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To be or not be...Bald / Re: First Laser Session Tuesday - Really scared!
« Last post by Josh-Mtl on May 05, 2024, 09:31:48 PM »
I used numbing cream and so glad I did. Nothing happened for 2 weeks except growth slowed to a crawl. Then I started losing lots of hair right at the 2 week mark -- virtually all the top and the front part of the sides. Strangely enough even though after it fell I could still see a faint gray shadow of where the hair had been,  in the fallen patches. Maybe future sessions will even it out. There's still a lot of dark hair at the back and the back half of the sides. I shave MUCH less and have much less irritation even after one session.
Unlike my conflicted feelings before, as soon as I'd done it I was so glad. Happy I had the guts to go through with it. I didn't have any regrets when I saw it falling out, I was just excited to watch the process. It's already simplified my morning routine and feeling and looking smoother. I hope the laser can catch the fine hairs left though and take care of the traces of shadow. I'll make a post when my treatment is further advanced. Thanks again for your support everybody.
To be or not be...Bald / Re: First Laser Session Tuesday - Really scared!
« Last post by Laser Man on May 04, 2024, 12:51:17 PM »
I did it! Painful but bearable. And I feel very happy about it.
I'll make a post in a couple weeks when you can see the before-after difference.
Thank you so much for your support, all of you, it made a difference for me.

Glad you took the chance! Did you use a numbing cream before the treatment?  I did for the first few, then found I didn't need to as the amount of dark hair diminished.

Hope you are happy with the results.
Tattoos and Piercings / Re: Bald and inked
« Last post by Laser Man on May 04, 2024, 12:48:35 PM »
Nice ink! They look good on you.
Tattoos and Piercings / Re: Bald and inked
« Last post by Semi-Sly on May 03, 2024, 07:48:56 AM »
I always wanted to have tattoos but only a few years ago I did it. I think that is a great look with the bald head.

Me too!

Yuour tattoos look great!

Since shaving my head, I also started getting tattoos and I?ve just kept going.

I am literally tattooed from the top of my head (scalp micro pigmentation) all the way down to my knees with complete coverage of everything except my face and neck and hands.

My tattoo artist is encouraging me to finish my legs with complete sleeves that go all the way down to the top of my feet
For me, it has been a very psychologically therapeutic way of dealing with my progressive disability. It?s the only sense of control I have over what?s happening to my body.
Beards / Re: Show us your beard!
« Last post by Magoo on April 28, 2024, 06:35:50 PM »
Best of luck with the health issues. This getting old is no fun. Have my own problems , as we all do.
Tattoos and Piercings / Bald and inked
« Last post by lordpeich on April 28, 2024, 02:33:58 AM »
I always wanted to have tattoos but only a few years ago I did it. I think that is a great look with the bald head.

Beards / Re: Show us your beard!
« Last post by DoberDaddy on April 27, 2024, 10:03:01 AM »
Beards / Re: Show us your beard!
« Last post by reddog on April 27, 2024, 07:01:05 AM »
@DoberDaddy , I'm sure it's so much easier going back to a bald head, and shaved smooth looks great on you!

Good luck with your health issues. Seems we all have some as we get older. I'm also diabetic, and it's a constant battle.
Beards / Re: Show us your beard!
« Last post by DoberDaddy on April 26, 2024, 01:55:32 AM »
Basically just what I said... just got tired of it.

I am off for a month to see family in Florida and Toronto, and didn't want to deal with the stress of yet ANOTHER thing stuck on my body, and all the crap you need to take care of it. Combined with the things I have started to deal with in the past year.

CGM (continuous glucose monitor) glued to my arm, changes every 14 days.
Insulin pump, also glued to various parts of my body (needs to be replaced every 3 days).
CPAP (that starts next week).

So with all the above things that I need to deal with... the hair (and the products) was more than I could see myself dealing with.
Beards / Re: Show us your beard!
« Last post by Magoo on April 25, 2024, 07:50:15 PM »
@ Dober Daddy what made you give the hair piece up ? 
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