Sly Bald Guys Forum

Discussions About Being Bald => General Discussion => Topic started by: marshd1000 on May 16, 2010, 03:49:53 PM

Title: Growing Hair Back If "God" Told You To
Post by: marshd1000 on May 16, 2010, 03:49:53 PM
I have a female friend, who I will call "Becky".  Becky has been a friend I have known for 20 years.  We used to attend the same church.  I am NOT in a romantic  relationship with her.  She has a heart of gold but is opinionated and way too controlling for my taste.  So marriage to her is out of the question! I care for her much like a sister.

Anyway, Becky has never liked the fact that I shave my head.  I explained to her all the reasons I shave it and the fact that I like it.  She also knows that my elderly stepmother does not like the shaved head either.  So a few years ago, Becky called me out of the blue to tell me she felt "God" was wanting me to grow my hair back to honor my stepmother  because I don't know how much time I will have left with her.  

In the Bible it does say that we are to honor our parents.  That much is true.  But I do believe that it is taking it out of context to say that if our parents don't like us to wear a blue shirt that I can't wear a blue shirt.  I  believe that to honor my parents means I am to have a respectful attitude towards them.  So when Becky mentioned that I should honor my stepmom by growning my hair back, I replied that I know what God's voice sounds like and that if He really wanted me to grow the hair back....that I would.  But I have not heard God telling me that

Many of you here on SBG know that my stepmom is 92 and has had a health crisis lately.  Becky likes my stepmom a lot.  So on my way to church this morning, Becky started to harp on me again about growing my hair back as  God could  be ready to take my stepmom, "home".  I reinterated that if "God" told me to grow my hair back, that I would listen to Him.  But she does not need to remind me of that again.  I actually was ready to hang up if she persisted.  I can't stand controlling!!!!!  When I did reinterate, it did get her off my least for awhile.

So I am wondering if any of you have ever encountered this kind of pressure to grow the hair back especially from one person?

Also, I do realize that not everybody here is a Christian like I am.  But would you grow your hair back if "God" told you to?

While I really like the bald look, if I truly knew it was God telling me to grow it back, I would.  I care more about my relationship with God than being sly.  I have been a Christian since 1976, so I feel that I can hear God's voice without being harped at!
Title: Re: Growing Hair Back If "God" Told You To
Post by: tomgallagher on May 16, 2010, 04:06:59 PM
I think that God has more important things to worry about than your hair mate.
Title: Re: Growing Hair Back If "God" Told You To
Post by: Razor X on May 16, 2010, 04:09:47 PM
I think she's manipulating you to get you to do what she wants, not what God wants.  If God wants you to grow your hair back, he'll make his wishes known to you on no uncertain terms.  He knows where to find you.

I also think that she's exploiting your stepmom's illness to emotionally blackmail you, which is not such a nice thing to do.   :Xo!
Title: Re: Growing Hair Back If "God" Told You To
Post by: marshd1000 on May 16, 2010, 04:32:12 PM
I think she's manipulating you to get you to do what she wants, not what God wants.  If God wants you to grow your hair back, he'll make his wishes known to you on no uncertain terms.  He knows where to find you.

I also think that she's exploiting your stepmom's illness to emotionally blackmail you, which is not such a nice thing to do.   :Xo!

See, that is exactly why I have never been romantically involved with her!
Title: Re: Growing Hair Back If "God" Told You To
Post by: Mikekoz13 on May 16, 2010, 05:19:41 PM
I think you know the answer to your question for true Believers....

Also.... I'd tell "Becky" to mind her own business............
Title: Re: Growing Hair Back If "God" Told You To
Post by: Magoo on May 16, 2010, 05:45:55 PM
All the above MARSH ,I especially agree with Tom G.
Title: Re: Growing Hair Back If "God" Told You To
Post by: Rob on May 16, 2010, 05:59:05 PM
I would have thought God liked you just the way you are.   8)
Title: Re: Growing Hair Back If "God" Told You To
Post by: buddha on May 16, 2010, 06:09:42 PM
No question. If God appeared before me and told me that he wanted me to grow my hair back I would start immediately. If an acquaintence told me that God came to her and told her to tell me to grow my hair back I would tell her that the next time she talked to God to tell him to come and talk to me.

P. S.: The following is not intended as disrespect for your stepmom. I work in the health care field doing patient care. Most of the people I work with are elderly. From my experience, if a person is 92 years old, every day that they wake up carries with it the distinct possibility of a health crisis.
For this woman to use this against you to try to bend you to her will is disturbing. I think that the best thing I could think of to do with regard to someone like her is create distance. A lot of distance. This is NOT a characteristic of a person with "a heart of gold"! This is a characteristic of a sick mind. Demand that she get some therapy before she talks to you (or your stepmom) again.
Title: Re: Growing Hair Back If "God" Told You To
Post by: ChallengeMe on May 16, 2010, 06:10:02 PM

A: Everything God is going to tell us is already in scripture. Many things are black and white in His Word, other things are in gray areas. Which leads to....

