Author Topic: Being called racist cause i'm bald  (Read 9179 times)

Offline TheBaldPiper

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Being called racist cause i'm bald
« on: September 14, 2014, 11:29:24 AM »
Hello people.
I'm new here to this forum my name is Mathias.
As the title says on my post i'm being called racist by people in middle of the open when i walk to the store.
It's mostly the same arabic men calling me that, don't get me wrong i'm not a racist of any kind.
I just dislike people that mistreats me and taking me for something i'm not.
As i don't mind other people reguardless of race, colour, religion.
I'm woundering if more of you fellow people have the same problem, i see that i may need some words of how you guys go along with this.
I do shave my head yes but it's because i'm going naturally bald so i get a toilet seat haircut if i don't shave it.
So please, help me here what am i supposed to do ? I don't mind immegrants but these people have been Calling me racist for the past years and they even stalk me and the police won't do fudge about it.

Offline Magoo

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Re: Being called racist cause i'm bald
« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2014, 11:47:59 AM »
What country are you from,sorry but the flag  I,m not familiar with ? Welcome to SBG.
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Offline TheBaldPiper

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Re: Being called racist cause i'm bald
« Reply #2 on: September 14, 2014, 11:48:52 AM »
It is the Swedish flag and thank you for the welcome

Offline Hingatao

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Re: Being called racist cause i'm bald
« Reply #3 on: September 14, 2014, 10:12:23 PM »
Probably the best thing to do is just ignore the comments and carry on with your life. If these people see that they don't bother you they'll have no incentive to continue with the insults.
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Offline Frontier Guy

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Re: Being called racist cause i'm bald
« Reply #4 on: September 15, 2014, 03:01:08 AM »
I agree with Hingatao.

They are getting some emotional payoff from the name calling, otherwise they would lose interest. I suggest being stoic and ensuring there is no visible sign that it has any effect on you.

Unfortunately there is very little you can do about ignorance, though this seems much more spiteful.
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Offline TheBaldPiper

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Re: Being called racist cause i'm bald
« Reply #5 on: September 15, 2014, 08:21:05 AM »
I don't react infront of them to what they are saying, my problem is that they do stalk me to my home.
Throwing things at the building vandalizing my home.
I don't know if i should take physical action to this, as the authority can't do anything about it.
I'm not a violent man, i only prefer physical actions when needed.
So that is why i'm asking for some advice to this.
Sorry for my bad spelling as i have dyslexia.

Offline Magoo

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Re: Being called racist cause i'm bald
« Reply #6 on: September 15, 2014, 08:29:44 PM »
It would appear the actions of these tormentors,would be illegal . I don't understand why the police do nothing.
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Offline TheBaldPiper

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Re: Being called racist cause i'm bald
« Reply #7 on: September 16, 2014, 06:18:24 PM »
They are but the current goverment thinks that all immegrants are ``mentally´´ wounded from war in their homecountries and that is why they won't do anything about it.
I'm not a racist or a hater of any living human in the world but why the heck won't they do anything about it just because they are immegrants ?
This is a problem here and it's not only me that suffers from this.
There are about 500 bald people in this Town all suffer from these peoples suppression because we are bald.

Offline buddha

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Re: Being called racist cause i'm bald
« Reply #8 on: September 17, 2014, 04:52:12 AM »
I've been shaving my head for about 15 years and have never encountered this problem. I don't know the reason that I have avoided this and I don't know how that translates to what is going on for you.
One thing I will pass along is I have an acquaintance who is from Norway. He also shaves his head but that is immaterial. He related to me some years ago that there is quite a bit of friction between native Norwegians and immigrants (I don't recall specifically the country of origin). So I'm wondering if the immigrant situation in your neck of the woods is somehow a bit more inflamed than what I have experienced here in the U. S..
Man, the only thing I can say is to attempt to put forth a friendly demeanor when dealing with this specific population. I think I have avoided a lot of problems this way. Maybe try to engage someone from this group one on one, offer to buy them a cup of coffee and sit and talk for a while. Maybe get to understand from them in a sort of relaxed conversation why they have singled you out as they have.
I try to remember, not always successfully I might add, that everyone I meet is fighting some kind of inner battle that I am not aware of. If I put myself out there so they can see that I'm not a threat and might even turn out to be a friend the feelings that they have about me and other bald white guys might abate.
BTW, my ancestry is from Oland. My grandparents emigrated in the early 1900s.
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Offline Bilko1

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Re: Being called racist cause i'm bald
« Reply #9 on: September 17, 2014, 05:57:05 AM »
Hi, fellow bald-brother!

Like what Buddha say's - I would try and be nice, put on a brave face & possibly try to engage in one-on-one communication with one of the guys that are picking on you to try see why the group are trying to cause problems for others.

