Author Topic: The opposite of picking up chicks at the gym?  (Read 919 times)

Offline StumpyDave

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The opposite of picking up chicks at the gym?
« on: September 04, 2008, 01:59:43 PM »
OK, the chatting up women at the gym thread reminded me of this, and I wasn't really sure where this thread belonged:
Relationships - doesn't really seem to fit
Fitness - Kind of related, but not quite right
Jokes - well, I can laugh about it afterwards

I used to train 3 nights a week at this gym.  The car park was across a small footbridge and could be a bit dark (especially at night).
I'd gone on my motorbike this evening.
As usual there were a few ladies working out.  As is normal in this setting, most of them were quite easy on the eyes.  Especially a blonde lady of about my age.  I used to see her there quite often and we were on smile and hello terms with the occasional sentence about how the weights seem to have got heavier or the speed settings on the treadmill were way out as I can run much faster than that.
On this evening I'd been training with a friend and we'd pushed each other hard.  We finished, showered and he was ready and off before me as I had my bike gear to get on.
I went my lonely way over the bridge to my bike and strapped my gear on the back.  My arms felt like lead and my legs were shaky but I had that good post-workout feel.
I started my bike, heaved it off the stand and started to pull away.  At this point the front wheel stopped rotating and I lurched to one side.  Needless to say, in my fatigued state there was no way I was going to stop 220kg of Triumph going down.  Now I'd remembered the disk lock I thought it prudent to unlock and remove it.  I then had to unstrap my gear as it was getting in the way.  I really put my back into it, but Hinkley's finest was top heavy and resolutely lying on the tarmac. 
At this point I really wanted to be alone and pick up the pieces once my knees had stopped wobbling, but alas, it was not to be.  Who should choose that moment to come over the bridge and see me in my plight?
The very attractive blonde lady, now well dressed and with makeup applied (it wasn't dark enough that I didn't notice that) rushed to my aid and assisted in getting my 2 wheeled leviation upright.  Whilst I arranged the stand and got the beast stable she even picked up the bits of plastic that had broken off.
She made suitable noises of consolation and then headed off towards her car.

Next time in the gym I had to offer her an apology as I don't think I was 100% grateful at the time (100% p1ssed off, maybe).
I told my friend about it next time we met up (why?).  Needless to say he still occasionally reminds me of the day a girl helped me pick my bike up.  Oh the shame!

Offline Brkeatr

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Re: The opposite of picking up chicks at the gym?
« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2008, 02:09:09 PM »
lol....good story Dave !!