B: 1 Corinthians 8:9 "But take care that this right of yours does not somehow become a stumbling block to the weak." If shaving your head keeps someone from coming to Christ, you need to change your hair style. I am sure there are many other things your step mother objects to in her life and a shaved head is probably near the bottom of the list. Honoring your parents does not mean anything with this subject; at your age, it means to take care of your parents.

I have a sister like your friend. We were very close when younger. But she is very opinionated, and if you don't do what she thinks you should, she criticizes and judges you for everything. It hurts, but I try to avoid speaking to her about most things, and bite my tongue.
Title: Re: Growing Hair Back If "God" Told You To
Post by: D.A.L.U.I. on May 16, 2010, 07:00:43 PM
My stars, that woman needs help.  You have lost your hair, she's lost her mind.  Plus what ever happened to the line from the Bible, "The word of the Lord is a still, small voice!"  With all her chattering about your head, when was she listening?
Title: Re: Growing Hair Back If "God" Told You To
Post by: chgobuzzbald on May 16, 2010, 07:23:53 PM
PLease stop buying into this idea of God as a bitchy, manipulative, moody, demanding creature and one seeking to control our choice of hairstyles !! Thats what humans are, not God. Half of what got into the Bible is from bitchy, demanding, greedy, manipulative people who got it in there to control others !!! Remember A few thousand years ago almost no one went to a school and few could read or write. Hence much of this Bibical material was designed to frighten and control them. Today surely we know better ??
Title: Re: Growing Hair Back If "God" Told You To
Post by: marshd1000 on May 16, 2010, 09:45:24 PM
PLease stop buying into this idea of God as a bitchy, manipulative, moody, demanding creature and one seeking to control our choice of hairstyles !! Thats what humans are, not God. Half of what got into the Bible is from bitchy, demanding, greedy, manipulative people who got it in there to control others !!! Remember A few thousand years ago almost no one went to a school and few could read or write. Hence much of this Bibical material was designed to frighten and control them. Today surely we know better ??

While I am not going to get into a religious argument here, I do believe in the Bible.  But my interpretation of it is that God is NOT bitchy.  I do believe that my friend can be manipulative etc.  But I do know how to stand my ground!  Plus....BOUNDARIES are a great thing!
Title: Re: Growing Hair Back If "God" Told You To
Post by: Morthen on May 16, 2010, 10:17:45 PM
I don't want to sound mean but, god telling you to grow your hair back? really? She sounds like a basket case and I hate people that try to control like that. Now I got nothing against religion, but I highly doubt people growing their hair back for their stepmothers is on the top of gods to do list.

Title: Re: Growing Hair Back If "God" Told You To
Post by: TheSlyBear on May 16, 2010, 11:14:19 PM
Just another sad case, I fear, of someone trying to use religion to forward their own agenda.
Title: Re: Growing Hair Back If "God" Told You To
Post by: GASlick on May 17, 2010, 05:43:36 AM
I found this thread fascinating! Theologically, there are so many arguments to be made here.  But I'm not going there.

I'm pretty sure God would let YOU, not her, know what He wanted.  Lord knows He's let me know things before!  ;D
Title: Re: Growing Hair Back If "God" Told You To
Post by: Vash on May 17, 2010, 06:04:54 AM
No disrespect intended in any of the following:

"God wants you to do X" is one of the oldest means of manipulation known to man. People have been and still are manipulated into doing just about anything from cleaning your room as a kid to committing genocides as an adult predicated on someone telling them that "God wants you too..."

From the Crusades to Manifest Destiny to "AIDS is bad, but condoms are worse" to "Send me a check for $100" to "God hates _____" to "Shave your head to honor your step-mom". All over the world, throughout history and still today. It's all varying degrees of the same emotional leverage. if someone says God says it's so, it must be right. And somebody, somewhere will believe that at face value.

A lot of people have done (and continue to do) a lot of stupid things because someone ELSE told them what God wanted them to do and they believed that person. But they were believing that person. Not what they beleive to be God.

Sincerity does not equal truth. Just cause somebody says it, even if they believe it, doesn't make it true.

Do whatever YOU think is right for you and call Becky out on her manipulation. She doesn't seem to have your best interest in mind, just her own desires to control your looks, but people can only get away with the behaviors we let them get away with.

Like I said. No disrespect intended.
Title: Re: Growing Hair Back If "God" Told You To
Post by: Gambrinus on May 17, 2010, 08:00:23 AM
I was thinking more along the lines of
Mathew 7:3-5
 3"Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? 4How can you say to your brother, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye,' when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? 5You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye.

and Matthew 22:36-40
 36"Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?" 37Jesus replied: " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.'[a] 38This is the first and greatest commandment. 39And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' 40All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments."

And as far as the other I would refer to John 1:1

Love You Guys

Hope this helps
Title: Re: Growing Hair Back If "God" Told You To
Post by: usmcpelon on May 17, 2010, 08:48:25 AM
About 5 or 6 years ago, while washing my truck with a friend who has always shaved his head a young guy appear out of nowhere and started preaching to us.  He mentioned all these things that we were doing that were sins in the eyes of god.  One of these things was my friend’s shaved head and my high & tight horseshoe flattop.  At the time we thought nothing of it.  But now that your guys mention it, it bring memories of that day. 

