Author Topic: My Fitness goals - dont know what iam doing  (Read 6423 times)

Offline fcb2001

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My Fitness goals - dont know what iam doing
« on: May 12, 2010, 09:34:31 AM »
I have no idea on how to mix up the regimend, and the diet,

Breakfast - one bowl of cereal
lunch - popcorn
dinner - either chicken or steak, a ton of leftovers

 may to september (when weather is ok to bike down from Estes Park (7500 feet above sea level) to Loveland (5000 feet above sea level)
sunday - 40 mile bike ride - down US 34 (takes 80 minutes)
monday - 40 mile bike ride - down US 34
tuesday - 40 mile bike ride - down US 34
wenesday - 40 mile bike ride - - down US 34
thursday - 65 mile bike ride - down US 36 (takes 2 hours)
friday - 65 mile bike ride - down US 36
saturday - 65 mile bike ride - down US 36

we have had crappy weather the past couple days so i havent had the opputunity to work out, and iam waiting for the snow to melt up in Estes Park

october to april

sunday - pick up basketball

monday - off day

tuesday - 1500 meter swim

wenesday - off day

thursday - 1500 meter swim

friday - pick up basketball

saturday - pick up soccer

i dont know wheater i should do weight work, i want to get to 185 by summer of 2012, i weigh 245, two years ago i was 330, the weight gain was due to the fact that i quit smoking in 1997,(2-3 packs a day, whenever i was stressed 4 packs a day)  and when ever i got the urge to smoke, i would eat, once in a while i do get the urge to smoke, i will not  smoke ever again, i smoked Lucky Strikes non filtered,  and Camel non filters, and chesterfield non filtered,  and i was hooked on those cigarettes, i know nothing about diets what should i do with meals, i have been eating lightly, i do treat myself for fast food once a week, and whenever iam on vacation i do pig out and eat a ton, the day i quit smoking  on June 4th 1997 i was 185.
should i be doing other actvities during th summer when there i incliment weather.

Offline Razor X

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Re: My Fitness goals - dont know what iam doing
« Reply #1 on: May 12, 2010, 06:22:02 PM »
I have no idea on how to mix up the regimend, and the diet,

Breakfast - one bowl of cereal
lunch - popcorn
dinner - either chicken or steak, a ton of leftovers

First of all, popcorn is not a meal.  I don't know how much you're eating for dinner, but you are either eating way, way too little -- which can shut down your metabolism and bring your weight loss to a grinding halt -- or you are loading up on calories at the end of the day.

You should strive to have a combination of protein and carbs at each meal.  A bowl of cereal really isn't sufficient.  Try having a Greek yogurt with your cereal; this is a recent discovery of mine; it has twice the amount of protein as regular yogurt.   Or try eating egg whites; they are a great source of protein, low in calories, and virtually fat free.  One of my favorite breakfasts is to cook up 5 or 6 egg whites with a couple of slices of lean, Canadian bacon and make  sandwich out of it using toasted whole wheat bread.  Avoid using white bread because it's more processed and higher on the glycemic scale than whole wheat.

For lunch, I would recommend a large salad with some lean meat (chicken or turkey) mixed in, with some low-calorie dressing (vinagarette style, not anything creamy).  Or try a turkey sandwich on whole grain bread, with a generous amount of lettuce and tomato.  And of course, easy on the mayo.

As I said before, popcorn is an OK snack, provided that it isn't drenched in butter, but you shouldn't be making a meal out of it.  You need protein.  Protein is the building block of muscle, which is essential to help burn fat.

I don't see any fruits or vegetables mentioned in your post.  You should get 5 servings of fruit and veg each day.  Try having a piece of fruit with each meal or as a snack in between meals.

For dinner, 4 or 5 ounces of lean meat with two or three vegetables -- and perhaps a complex carb like brown rice (not white, for the same reason you don't want to eat white bread) should suffice.

Remember that you need to make your diet as balanced as possible in order for your food to fuel your system properly and burn calories.  A balanced diet will also leave you feeling more satisfied with fewer cravings. 

I hope this helps.

