Author Topic: thinking of going electric  (Read 1053 times)

Offline ws6guy

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thinking of going electric
« on: August 28, 2013, 10:14:29 AM »
I'm new here and I've been sly for 6 or so years.    So here's a little background info.  I've been using the headblade the whole time.  The issue I have is that I've only been able to go against the grain a few times as it is too much work and causes just a little irritation.  It seems that when I go against the grain that the blade just gets hung up on the hair.  So basically I never get a real smooth shave.

Anyway lately I've been getting too lazy to do my every other day shave.  So I'm thinking about going electric to maybe save a little time or hassle.  Maybe start using the electric in the shower as I hate trying to use a blade in the shower.

My biggest concern is skin irritation.  I tried a norelco about 10-12 years go on my face and would cause a lot of irritation on my neck  So I've been scared to waste the money again.

I'm leaning towards the Panny ES8243A.  I've seen here people are using shave oils and gels, are these needed?  What products should I use? I would prefer products over the counter so it's easy to get if I run out.

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Re: thinking of going electric
« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2013, 10:31:38 AM »
I have used a Remington triple foil electric shaver on a dailey basis. I use Atra pre-shave and it does a great job without irritation.
Bald by choice, and loving it!


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