The bible does mention shaved heads and long hair however I haven’t seen anything that prohibits a man from shaving his head.  Read Corinthians below:

11:4 every man praying or prophesying with his head covered, disgraceth his head.
11:5 But every woman praying or prophesying with her head not covered disgraceth her head: for it is all one as if she were shaven.
11:6 for if a woman be not covered, let her be shorn. But if it be a shame to a woman to be shorn or made bald, let her cover her head.
11:7 the man indeed ought not to cover his head, because he is the image and glory of God; but the woman is the glory of the man.
11:8 for the man is not of the woman, but the woman of the man.
11:9 for the man was not created for the woman, but the woman for the man.
11:10 therefore ought the woman to have a power over her head, because of the angels.
11:11 But yet neither is the man without the woman, nor the woman without the man, in the Lord.
11:12 for as the woman is of the man, so also is the man by the woman: but all things of God.
11:13 you yourselves judge: doth it become a woman, to pray unto God uncovered?
11:14 Doth not even nature itself teach you, that a man indeed, if he nourish his hair, it is a shame unto him?
11:15 But if a woman nourish her hair, it is a glory to her; for her hair is given to her for a covering.
What do you guys thing?

Title: Re: Growing Hair Back If "God" Told You To
Post by: PowerOfCheese on May 17, 2010, 08:55:22 AM
That's just weird.
Title: Re: Growing Hair Back If "God" Told You To
Post by: marshd1000 on May 17, 2010, 09:02:25 AM
Vash, I know you don't mean any disrespect.  I do agree with much of what you said.
Usmcpelon, I also don't see where it is prohibited for a man to shave his head.  If Becky ever mentions this again, a friend suggested that I say this, "So who nominated you to become my personal Holy Spirit?"
Title: Re: Growing Hair Back If "God" Told You To
Post by: usmcpelon on May 17, 2010, 09:24:13 AM
I certainly did mean to offend anyone, just thought I share what happen and the result of the reseach into the subject.
Title: Re: Growing Hair Back If "God" Told You To
Post by: The Noggin on May 17, 2010, 10:15:20 AM
I agree with Vash.
Everything starting with "God told me ..." sounds suspicious to me.
Title: Re: Growing Hair Back If "God" Told You To
Post by: ChallengeMe on May 17, 2010, 11:23:37 AM
I agree with Vash.
Everything starting with "God told me ..." sounds suspicious to me.

She never claimed the God told her. Her quote was
"she felt "God" was wanting me to grow my hair back to honor my stepmother"

No one here was claiming divine interpretation.
Title: Re: Growing Hair Back If "God" Told You To
Post by: BillOnBass on May 17, 2010, 11:25:50 AM
I agree with Vash.
Everything starting with "God told me ..." sounds suspicious to me.

I think they have pills for that.
Title: Re: Growing Hair Back If "God" Told You To
Post by: Gambrinus on May 17, 2010, 12:47:53 PM
I found this in my ESV Study Bible and thought it might enlighten some of the verses in 1 Corinthians

1 Cor. 11:4  head covered. The Greek phrase (kata kephalēs) literally means “down from the head” and may refer either to long hair that hangs loose (vv. 14–15), or to a veil that covers the face, or to a piece of cloth pulled over the head (like a modern shawl or scarf) that leaves the face revealed. As background for understanding Paul's point in this verse, Roman men sometimes practiced the custom of pulling the loose folds of their toga over their head as an act of piety in the worship of pagan gods. Paul thus draws on the example of this pagan custom (which everyone in the Corinthian church would have thought absurd) to make the point that men should not dishonor Christ by praying according to pagan custom (8:4). He then uses the idea to prepare the way for his argument that it is equally absurd for wives to pray or prophesy in public with their heads uncovered (11:5, 11).
Title: Re: Growing Hair Back If "God" Told You To
Post by: marshd1000 on May 18, 2010, 07:32:50 PM
WOW.....guys....I appreciate all of the feedback!!!!  Anyway, I have 3 dear sly Christian friends that I have also talked to.  They pretty much agree with you all.  And not because they are sly.  They believe that the issue is NOT the bald head.  They all agreed that it is an excuse to manipulate, that Becky has her own agenda.  Becky basically used my stepmom's illness and dislike of the shaved head to further her own controlling agenda.  Since Becky and I don't attend the same church anymore, I don't see her as much.  But I have decided to confront her on her manipulation.  I am not going to be mean spirited about it.  But too many times, in the past, I have let people run over me  because I thought I was supposed to be "nice".  But I do see that there is a time and place to be nice and try to not hurt someone.  But since I consider her a friend, I do believe that friends need to be truthful.  Sometimes, the truth hurts.  Also I told my stepmom what was going on.  And even though I know she would like me to grow my hair out, she was on my side on this one!  When I do finally talk to Becky about this, I will let you all know what happens!
Title: Re: Growing Hair Back If "God" Told You To
Post by: Dome of Steele on May 18, 2010, 11:05:38 PM
I agree with Gallagher and Razor X. 