Offline Razor X

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Re: My Fitness goals - dont know what iam doing
« Reply #2 on: May 12, 2010, 06:29:32 PM »

i dont know wheater i should do weight work, i want to get to 185 by summer of 2012, i weigh 245, two years ago i was 330, the weight gain was due to the fact that i quit smoking in 1997,(2-3 packs a day, whenever i was stressed 4 packs a day)  and when ever i got the urge to smoke, i would eat, once in a while i do get the urge to smoke, i will not  smoke ever again, i smoked Lucky Strikes non filtered,  and Camel non filters, and chesterfield non filtered,  and i was hooked on those cigarettes, i know nothing about diets what should i do with meals, i have been eating lightly, i do treat myself for fast food once a week, and whenever iam on vacation i do pig out and eat a ton, the day i quit smoking  on June 4th 1997 i was 185.
should i be doing other actvities during th summer when there i incliment weather.
Yes, you should do some work with weights.  Dieting puts your body under stress, which can force it into survival mode.  Our bodies are designed to hold onto fat, so you are likely losing some lean muscle mass along with body fat.  Strength training will help build the muscle back up, which in turn, will help you burn more fat.  It doesn't have to be anything really heavy -- get a couple of sets of dumbbells -- some 10 lbs and some 20 lbs are good to start.  There's also a lot you can do using your own body weight as resistance -- push-ups for example, are a great way to build strength.

If you do a lot of heavy lifting and build up a lot of muscle, it can actually cause you to maintain or even gain weight because muscle weighs more than fat.  That won't happen with the modest strength training I've recommended, but even if it does, bear in mind that you're not trying to lose weight, necessarily, you're trying to lose body fat.  So don't obsess too much on the number on the scale.  Focus more on your body fat percentage, and how  your clothes fit and how you look and feel.

Here's a good article for working out with little or no gym equipment.  An added bonus is that you can do these exercises indoors so they're a good option when the weather is bad:
« Last Edit: May 12, 2010, 06:32:56 PM by Razor X »

Offline fcb2001

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Re: My Fitness goals - dont know what iam doing
« Reply #3 on: May 13, 2010, 08:34:29 PM »
ill try it out, i only know how to cook a very limited amount of foods, i learned how to cook on boy scout campouts, and mostly meat, i dont know how to cook veggies or breakfast foods, and iam single, there is no oneelse to cook for me,

I have no idea on how to mix up the regimend, and the diet,

Breakfast - one bowl of cereal
lunch - popcorn
dinner - either chicken or steak, a ton of leftovers

First of all, popcorn is not a meal.  I don't know how much you're eating for dinner, but you are either eating way, way too little -- which can shut down your metabolism and bring your weight loss to a grinding halt -- or you are loading up on calories at the end of the day.

You should strive to have a combination of protein and carbs at each meal.  A bowl of cereal really isn't sufficient.  Try having a Greek yogurt with your cereal; this is a recent discovery of mine; it has twice the amount of protein as regular yogurt.   Or try eating egg whites; they are a great source of protein, low in calories, and virtually fat free.  One of my favorite breakfasts is to cook up 5 or 6 egg whites with a couple of slices of lean, Canadian bacon and make  sandwich out of it using toasted whole wheat bread.  Avoid using white bread because it's more processed and higher on the glycemic scale than whole wheat.

For lunch, I would recommend a large salad with some lean meat (chicken or turkey) mixed in, with some low-calorie dressing (vinagarette style, not anything creamy).  Or try a turkey sandwich on whole grain bread, with a generous amount of lettuce and tomato.  And of course, easy on the mayo.

As I said before, popcorn is an OK snack, provided that it isn't drenched in butter, but you shouldn't be making a meal out of it.  You need protein.  Protein is the building block of muscle, which is essential to help burn fat.

I don't see any fruits or vegetables mentioned in your post.  You should get 5 servings of fruit and veg each day.  Try having a piece of fruit with each meal or as a snack in between meals.

For dinner, 4 or 5 ounces of lean meat with two or three vegetables -- and perhaps a complex carb like brown rice (not white, for the same reason you don't want to eat white bread) should suffice.

