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Introductions / Re: Back after a very long time
« Last post by chuck63 on February 21, 2024, 01:44:42 PM »
I had a full head of hair as well before I started shaving.  I?ve kept myself bald for over three years now and had six laser treatments last year.  I gave up because it couldn?t get rid of the grey.  I?m happy with the results.  There?s no noticeable shadow anymore. 
Introductions / Re: Back after a very long time
« Last post by Laser Man on February 21, 2024, 01:30:50 PM »
Welcome back! I joined in 2011 when I first contemplated shaving my head.  Glad to hear that you are happy with your family and your hairstyle.

Despite shaved heads being more common and acceptable these days, I'm sure a lot of guys struggle with their hair loss and what to do about it.  Taking the step to go bald can be very daunting.  I know I worried about my head shape, what others would think, etc.  Fortunately I took the leap and am glad I did. 

As Reddog said, the site is kind of slow these days.  Many guys who regularly posted when I joined have drifted away.  It's a shame because this site offered great support to others and had other interesting conversations going on as well.

I agree I hope that this site picks up again because it was very important to me when I first started shaving my head.  When I first started shaving my head it was absolutely not common especially for a guy with a full head of hair then I got a lot of flack for it and the only place I found that people understood my appreciation of a shaved head as a haircut choice was here on this board

Maybe we can revitalize it?


I know what you mean about when it was uncommon for a guy with a full head of hair to shave it off.  Head shaving back then seemed to have a negative connotation unless a guy was really balding and head shaving was a last resort.

I had a decent head of hair (some receding at the temples and a small bald spot on the crown), but I really had the urge to experience a shaved head.  I worked at a very conservative company ("dress down" meant sports coat and tie instead of suit and tie!), so there was no one there who could offer advice and support.  I found this site almost by accident and immediately felt welcome.  The guys then gave me advice about head shaving, but more importantly, they gave me support and helped me realize that there will always be naysayers, but their opinions wouldn't matter.

I took the plunge and have been bald for thirteen years.  I even went for laser treatments to diminish the shadow I had.  At every step, I found support and encouragement here.

Even if traffic is down, it's still a great forum.

Introductions / Re: Back after a very long time
« Last post by chuck63 on February 21, 2024, 11:25:00 AM »
I joined this page seven years ago when I was on the fence about keeping my head shaved.  This site is the only forum I?ve ever been a part of that has never had any negativity whatsoever.  That?s unheard of in today?s world. 
I appreciate the positive support and advice I?ve gotten here.  I hope that the page picks up as well.   I?ll try to do my part to keep this site active. 
Introductions / Re: Back after a very long time
« Last post by Semi-Sly on February 21, 2024, 09:03:42 AM »
Welcome back! I joined in 2011 when I first contemplated shaving my head.  Glad to hear that you are happy with your family and your hairstyle.

Despite shaved heads being more common and acceptable these days, I'm sure a lot of guys struggle with their hair loss and what to do about it.  Taking the step to go bald can be very daunting.  I know I worried about my head shape, what others would think, etc.  Fortunately I took the leap and am glad I did. 

As Reddog said, the site is kind of slow these days.  Many guys who regularly posted when I joined have drifted away.  It's a shame because this site offered great support to others and had other interesting conversations going on as well.

I agree I hope that this site picks up again because it was very important to me when I first started shaving my head.  When I first started shaving my head it was absolutely not common especially for a guy with a full head of hair then I got a lot of flack for it and the only place I found that people understood my appreciation of a shaved head as a haircut choice was here on this board

Maybe we can revitalize it?
Introductions / Re: Back after a very long time
« Last post by Laser Man on February 20, 2024, 02:00:49 PM »
Welcome back! I joined in 2011 when I first contemplated shaving my head.  Glad to hear that you are happy with your family and your hairstyle.

Despite shaved heads being more common and acceptable these days, I'm sure a lot of guys struggle with their hair loss and what to do about it.  Taking the step to go bald can be very daunting.  I know I worried about my head shape, what others would think, etc.  Fortunately I took the leap and am glad I did. 

As Reddog said, the site is kind of slow these days.  Many guys who regularly posted when I joined have drifted away.  It's a shame because this site offered great support to others and had other interesting conversations going on as well.

Maybe we can revitalize it?
Introductions / Re: Back after a very long time
« Last post by reddog on February 16, 2024, 06:03:15 AM »
Welcome back! I joined in 2013, so I wouldn't remember you. Not much activity here anymore. Probably because shaved heads are so popular these days, guys don't need much support. I often wonder how many members keep shaving after they leave this site.

Anyway, thanks for the update, glad you're doing well!
Introductions / Back after a very long time
« Last post by YorkshireTerrier on February 15, 2024, 12:08:23 PM »
Hi All,

No one here will remember me, mainly because I couldn't remember my username.  However, I joined this forum back in probably about 2008 when I was 30 or so and really struggling to get to grips with hair loss.  The guys here were incredible and I still stay in touch with one or two (is Sly Red still around). 

Back then I was depressed, obsessed with the shape of my dome, and constantly seeking reassurance that I looked ok.  Well let me tell you - fast forward 16 years (is it really that long?) and two children later and a brilliant life, I can say that I don't give my hair, or lack of it a second thought.  In fact I prefer it (never thought I would say that).  In truth now, if you offered me a miracle cure - I wouldn't take it. 

I was thinking about this site the other day and how it helped me and made a mental note to come back and say hi, and hopefully hang around a bit to give back a little of what you guys gave me. 

Much love

Trimming Your Head/Hair / Re: Borderline Norwood Phase 5 Want to grow again...
« Last post by reddog on February 13, 2024, 06:36:04 AM »
I agree, at some point you have to accept that a shaved head is the best choice. While I'm just starting to recede a little in the front corners, the main reason I always go back to shaving is that after 2 or 3 weeks of growing, I break out with terrible sores on my head. Over 10 years, I know the only way to cure the problem is to shave my head daily.

When I decide to go back to shaving, the first thing I think is how awesome it feels to have a smooth bald head again, and how good it looks too! Like I've said many times, the key to wearing a shaved head is that you think it is a great style for men. Luckily, we live in a time that a totally bald head is now widely accepted as just another hairstyle choice.
Trimming Your Head/Hair / Re: Borderline Norwood Phase 5 Want to grow again...
« Last post by DoberDaddy on February 12, 2024, 12:11:55 AM »
That happened to me.

Shaved first when I was barely thinning in front (almost 30 years ago). Regrew, and started shaving again a couple of years later.

Grew my hair back due to personal trauma about 8 years ago... I was 49, and was a total N6!

Had no idea.
Trimming Your Head/Hair / Re: Borderline Norwood Phase 5 Want to grow again...
« Last post by Razor X on February 11, 2024, 09:00:59 AM »
When you shave your head while you still have at least some coverage on top, there is a tendency to think that you can always return to that look anytime you want. We forget that the hair continues to thin while it is shaved.  I learned that lesson fairly early on when I tried to grow mine back after about 9 months of daily shaving.  The hair on the sides and back of my head quickly returned but the top did not. There was some peach fuzz left that might have eventually developed into some cosmetically acceptable hair, but I knew that it would take a very long time to reach that point and that the final result would be very sparse, at best.  I haven?t tried since then to grow it back.  We reach a point where we have to accept that staying bald is the only option.
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