Also I looked up honor in the dictionary.
the state of being honored.
–verb (used with object)
to hold in honor or high respect; revere: to honor one's parents.

To me, this just means to treat your mother with respect.  It doesn't mean to conform to every petty wish of your parents. 
Maybe you should share this dictionary reference with Becky.  And tell her she's not being a good friend.

To me this is a perfect example of misconstruing holy scripture to carry out one's one wishes. 

You love your sly head, and it looks great on you Marsh.  Tell Beck to stop brewing up conflict and get short with her if necessary.  You are the captain of this ship (your dome). 

Title: Re: Growing Hair Back If "God" Told You To
Post by: Rusty Shackleford on May 20, 2010, 03:23:14 PM
It sounds to me like your friend is a perfect example of why so many people hate religion and the idea of a god.  When those people hear believers saying such ridiculous things is it just drives them away.  It sounds to me like your bald noggin was on her mind for one reason or another and then something odd happened and she decided that was God telling her she needs to get you to grow your hair.

Like someone else wrote, God has more important things to worry about than your hair.  It may be possible, but if it is then God should speak to you about it.
Title: Re: Growing Hair Back If "God" Told You To
Post by: hammerdrill376 on May 20, 2010, 06:23:47 PM
I grew up in Pentecostal and Charismatic churches and heard alot of "words from the Lord for you" type messages. I don't discount all of them but alot of them were more a person manipulating in the name of the Lord.

Bottom line is God does not care if we are bald or not.
Title: Re: Growing Hair Back If "God" Told You To
Post by: GASlick on May 20, 2010, 07:21:36 PM
HERE! HERE! Hammerdrill!!
Title: Re: Growing Hair Back If "God" Told You To
Post by: marshd1000 on May 20, 2010, 07:39:45 PM
I currently attend a Assemblies of God church.  Becky attends the Foursquare church I used to attend.  I do believe in the supernatural.  But I do believe that she was trying to manipulate.  However, I do want to clarify, she did NOT say that God told her that I was to grow my hair back.  But she DID feel that the Bible wants us to honor our parents.  Therefore, since my stepmother does not like my shaved head, Becky thought that maybe I should grow the hair back in order to honor her.  She was implying that I was not acting like a Christian since I did not grow my hair back.  Again, a few years ago when she mentioned this, I did say that IF the Holy Spirit truly told me to grow my hair back, I would.  So last Sunday, she was wondering if I was still open to hearing from the Holy Spirit on this.  But truly, I do feel that it was more pressure by her, disguised in religious terms, to get me to look the way SHE feels I should look!  Again, I even told my stepmother about this.  She also agreed that Becky was being manipulative.  I told my pastor about it and he agreed too!  So the official word is.....Marshall is keeping the shaved head.  To be honest, I had thought of growing it back for a season when I lost a lot more weight.  But I am quite inclined to not even do that, unless Becky moved to Outer Mongolia!!!     :*)) O0 :Xo! :/O
Title: Re: Growing Hair Back If "God" Told You To
Post by: Tennessee on May 20, 2010, 10:16:56 PM
Just had to chime in on this one!!!

I attend a "Word of Faith" church, or charismatic if you prefer, and I feel the Lord leads and guides us into all truth and righteousness. He will even lead us to do things we cannot find Bible for (but not against the Bible either). The Lord once led me to give up sweet tea!! Granted I am a bit fat and when I did I dropped 2 pant sizes. Therefore it was to help me. If I were to put my opinion on this I would say if you love God more than being sly he would not have a problem with it, i.e. God is still God. In light of the manipulation I would think God would want you to flaunt it just to point out the manipulation in Becky's heart with the hope that she could see it. God seems to like to point out our faults (just like a father) so we can deal with them!!!

Just a side note Paul was in sin when he shaved his head, but he did it to satisfy the religious people who told him he should. Thus the reason it was sin, he was being a man pleaser! Apollos was also shaved but it was not sin for him.

Title: Re: Growing Hair Back If "God" Told You To
Post by: Rusty Shackleford on May 21, 2010, 01:14:31 PM
Just a side note Paul was in sin when he shaved his head, but he did it to satisfy the religious people who told him he should. Thus the reason it was sin, he was being a man pleaser! Apollos was also shaved but it was not sin for him.

Exactly.  When it comes to actions that have no direct impact on others the action can be sinful or not sinful depending upon the heart of the person performing the action.

For example, I could see it considered sinful if Marsh believed his shaved head allowed him to appear sexy to women and would allow him to woo unsuspecting women into relationships where he could exploit them.

I could see it if he shaved his head solely or even partially for the fun of angering someone. 

I could also see it if he was excessively, obnoxiously, vain about his appearance.  So excessive that it caused him to harm those around him (i.e. he has a fight and says "Look at me!  Why did I ever marry someone as ugly as you!" Female sobbing ensues.)

