Author Topic: Your Shave Routine  (Read 374506 times)

Offline GettingThere13

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Re: Your Shave Routine
« Reply #705 on: October 03, 2015, 03:06:18 PM »
My routine changes from time to time.

If I'm using clippers (most of the time I am), I use Wahl 5-Star Balding clippers (no attachment). I clip, shower (it makes a mess), then do a touch-up, hit it with HeadClear, then some Cremo moisturizer.

With a razor, it's different. I shower first and scrub with an exfoliant - usually St. Ives Apricot Scrub. Then I shave after I get out of the shower with Cremo Cream, and a Harry's razor with a fresh blade.

Then I rinse off with as cold of water as I can stand under the bath faucet (easier than the sink).

After the rinse, I do any minor touch-ups and then hit it with HeadClear (LOVE THIS STUFF), and then a good dose of Cremo Moisturizer. I usually touch-up any styptic pencil spots at this point.

Nothing like a good shave.

Offline Hieu Tran

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Re: Your Shave Routine
« Reply #706 on: October 03, 2015, 06:36:31 PM »
I'm using Gillette Fusion Power. First I take hot shower, apply shaving cream for 5 mins (to make the hair, I guess). Then I shave with the hair grow direction, take hot shower again and apply the cream again. After that I start shaving it against the grow direction. It's cost me about 40 mins for total time.

Just can't shave really smooth on the sides and back of the head, especially the right side, maybe because I'm right handed.

I don't know why but I'm feeling like the blades of Gillette Fusion Power were designed to last for only 1 shave, reuse the blade can't work as good as beginning even it's just the second time. And they're not cheap btw lol.

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Re: Your Shave Routine
« Reply #707 on: October 04, 2015, 09:50:08 AM »
As above...but I stay in the shower and shave by feel, and it takes approx 10 mins now using a mach 3 of fusion

Offline SlyCatCrossing

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Re: Your Shave Routine
« Reply #708 on: April 26, 2016, 04:50:03 PM »
Crack a beer
Get in shower
Wet head thoroughly (not steaming hot but well above room temp. I do not wash/scrub/exfoliate prior to shaving, it always added to irritation)
Apply cream of choice (Barbasol, dr carvers, or headslick usually)
2-3 pass shave typically with rinse and re lather in between each set of passes
No lather/water only touch up if needed
Work in noxzema face cream all around face and head (blue tub with screw on lid.  Strong menthol face wash) then let it sit there while I wash my body
Rinse head first then body second, warm to hot water
Final cold rinse In shower
Witch hazel on head and neck
Aqua velva ice blue on head and neck
Light spf if I'll be in the sun for extended periods
Wife can't keep hands and kisses off my smooth dome
Crack another beer

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Offline Sir Harry

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Re: Your Shave Routine
« Reply #709 on: April 26, 2016, 08:53:28 PM »
Crack a beer
Get in shower
Wet head thoroughly (not steaming hot but well above room temp. I do not wash/scrub/exfoliate prior to shaving, it always added to irritation)
Apply cream of choice (Barbasol, dr carvers, or headslick usually)
2-3 pass shave typically with rinse and re lather in between each set of passes
No lather/water only touch up if needed
Work in noxzema face cream all around face and head (blue tub with screw on lid.  Strong menthol face wash) then let it sit there while I wash my body
Rinse head first then body second, warm to hot water
Final cold rinse In shower
Witch hazel on head and neck
Aqua velva ice blue on head and neck
Light spf if I'll be in the sun for extended periods
Wife can't keep hands and kisses off my smooth dome
Crack another beer


Love the first and last steps in your routine!
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Re: Your Shave Routine
« Reply #710 on: April 27, 2016, 05:59:45 AM »
I am a professional brewer and craft beer sales rep so it's kinda part of the lifestyle
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Offline MarkMusicNYC

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Re: Your Shave Routine
« Reply #711 on: July 04, 2016, 08:46:45 PM »
My current daily routine:

1. Shower. Wash head with body wash (or shampoo) to soften stubble.
2. Get out of shower, dry off but leave head wet.
3. Spray a layer of Black Magic Oil Sheen all over head as a pre-shave oil. The hell with those overpriced little bottles of pre-shave oil--a big spray can of oil sheen (found with the "ethnic" hair products) will set you back about $4 and last for a long time.
4. Apply a small amount of Daggett & Ramsdell Bald Head Shave Lotion. After trying more brands of shaving cream than I care to think about, I *swear* by this stuff. Comes out as a clear gel, foams up a bit but not too much, and super-cheap.
5. Mach III against the grain everywhere. I always start on the right side and go around to the  left, shaving up in long smooth strokes, making sure that each stroke slightly overlaps the last one. Then the top, from front to back.
6. Wet hand in sink, rub water all over head feeling for any missed spots. At this point I often go back over the perimeter of my (receding) hairline just to make sure it's as "erased" as possible.
7. Dry head.
8. After getting dressed, I apply High Time "Dare To Be Bald" moisturizing lotion, which shines up the dome better than anything else I've tried.

Offline Vince

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Re: Your Shave Routine
« Reply #712 on: August 26, 2016, 06:48:32 AM »
I don't see how you guys shave your heads in the shower.  I am a sink person because I'm so vain.  I have to be constantly looking at myself in the mirror.  Lol... don't judge me! :D

1.  Standing in front of the sink, I completely saturate my head with very warm, almost hot water.

2.  Apply (with my hands, not a shaving brush) Edge Extra Moisturizing Aloe Vera Shaving Gel, all over my head making sure my head is completely lathered up.

3.  Grab my Bic Flex 4 and starting on my right side, I do several strokes from bottom to top, then from front to back.  I do this because the sides of my head are really coarse.  Then I keep working my way around my head going front to back which is ATG for front and top and WTG for the back.  I shave with my right hand and use my free hand as a guide to feel what is shaved and what still needs to be shaved.

4.  I always check to make sure I got all the edges shaved clean, especially in the front of my head.

5.  Rinse head with cold water.  Mmmm, that always feels so good!

6.  Dry head with a dry towel.  Apply Aloe Vera Moisturizing Lotion over my head.  Sometimes I will use baby oil depending on how I'm feeling that day and what look I am going for.

7.  Switch razors, shave my face, then go outside to finish conquering the world.  :*))

Offline Sir Harry

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Re: Your Shave Routine
« Reply #713 on: August 26, 2016, 11:39:33 AM »
I don't see how you guys shave your heads in the shower.  I am a sink person because I'm so vain.  I have to be constantly looking at myself in the mirror.  Lol... don't judge me! :D

1.  Standing in front of the sink, I completely saturate my head with very warm, almost hot water.

2.  Apply (with my hands, not a shaving brush) Edge Extra Moisturizing Aloe Vera Shaving Gel, all over my head making sure my head is completely lathered up.

3.  Grab my Bic Flex 4 and starting on my right side, I do several strokes from bottom to top, then from front to back.  I do this because the sides of my head are really coarse.  Then I keep working my way around my head going front to back which is ATG for front and top and WTG for the back.  I shave with my right hand and use my free hand as a guide to feel what is shaved and what still needs to be shaved.

4.  I always check to make sure I got all the edges shaved clean, especially in the front of my head.

5.  Rinse head with cold water.  Mmmm, that always feels so good!

6.  Dry head with a dry towel.  Apply Aloe Vera Moisturizing Lotion over my head.  Sometimes I will use baby oil depending on how I'm feeling that day and what look I am going for.

7.  Switch razors, shave my face, then go outside to finish conquering the world.  :*))

Different strokes for different folks! There is no right or wrong routine for any of us; that's part of what makes a forum great....Would be kind of boring if EVERYONE did EVERYTHING the exact same way, you dig?
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Offline Vince

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Re: Your Shave Routine
« Reply #714 on: August 27, 2016, 04:46:06 AM »
Yes Sir Harry!