When I first had my head shaved I was accused of being a Neo-nazi skinhead by some ignorant people. I gave them the "nice guy" treatment and it seemed to convince most folks that I was in no-way involved in any extremist or racial supremacy groups. Some people genuinely, for what-ever reason, automatically assume that because a guy chooses to shave his head that he is a Neo-nazi or racist.

I hope that things get resolved for you and the other bald guys that are being picked on, peaceably, of-course. I'll be thinking about you and praying for you.

All the best,


Offline Bluebriz

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Re: Being called racist cause i'm bald
« Reply #10 on: September 30, 2014, 01:58:21 AM »
If you're friendly towards others, if you project a warm and welcoming demeanour, then people who think such things and say such things will be few and far between.  I've heard it many years ago but not in 15 years or so at least.

Offline skinhead002

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Re: Being called racist cause i'm bald
« Reply #11 on: October 26, 2014, 06:58:19 AM »
Hello people.
I'm new here to this forum my name is Mathias.
As the title says on my post i'm being called racist by people in middle of the open when i walk to the store.
It's mostly the same arabic men calling me that, don't get me wrong i'm not a racist of any kind.
I just dislike people that mistreats me and taking me for something i'm not.
As i don't mind other people reguardless of race, colour, religion.
I'm woundering if more of you fellow people have the same problem, i see that i may need some words of how you guys go along with this.
I do shave my head yes but it's because i'm going naturally bald so i get a toilet seat haircut if i don't shave it.
So please, help me here what am i supposed to do ? I don't mind immegrants but these people have been Calling me racist for the past years and they even stalk me and the police won't do fudge about it.

Sounds like they're the bigoted ones judging people on appearance. Isnt it strange how people who "demand" tolerance and respect are the least likely to display it?  By the way, you do not have to defend yourself from false accusations of racism. My belly is full of that liberal BS from hypocrites using it to control people and/or violate free speech and other civil liberaties. 

Offline Cy

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Re: Being called racist cause i'm bald
« Reply #12 on: October 26, 2014, 07:54:24 PM »
I'm racially ambiguous, so different people ask me if I'm a skinhead, a buddhist monk, a gangbanger, or part of a cult.

It really depends on how the person perceives you.

Offline Munkynutz

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Re: Being called racist cause i'm bald
« Reply #13 on: October 28, 2014, 11:28:39 PM »
Heya man,

I understand. You still have the stigma in Europe over the skinheads and I have friends from Scandinavia down into Germany (Italy is not as bad) where shaving your head can equate you with being a racist.

Living in North America (even Britain doesn't have this same problem) we don't have this issue here.  It is just another hair style.  People may get called out on in once in a while for not having hair but of all the people I know with shaved heads no-one has been called out in a store for that.

My deepest sympathies to you for this.  It's going to be a bit of a hurdle.

For me my reaction would probably be to explain to them that I have lost a chunk of hair and am now shaving my head as a way of keeping a clean professional style and let them know they should show a little sensitivity but we're all different.  It may not be your approach.

Offline Nickd

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Re: Being called racist cause i'm bald
« Reply #14 on: March 21, 2015, 06:41:30 PM »
My first and hopefully my only negative experience happened this past Tuesday. A coworker of mine who is roughly 63 had just come back to work after being out for two months on medical leave. He had seen me with a buzz cut, but not a nearly bald buzz cut. He was passing through my area and says hey Nick, who shaved your head? What did you do join a cult and they convinced you to become a skin head? Now this guy is a decent old guy. We had never had a bad word between us before. He is also well regarded in our community. So as I stood there in disbelief that something like that just came from him, I searched for a response. I finally reassured him that I had not joined a cult and that I chose to cut my choice to cut my hair short. He looks at me and says well when a guy graduates from school, the hair cut he has then is the one he keeps for life. I wanted to laugh and say who the hell does that? Instead I just replied with I must of missed that memo. So off he went.

I couldn't help but think that despite this guy having a many coworkers younger than him and seeing our society change over time, he still harbors some beliefs that just aren't healthy. He in his 60's is blessed with a full head of hair, but we have a few guys ten years to even half his age with far less hair than he has. One has given up and has shaved his head, the others are desperately hanging on to every last strand of hair, but none of them have the same hair cut they had ten years ago, let alone graduation. I can only imagine what he's going to say to me in a few weeks when I'm completely bald.

While I wanted to share my experience I also want to share that despite his poor taste in words over my choice in hair style, we are still getting a long. That doesn't mean I'll forget what he said and I'll be sure to put him on the spot and make him try and defend his outdated oppion to our other coworkers, but I won't do it in a malicious way, but in a way that will hopefully spark a meaningful conversation that could perhaps open his mind to today, rather than harboring a 50's way of thinking.