But if Marsh shaves his head because he likes it, then it cannot be sinful!
Title: Re: Growing Hair Back If "God" Told You To
Post by: Sgt. Pate on May 21, 2010, 11:31:49 PM
You know, I'm really glad God is more concerned with the motives of my heart than the hair, or lack there of, on my head!  ;)
Title: Re: Growing Hair Back If "God" Told You To
Post by: Gambrinus on May 21, 2010, 11:47:03 PM
You know, I'm really glad God is more concerned with the motives of my heart than the hair, or lack there of, on my head!  ;)

Well said  ;D
Title: Re: Growing Hair Back If "God" Told You To
Post by: RyanJP on May 22, 2010, 07:30:24 PM
I think the least of God's worries would be if you had hair or not, priorities are a pain for a higher power.
Title: Re: Growing Hair Back If "God" Told You To
Post by: MikeInPdx on May 22, 2010, 07:40:04 PM
You know, I'm really glad God is more concerned with the motives of my heart than the hair, or lack there of, on my head!  ;)

Another one that agrees!

I"m Presbyterian, and I strongly believe that God speaks to us often through our conscience. Outside sources, I respect, but I listen to my conscience before I listen to friends. :)

Take care,
Title: Re: Growing Hair Back If "God" Told You To
Post by: bubbadave3 on May 23, 2010, 10:15:41 PM
I think she's manipulating you to get you to do what she wants, not what God wants.  If God wants you to grow your hair back, he'll make his wishes known to you on no uncertain terms.  He knows where to find you.

I also think that she's exploiting your stepmom's illness to emotionally blackmail you, which is not such a nice thing to do.   :Xo!

Title: Re: Growing Hair Back If "God" Told You To
Post by: bubbadave3 on May 23, 2010, 10:20:32 PM
I found this in my ESV Study Bible and thought it might enlighten some of the verses in 1 Corinthians

1 Cor. 11:4  head covered. The Greek phrase (kata kephalēs) literally means “down from the head” and may refer either to long hair that hangs loose (vv. 14–15), or to a veil that covers the face, or to a piece of cloth pulled over the head (like a modern shawl or scarf) that leaves the face revealed. As background for understanding Paul's point in this verse, Roman men sometimes practiced the custom of pulling the loose folds of their toga over their head as an act of piety in the worship of pagan gods. Paul thus draws on the example of this pagan custom (which everyone in the Corinthian church would have thought absurd) to make the point that men should not dishonor Christ by praying according to pagan custom (8:4). He then uses the idea to prepare the way for his argument that it is equally absurd for wives to pray or prophesy in public with their heads uncovered (11:5, 11).

I happen to be a seminary student at a fairly sound school.  I use the ESV Study Bible all the time, and have found it to be a tremendous help.
Title: Re: Growing Hair Back If "God" Told You To
Post by: bubbadave3 on May 23, 2010, 10:23:11 PM
WOW.....guys....I appreciate all of the feedback!!!!  Anyway, I have 3 dear sly Christian friends that I have also talked to.  They pretty much agree with you all.  And not because they are sly.  They believe that the issue is NOT the bald head.  They all agreed that it is an excuse to manipulate, that Becky has her own agenda.  Becky basically used my stepmom's illness and dislike of the shaved head to further her own controlling agenda.  Since Becky and I don't attend the same church anymore, I don't see her as much.  But I have decided to confront her on her manipulation.  I am not going to be mean spirited about it.  But too many times, in the past, I have let people run over me  because I thought I was supposed to be "nice".  But I do see that there is a time and place to be nice and try to not hurt someone.  But since I consider her a friend, I do believe that friends need to be truthful.  Sometimes, the truth hurts.  Also I told my stepmom what was going on.  And even though I know she would like me to grow my hair out, she was on my side on this one!  When I do finally talk to Becky about this, I will let you all know what happens!

I'm going to have to go back and re-review this story, but in the OT these kids were insulting a prophet of God who was bald.  As a result, I seem to remember that they were cursed and maybe even destroyed for speaking against a bald prophet of God.  So, that seems like a pretty powerful endorsement in my mind.  Maybe your friend wants to be destroyed by God for speaking out against your bald head.  Oh, I forgot, we're living in a time of grace.
Title: Re: Growing Hair Back If "God" Told You To
Post by: bubbadave3 on May 23, 2010, 10:24:27 PM
I grew up in Pentecostal and Charismatic churches and heard alot of "words from the Lord for you" type messages. I don't discount all of them but alot of them were more a person manipulating in the name of the Lord.

Bottom line is God does not care if we are bald or not.

I totally agree with you.  As I like to put it, I'm a Christian IN SPITE OF other believers, not BECAUSE OF other believers.
Title: Re: Growing Hair Back If "God" Told You To
Post by: bubbadave3 on May 23, 2010, 10:28:03 PM
I have a female friend, who I will call "Becky".  Becky has been a friend I have known for 20 years.  We used to attend the same church.  I am NOT in a romantic  relationship with her.  She has a heart of gold but is opinionated and way too controlling for my taste.  So marriage to her is out of the question! I care for her much like a sister.

