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Reactions to being Bald / Re: Bald wanna be's
« Last post by Thathawkguy001 on Today at 05:23:26 PM »
I had never really gone for a buzzcut before I was in college I had it to a 4 but that was as close as I had gone. I had a bad haircut and ended up going to another barber and he ended up buzzing my dirty blonde wavy hair to a 3 to even it out then I  bought my own clippers  ... that night I buzzed off to a 2...then 1. I decided that I had to try bald but wanted an excuse so I did st baldricks and let it grow out a bit. March of 2020 I sat down and had the barber take the trimmers and razor and get rid of it all. Like reddog I go back and forth but like him also I see a bald guy and get the itch. Usually though I keep shaved in the summer and grow it out in the winter. However that depends on if it keeps receding or starts thinning bad. I prefer the bald during summer.
Update I just shave year round now because I started thinning and no one wants to see that.
Introductions / Re: Is anyone still on the board?
« Last post by Thathawkguy001 on Today at 05:17:54 PM »
I'm still here and still bald though I'm thinning in the crown now so not so much by choice anymore. I'm here to help any younger 30s guys have the courage to shave it all off because I did and I have loved it for 4 years now.
Reactions to being Bald / Re: Bald wanna be's
« Last post by jason_greets on Today at 02:48:57 PM »
It sounds like you're hooked on the "baldie" haircut like the rest of us! Eleven years ago, I wanted to shave my head just once to see what it was like. Almost everyone said it looked good on me, and I soon fell in love with the look and feel of a smooth bald head.

In my case most of the responses have been positive and I have yet to encounter a negative one. I was surprised my mother didn't say a thing against it, except she might be hinting at it.  For instance, we looked at a family photos from two years ago before I started shaving my head and she commented how well I looked then. I just thought I looked kind of nerdy and babyfaced then.
Tattoos and Piercings / Re: Gold Earring
« Last post by jason_greets on Today at 10:38:31 AM »
It looks nice!

I actually pierced my ears for the first time last year to change my look significantly, that it to shave my head bald, grow out my facial hair, changing my glasses, and, of course, piercing my ears.  I also have loop earring and I like those the most.
That's one of the main reasons I started shaving my head.  Before that I used to let my hair grow out, be clean shaven, and wore these round rimless clear glasses. I'm naturally baby faced and look much younger than my age. I was 39 last year before I started shaving my head and most people thought I was in my late 20s. Not that there was anything wrong with that, but I wanted a new more mature and masculine look.

I would say that shaving off my hair, growing out my hair, getting my ears pierced for the first time, and switching my glasses for thicker rectangular shapes has helped me with the look that I want and I'm enjoying it.  I do want to build muscle to complete the look.  Not super muscular, but just with more definition.
I would say that even though I'm not naturally bald myself, I would tell that man not to be afraid.  What's more important is how you feel at the end and if it would make you more comfortable and it hurts no one, then do it.

Furthermore, while I could just be another guy with plenty of hair, I chose to shave it all off because the bald look looks very impressive to me and it usually looks better on most men, especially compared to balding.  To me the balding look make you look older, sick, depressed than a man with a smooth shaven look.

If I started to lose my hair and become permanently bald, I won't hesitate to shave off the rest of it. I mean I could potentially wear a toup?e, but I rather not deal with that. Not because there is some stigma or looks bad to many people, it's just not my style.
To be or not be...Bald / Re: Urge for a change
« Last post by jason_greets on Today at 10:03:38 AM »
I've been sporting the bald look for a little over 10 months now and growing out my hair has sometimes crossed my mind.  For now I'm happy with not having to deal with hair so I'm not in a hurry to let it grow.  In fact I shave my head daily to keep a smooth feel in my head. 

I will only let my hair grow it when I do feel like trying a new look, which doesn't happen very often.
Miscellaneous / Re: Been hitting the gym!
« Last post by jason_greets on Today at 09:47:20 AM »
That's good and encouraging to hear! I've been having some anxiety and I hear that exercise is a healthy way to deal with anxiety.  It would not only enhance my mood, but also my changing look.
Miscellaneous / Re: Laser hair removal on your scalp
« Last post by jason_greets on Today at 09:44:16 AM »
I've actually thought about doing it, but since I can still grow out my hair and may want to change my look I don't want to do it for now.  However, if I start seriously balding, I might be more inclined to do it for an even smooth look.
With the way my hair grows, I shave daily.

Otherwise I have this head stubble that feels uncomfortable to me if I don't have a smooth head.
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