Remember that you need to make your diet as balanced as possible in order for your food to fuel your system properly and burn calories.  A balanced diet will also leave you feeling more satisfied with fewer cravings. 

I hope this helps.

Offline fcb2001

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Re: My Fitness goals - dont know what iam doing
« Reply #4 on: May 13, 2010, 08:35:32 PM »
and ill pick up a set of 10 and 20 pound dumbells when i stop at walmart tomorrow

i dont know wheater i should do weight work, i want to get to 185 by summer of 2012, i weigh 245, two years ago i was 330, the weight gain was due to the fact that i quit smoking in 1997,(2-3 packs a day, whenever i was stressed 4 packs a day)  and when ever i got the urge to smoke, i would eat, once in a while i do get the urge to smoke, i will not  smoke ever again, i smoked Lucky Strikes non filtered,  and Camel non filters, and chesterfield non filtered,  and i was hooked on those cigarettes, i know nothing about diets what should i do with meals, i have been eating lightly, i do treat myself for fast food once a week, and whenever iam on vacation i do pig out and eat a ton, the day i quit smoking  on June 4th 1997 i was 185.
should i be doing other actvities during th summer when there i incliment weather.
Yes, you should do some work with weights.  Dieting puts your body under stress, which can force it into survival mode.  Our bodies are designed to hold onto fat, so you are likely losing some lean muscle mass along with body fat.  Strength training will help build the muscle back up, which in turn, will help you burn more fat.  It doesn't have to be anything really heavy -- get a couple of sets of dumbbells -- some 10 lbs and some 20 lbs are good to start.  There's also a lot you can do using your own body weight as resistance -- push-ups for example, are a great way to build strength.

If you do a lot of heavy lifting and build up a lot of muscle, it can actually cause you to maintain or even gain weight because muscle weighs more than fat.  That won't happen with the modest strength training I've recommended, but even if it does, bear in mind that you're not trying to lose weight, necessarily, you're trying to lose body fat.  So don't obsess too much on the number on the scale.  Focus more on your body fat percentage, and how  your clothes fit and how you look and feel.

Here's a good article for working out with little or no gym equipment.  An added bonus is that you can do these exercises indoors so they're a good option when the weather is bad:

Offline Razor X

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Re: My Fitness goals - dont know what iam doing
« Reply #5 on: May 13, 2010, 09:20:57 PM »
ill try it out, i only know how to cook a very limited amount of foods, i learned how to cook on boy scout campouts, and mostly meat, i dont know how to cook veggies or breakfast foods, and iam single, there is no oneelse to cook for me,

It isn't difficult.  Take a look at these vegetables; these are what I use.  You can pop the whole bag in the microwave for 5 or 6 minutes and they're cooked.  What could be easier than that?

Offline fcb2001

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Re: My Fitness goals - dont know what iam doing
« Reply #6 on: May 14, 2010, 01:41:15 AM »
thanx, ill check if king soopers or safeway carry them or walmart

ill try it out, i only know how to cook a very limited amount of foods, i learned how to cook on boy scout campouts, and mostly meat, i dont know how to cook veggies or breakfast foods, and iam single, there is no oneelse to cook for me,

It isn't difficult.  Take a look at these vegetables; these are what I use.  You can pop the whole bag in the microwave for 5 or 6 minutes and they're cooked.  What could be easier than that?


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Re: My Fitness goals - dont know what iam doing
« Reply #7 on: May 14, 2010, 08:18:45 PM »
I like the convenience of bags too, but sometimes I find a really good sale on the jumbo bags of frozen veggies at Wal-Mart or Kroger (Fred Meyer). They're way too much for one meal but I've found a quick and easy way to cook them recently.

Pick up a 2 cup glass measuring cup.  Toss your frozen veggies in there, add a couple of tablespoons of water, cover it with a little plastic wrap (poke a hole in it for a vent), and zap for 5-8 minutes (depending on how powerful your microwave is). Give them a quick stir about halfway through, and toss the cup in the dishwasher when you're done. :)