Anyway, Becky has never liked the fact that I shave my head.  I explained to her all the reasons I shave it and the fact that I like it.  She also knows that my elderly stepmother does not like the shaved head either.  So a few years ago, Becky called me out of the blue to tell me she felt "God" was wanting me to grow my hair back to honor my stepmother  because I don't know how much time I will have left with her.  

In the Bible it does say that we are to honor our parents.  That much is true.  But I do believe that it is taking it out of context to say that if our parents don't like us to wear a blue shirt that I can't wear a blue shirt.  I  believe that to honor my parents means I am to have a respectful attitude towards them.  So when Becky mentioned that I should honor my stepmom by growning my hair back, I replied that I know what God's voice sounds like and that if He really wanted me to grow the hair back....that I would.  But I have not heard God telling me that

Many of you here on SBG know that my stepmom is 92 and has had a health crisis lately.  Becky likes my stepmom a lot.  So on my way to church this morning, Becky started to harp on me again about growing my hair back as  God could  be ready to take my stepmom, "home".  I reinterated that if "God" told me to grow my hair back, that I would listen to Him.  But she does not need to remind me of that again.  I actually was ready to hang up if she persisted.  I can't stand controlling!!!!!  When I did reinterate, it did get her off my least for awhile.

So I am wondering if any of you have ever encountered this kind of pressure to grow the hair back especially from one person?

Also, I do realize that not everybody here is a Christian like I am.  But would you grow your hair back if "God" told you to?

While I really like the bald look, if I truly knew it was God telling me to grow it back, I would.  I care more about my relationship with God than being sly.  I have been a Christian since 1976, so I feel that I can hear God's voice without being harped at!

Tell "Becky" that you're making it easier on God by not having as many hairs for Him to count.  Which means that she should shave HER head to make it easier on God as well.
Title: Re: Growing Hair Back If "God" Told You To
Post by: Pshrynk on May 29, 2010, 08:22:51 AM
God not bitchy?

Ummmmm.... about the overall mythos of the the old testament.  That is one moody, diffident and insecure god.
Title: Re: Growing Hair Back If "God" Told You To
Post by: InProgress on May 29, 2010, 01:00:23 PM
That's absurd. I think it's shameful when people propound themselves as prophets of god's will for political purposes or personal gain. Sadly, that happens a lot (even institutionally among some sects...).
Title: Re: Growing Hair Back If "God" Told You To
Post by: Tyler on June 01, 2010, 11:57:33 AM
I agree with GASlick and Hammerdrill.  If you have a personal relationship with God (Marsh, I know you do) then God will make it very clear what His will is.  While He will often use others to carry out his message, this does not sound like a time that He did.
Title: Re: Growing Hair Back If "God" Told You To
Post by: Paul on June 01, 2010, 01:14:16 PM
I have to agree with many of the other bros here Marsh.  The Lord has far more to worry with mankind than hair.   You only have to look at the awesome world around us to know that God loves variety.  Besides, if he wanted everyone to have hair he wouldn't have created MPB
Title: Re: Growing Hair Back If "God" Told You To
Post by: marshd1000 on June 01, 2010, 01:55:01 PM
I have to agree with many of the other bros here Marsh.  The Lord has far more to worry with mankind than hair.   You only have to look at the awesome world around us to know that God loves variety.  Besides, if he wanted everyone to have hair he wouldn't have created MPB
             O0 O0 O0
Title: Re: Growing Hair Back If "God" Told You To
Post by: kenny57028 on June 04, 2010, 10:13:00 AM
I don't think God would care if you had hair or not. l*v3
Title: Re: Growing Hair Back If "God" Told You To
Post by: bubbadave3 on June 06, 2010, 12:09:12 AM
I would like to point out for those who don't know this, I spent last weekend with Marshall in Seattle.  Most of my family was with me, and we had a good time hanging out together.  Plus, we got to see Ironman 2 together <G>.
Title: Re: Growing Hair Back If "God" Told You To
Post by: marshd1000 on June 06, 2010, 03:20:44 PM
I would like to point out for those who don't know this, I spent last weekend with Marshall in Seattle.  Most of my family was with me, and we had a good time hanging out together.  Plus, we got to see Ironman 2 together <G>.

Plus, Bubba is one of the people, I call, "My Bald Band of Brothers", that convinced me that I need to talk to "Becky" about this.  I am supposed to get together today with her.  But there is a possibility that someone else is going to be there at the same time.  So if someone else is there, then the "talk" will wait until later!
Title: Re: Growing Hair Back If "God" Told You To
Post by: marshd1000 on June 07, 2010, 12:19:29 AM
Well guys, I finally talked to "Becky" today.  I had prepared what I wanted to say by writing it out and reading it to her, so I could stay on the subject.  So when I went over to meet her to go out to dinner, I read it to her before we left.  

I told her in a very calm manner but to the point.  I let her know that my stepmom already feels that I honor her by my actions.  I told "Becky" that if God truly told me to grow the hair back, that I would.  I even gave an example of where God was dealing with me on a way more major issue and where I changed as a result.  

