Author Topic: Geo F Trumpers Rose Shave Soap  (Read 1471 times)

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Geo F Trumpers Rose Shave Soap
« on: December 08, 2008, 05:08:33 PM »

For anyone who occasionally uses a shaving brush on their egg with shaving lubes like headslick that can lather well, I've been using this stuff for over week now and Woooo Hooooo! It's softest smoothest lather I've had for my face and have used it twice on my head with great results.
I don't think it's superior on the noggin to say BaldGuyz, Headslick and the like but certainly no less inferior.


Rose scented and marketed to be good for sensitive skin

Depending on your brush and hardness/softness of water, the lather is truly rich and smooth (First time  my lather mixing looks like how the pro's do it.)

A cake of soap on experience lasts a good while I'm seeing 2/3 months

Not particularly pricey when u consider how long shaving soap lasts


Unlike a good shave gel which neat and slick around your head this is different in that we're talking of rich hydrating lather on your head so might be abit messy if u don't do it in the shower or bath and opt for the sink

Because of this lather, might be better suited to  handled razors rather than something like the HeadBlade