I completely "dig it." ;)

Notice my "Lol" and smileys in my post.  That means I was only joking.  :D

I shared my routine knowing full well that it is just my own personal way, the way that works best for me.  I would be an idiot to think my way was the only way, or the best way or the way that was created by God to dictate to all you heathens here on this board.  LOL!!!  :*))  :*))

I love this forum and I love reading about everyone's experiences!  O0
This thread was particularly interesting to me to see what routines other people go through.

Offline TheRedChile

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Re: Your Shave Routine
« Reply #715 on: November 20, 2016, 12:59:41 AM »
I always shave in the shower with water as hot as I can get it. I use the same soap to wash as I do to shave so first thing even before getting in is I let my soap bar soak in just a little hot water. the soap is called Dove +care, its in a black and red box lol. I use small luffa and scrub my head against the grain to make sure all the hair is standing out of the follicle's. I will let the soap chill out while I scrub down my bod. after that I rinse down and lather my badger brush. total shower time is about 10 minutes these days. I use a shick 3 blade or 5 when I have them around.
     since I shave nearly everyday I always just shave against the grain first thing. sounds brutal but this has been about 5 or 6 years of practice so it seems to work the best. I have a goatee so I will shave my face as much as I can in the shower. always after I will rinse with water as cold as I can stand. once out of the shower I do the lines on my facial hair and just use normal lotion as an after shave.  For some reason the lotion helps me find spots I missed on my head. if I find a spot I will just use a little water and clean it up. I almost never have razor burn and if I do its for no more than maybe an hour after. only problem is I sometimes shave off a mole I have on the left back side of my head..

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Re: Your Shave Routine
« Reply #716 on: November 29, 2016, 04:21:04 PM »
I use either double edge or single edge razors.  Whatever razor I use on my face is what I use on my head.  For example, today it was a Razor Rock Prototype Slant razor with a Personna double edge safety blade.

I shave before I shower.  First, I was my face and head with Neutrogena soap.  I shave my face first and then my head.

I use either a cream or soap.  Today I used Taylor of Bond Street Sandalwood cream with an Omega boar brush.  I wet my head and apply the cream directly to my head after loading the cream from the tub to the brush.  I cover my entire head with the lather and my first pass with the razor is from the front to the back.  My next pass is from the back to the front and then do touch ups wherever I feel stubble. 

I then take a washcloth with cold water and rinse off any remaining lather.  I then apply witch hazel to my face and head, clean up the mess I have made, and take a shower. 

I'm not bald I'm follicly challenged.

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Re: Your Shave Routine
« Reply #717 on: January 12, 2017, 05:40:31 AM »
I have a smooth head and my routine shave head its every 2 - 3 days to keep my head super smooth.  ;D

Welcome to the group, Mr. Spicy! Any special products in your routine?
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Offline EarlBald

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Re: Your Shave Routine
« Reply #718 on: August 22, 2017, 06:51:13 PM »
I have started a new routine.  I used to shave my head in the shower, often skipping days.  All of a sudden, "something" told me that it was time to man up and go for the completely clean look.  So, I have started integrating my shaving routines.  I shave my face with Barbasol lather and a Fusion 5 razor.  When I am done with my face, I lather up my scalp and use a Head Blade.  It takes less time to shave if I do it every day, and I am reaching a point (common to guys on this website, I've noticed) where stubble is a turn-off, and I want a completely smooth scalp.  I also think I've reached a psychological turning point.  I am bald, I want to be bald, I choose to be bald, so why not complete the job every day?  I feel as if the Real Man has emerged from under the stubble!

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Re: Your Shave Routine
« Reply #719 on: August 23, 2017, 11:50:39 AM »
I was taking a break on shaving every day, but recently I've regrown a distaste for stubble so I'm back to shaving daily. Now using the HeadBlade Moto.  My shaving cream depends on if I'm trying something new to review or if I'm rotating between Cremo, HeadSlick, and Pacific Shaving.
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