But more importantly, I stated that I felt that she was manipulating me to grow my hair back by using my love for my stepmother to influence me to do it.  "Becky" in the past had admitted to me that she has manipulated people to get her way.  I told her that friends don't manipulate friends.  I told her that the case is closed on this subject, never to be mentioned again.  

As a result, she did not argue with any of the things I had stated.   Bascially admitting by her silence that what I said was true.

When I was through, she told me that God had dealt with her after that conversation about her trying to manipulating me.  She then said that God let her know that she was very lucky to have me as a friend.  She was crying when she said that.  So it was good to see that she was remorseful.  She also said that she will not do that again.

So I was say it was a good growing experience for the both of us.  For me, I really hate confrontation.  I have often been the people pleaser and  often felt that if someone saw something that they felt needed to be changed in me then I probably needed to do it or that I was bad and that they were right.  But  I have personally grown where I can see through all the bull$*&t and know that I can be right and not be sorry for it.  I also see that sometimes confrontation is necessary and boundaries are a great thing.  Plus, it was good to see "Becky" called on her $h*t.  So there you have it!  Thanks for all the feedback and encouragement!

I should also add, I will probably never grow my head hair back again.  God will truly have to shake my world to do it.....without "Becky's" or anyone else's influence!
Title: Re: Growing Hair Back If "God" Told You To
Post by: Razor X on June 07, 2010, 05:43:43 AM
Good job standing your ground and making your feelings known in a calm, rational way.
Title: Re: Growing Hair Back If "God" Told You To
Post by: bubbadave3 on June 08, 2010, 01:34:53 AM
See, the real issue is that Becky would be more turned on by Marsh and really want to jump his bones if he had hair.
Title: Re: Growing Hair Back If "God" Told You To
Post by: marshd1000 on June 08, 2010, 02:08:51 PM
See, the real issue is that Becky would be more turned on by Marsh and really want to jump his bones if he had hair.


 :*))  :Xo!  >:(    :P

Bubba, since I personally know need to be slapped!!!!!   OOPS!  I forgot, you can't do that to the willing!
Title: Re: Growing Hair Back If "God" Told You To
Post by: bubbadave3 on June 09, 2010, 10:30:56 PM
but, alas, tis true, Marsh--she probably would get so turned on by you with hair that she'd throw ya onta a couch n jump ya <G>
Title: Re: Growing Hair Back If "God" Told You To
Post by: marshd1000 on June 10, 2010, 07:53:23 AM
but, alas, tis true, Marsh--she probably would get so turned on by you with hair that she'd throw ya onta a couch n jump ya <G>

Truly scary thought!  I am sure that after my discussion about her, that most here would not blame me for being repulsed!       :*))
Title: Re: Growing Hair Back If "God" Told You To
Post by: Magoo on June 10, 2010, 10:54:18 AM
Give the girl a break Marsh, she seems truly remorseful.At least she shed a tear. :'(
Title: Re: Growing Hair Back If "God" Told You To
Post by: bubbadave3 on June 10, 2010, 12:50:04 PM
Give the girl a break Marsh, she seems truly remorseful.At least she shed a tear. :'(

Magoo, I think that what Marsh was getting at was the idea of his growing hair back and/or his turning her on.  I know from a conversation that I had with him in person that he is glad that she was remorseful.  Hope this helps to possible clarify what I believe he was getting at. :)
Title: Re: Growing Hair Back If "God" Told You To
Post by: backseatview on June 10, 2010, 01:03:47 PM
as much as i support the separation of church and state.. i support the separation of church and hair!
Title: Re: Growing Hair Back If "God" Told You To
Post by: bubbadave3 on June 10, 2010, 02:21:45 PM
as much as i support the separation of church and state.. i support the separation of church and hair!

Amen to that!
Title: Re: Growing Hair Back If "God" Told You To
Post by: marshd1000 on June 10, 2010, 02:51:32 PM
OK, to clear things up.....this is a friend that I care about like a sister.  I know her from a church I used to attend.  But I would be repulsed in terms of a "fling" with her as I would not want to be in a romantic relationship with someone SO controlling and manipulative!!!  But I am glad to see she was remorseful and that there was spiritual and personal growth for the both of us!  WHEW!!!!
Title: Re: Growing Hair Back If "God" Told You To
Post by: Gambrinus on June 10, 2010, 03:26:30 PM
I used to say the same thing about my wife  :*))   I'm just messing with you Marsh.  My wife was a really good friend before we got all romantical.  But she let me be me, and was supportive.    :@`
Title: Re: Growing Hair Back If "God" Told You To
Post by: BikerDave on June 13, 2010, 06:39:50 PM
I agree with Tom Gallagher.
Title: Re: Growing Hair Back If "God" Told You To
Post by: Dome of Steele on June 19, 2010, 10:45:56 PM
as much as i support the separation of church and state.. i support the separation of church and hair!

Great comment LOL! 

