family members with baldness,one of my fears is that ill look super old and stuff.
at list unlike other guys that say that when they had hair they had lots of women attention i had non even with hair.
actually my main problem with hair lose and going bald is women and looking old other than that i think i could have come to terms with it, oh and also that my best friend hates bald people lol.
 my mom tells me i should go to a doctor that maybe they can somehow fix it because we have no baldness in the family but after reading allot i am not sure if its fixable i mean if its like a hormonal thing would my hair grow back if i lower it?
because its been allot of years too.

I'm going to be slightly blunt here:

1. First of all, you need to find a new best friend. If your best friend hates bald people, who's to say s/he won't hate you if s/he discovers something else about you that s/he doesn't like about people. Safe to say that this person won't be offering much support here (we will)

2. Many women are looking for men who show confidence in themselves. I can tell you for a fact that most women will avoid men who are walking "pity parties" and those men with a "woe is me" attitude. If you shave bald, some girls may like guys who want to "stand out and do their own thing"

3. There are far more things in life that are worse than hair loss. I have a lady friend who just beat cancer for the second time, and she's so happy about her victory that she says she will never grow hair again (at least long hair, anyway) because having beaten cancer twice made her realize that hair and it's appearance is mental and physical and nothing more.

Good luck to you. Keep us posted and feel free to PM me if you want to discuss this further in a private setting.
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Offline JSmith120

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Re: 23 young and my hair sucks
« Reply #9 on: August 16, 2015, 02:39:06 AM »
You look much better shaved.

There is no way you can fix that, sorry. People with the slightest hair loss cant even fix theirs, and they end up progressing through mpb. Very few people are able to maintain their hair with those drugs that can cause awful side effects.

Now it's time to move on, and find ways to better yourself and live happy. Ways to do that: Simple. Do stuff that makes you happy. Positivity is key, that is a part of the law of attraction. Do you want to attract positivity or negativity? There are things uncontrollable in life, the best you can do is to live your life with no limits, and as happily as you can.

And plus, you look WAY better buzzed. You look more of a man! And definitely gonna be getting more ladies

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Re: 23 young and my hair sucks
« Reply #10 on: August 16, 2015, 05:16:33 AM »
Definitely suits you, yes, losing your hair young isn't great, but you've got all the worry and stress out of the way and can get on with your life

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Re: 23 young and my hair sucks
« Reply #11 on: August 17, 2015, 01:59:26 PM »
I totally recognize the hair growth on the first pics, I hated that look as well. Makes us look way older than we are.

The buzz from the second pics are a huge improvement, you look great!

In hindsight, the buzz set me up to shaving. The difference between very shortly buzzed to shaved doesn't have a huge impact. It made it very easy for me to accept that bald is my path to take. And I still am seeing it as my best option; a buzz would be too long for my taste.

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Re: 23 young and my hair sucks
« Reply #12 on: August 18, 2015, 03:47:23 PM »
No hair means no bad hair days. I highly recommend it.

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Re: 23 young and my hair sucks
« Reply #13 on: August 22, 2015, 10:21:23 AM »

You look fine with it buzzed short, and the addition of the stubble beard gives you a good look. I would keep it like that.

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Re: 23 young and my hair sucks
« Reply #14 on: August 22, 2015, 11:09:50 AM »
Welcome Dart!
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