Also good job of dealing with the issue Marsh. 
Title: Re: Growing Hair Back If "God" Told You To
Post by: Slick Camper on August 17, 2010, 02:42:45 AM
It has been less than a year since I started shaving my head and I am a christian, and if GOD wanted me to grow hair he would tell me and if I did not listen and God really wanted me to grow my hair back, God would just make it happen.
Title: Re: Growing Hair Back If "God" Told You To
Post by: marshd1000 on August 17, 2010, 07:27:41 PM
It has been less than a year since I started shaving my head and I am a christian, and if GOD wanted me to grow hair he would tell me and if I did not listen and God really wanted me to grow my hair back, God would just make it happen.

AMEN to that!
Title: Re: Growing Hair Back If "God" Told You To
Post by: lordmage on August 18, 2010, 11:03:42 PM
Without reading all these pages of replies i will add my two cents to the OP.
1. If God wanted me to have hair then he would not have given me reason to Sly it off. (psoriasis)

that Said.

2. Now that i am Sly If God wanted me to have hair then i would wake up with it and when i tried to shave it off it would not shave off.

Title: Re: Growing Hair Back If "God" Told You To
Post by: marshd1000 on August 19, 2010, 09:03:23 AM

I will give you a very quick summary of my original post.  A few months ago a female Christian friend tried to "guilt" me into growing my hair.  She did this by quoting the scripture about children honoring their parents.  Since my stepmom has never like the shaved head, this friend thought God might want me to grow it back as my stepmom is elderly and in her 90's.  In the end, I confronted the friend about her manipulation and she conceded.
Title: Re: Growing Hair Back If "God" Told You To
Post by: Sgt. Pate on August 19, 2010, 08:45:00 PM
1st rule of correct exegesis of the Word is; context context context.  O0

Lest you  read ...and Judis went out and hanged himself.  Go and do likewise!  ;D
Title: Re: Growing Hair Back If "God" Told You To
Post by: wpruitt on August 20, 2010, 07:55:07 PM
I honestly think He is more concerned about greater problems in the world.
Title: Re: Growing Hair Back If "God" Told You To
Post by: The Scottish Ambassador on August 21, 2010, 03:28:33 PM
Lets think about this for a second. All we are doing when we shave our noggin is having a shorter hair cut than the next guy. Can we honestly entertain the idea that God is losin any sleep about us being BBC?  5t*mp
Title: Re: Growing Hair Back If "God" Told You To
Post by: marshd1000 on August 21, 2010, 05:42:25 PM
Lets think about this for a second. All we are doing when we shave our noggin is having a shorter hair cut than the next guy. Can we honestly entertain the idea that God is losin any sleep about us being BBC?  5t*mp

I didn't think God was losing sleep.  But some people will use God in order to manipulate someone into their way of thinking when it comes to style.
Title: Re: Growing Hair Back If "God" Told You To
Post by: D.A.L.U.I. on August 21, 2010, 05:45:11 PM
But some people will use God in order to manipulate someone into their way of thinking when it comes to style.
Ya think, and they do it about a whole lot more than that.  They forget that when discussing  "God's elect" there's only one vote--and it's a secret one at that.  They don't know it. 
Title: Re: Growing Hair Back If "God" Told You To
Post by: marshd1000 on August 02, 2011, 11:36:08 PM
Well, here is a quick update on my original post!  "Becky" is getting married and moving to Portland, about 170 miles south of Seattle.  So on Sunday, I had a nice lunch with her and her fiancee.  As it stands, I am going to do a reading at this wedding.  I have also shaved off my beard and am now down to a mustache.  That was my idea alone to shave off the big beard.  So after Becky approached me about doing the reading, she then asked if I could grow my hair back.  I immediately told her that we already had that discussion and that the case was closed.  Her fiancee actually glared at her when he heard that and said, "I don't think so!", when it came to making me grow my hair back.  While she did quickly backpeddle and say that she was kidding, I have to admit that she did get me going.  But I do wonder if there was a desparate last attempt to try to control.  Anyway, she then excused herself and went to the restroom.  I then started to tell her fiancee about the incidents.  He made it sound that he is aware of some of her controlling ways.  I do know he loves her a lot.  I pray that he will be the better man than I would be in his shoes.  Hopefully he has a personality with a lot of backbone when needed.  But also a personality that can pick and choose when to battle!  I wish them both well!
Title: Re: Growing Hair Back If "God" Told You To
Post by: Crowbar on April 10, 2013, 07:46:01 AM
I wonder if God has MPB...
Title: Re: Growing Hair Back If "God" Told You To
Post by: marshd1000 on April 10, 2013, 09:12:26 AM
I wonder if God has MPB...

Personally, I  think that God loves diversity in His design.  So since He created me to experience male pattern baldness, I am fine with that at this stage! 

I have not seen any depictions of Jesus with MPB however!
Title: Re: Growing Hair Back If "God" Told You To
Post by: Bald Hobbit on April 10, 2013, 08:42:25 PM
God wouldn't care about shaved heads except to the point it makes his kids feel better. However, if he wanted someone to grow his hair back, it wouldn't be because it's wrong, it would be more about the progression of certain events that we don't know about. Like taking a fork in a path because there's someone who needs help down that way.