Author Topic: What made you go bald?  (Read 292356 times)

Offline rick68

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Re: What made you go bald?
« Reply #255 on: December 17, 2009, 06:43:09 PM »
 I love the look and feel.


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Re: What made you go bald?
« Reply #256 on: December 19, 2009, 03:12:40 AM »
My father was bald. My six uncles are bald. And they all have been losing their hair in their early years. At 18 my father was almost completely bald. When i started loosing my hair at the age of 16, i didn't really noticed it. Two years later i was sure that i would be completely bald in the next years and i was afraid about that. MPB got me!!!
The day i shaved my head for the first time, I immediatly knew that i've made the good choice. I felt freed from that stupid fear.

I quickly built self confidence as a bald man and I've got more self confidence today that i've never had in my whole life. Baldness is not such a problem.  I would never go back.

Once again, sorry if this post seems strange. I'll try to improve my english.

Offline Mikekoz13

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Re: What made you go bald?
« Reply #257 on: December 19, 2009, 10:06:15 AM »
My father was bald. My six uncles are bald. And they all have been losing their hair in their early years. At 18 my father was almost completely bald. When i started loosing my hair at the age of 16, i didn't really noticed it. Two years later i was sure that i would be completely bald in the next years and i was afraid about that. MPB got me!!!
The day i shaved my head for the first time, I immediatly knew that i've made the good choice. I felt freed from that stupid fear.

I quickly built self confidence as a bald man and I've got more self confidence today that i've never had in my whole life. Baldness is not such a problem.  I would never go back.

Once again, sorry if this post seems strange. I'll try to improve my english.


Your post is not strange, your English is excellent, and most of all... your main point is dead on.
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Offline Tommi

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Re: What made you go bald?
« Reply #258 on: January 07, 2010, 12:07:49 PM »
I wanted to say that it's the fact that I'm balding anyways that made me take the razor and and let the head shine. But really I'm not always sporting the clean look. Sometimes I let it grow for weeks and sometimes I shave every day. The fact is that I like the way it feels not that much how it looks. For me it's the same if I have a balding head with a #1-#4 trim or clean shave. My friends and family don't mind how I keep my "hair". And people who don't like it are not worth knowing in my life. There's no such thing as "I like you, but I don't like your haircut". My hair or hairlesness is me.

Offline xnewyawka

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Re: What made you go bald?
« Reply #259 on: January 07, 2010, 12:22:46 PM »
My friends and family don't mind how I keep my "hair". And people who don't like it are not worth knowing in my life. There's no such thing as "I like you, but I don't like your haircut". My hair or hairlesness is me.

Simply put and very true Tommi, I agree wholeheartedly. If a person doesn't like you because of your hair, or lack thereof, then they don't belong in your life.
Keep that outlook!    O0

Offline GnomeansGno

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Re: What made you go bald?
« Reply #260 on: February 10, 2010, 11:06:46 PM »
Had Alopecia in the fall of 2007.  What happened is, I got a short haircut after months of growing out my hair, and saw a large round bald spot on the top of my head.  Right away I went to my doctor, and got diagnosed with scalp ringworm.  Then, when nothing he gave me worked for that, I went to my dermatologist, and he said it could be bad psoriasis.  He gave me something which helped me with the psoriasis I had, but the bald spot was still there (it was on the top of my head).  Then another bald spot appeared  on the side of my head, so when I went back, he diagnosed me with alopecia.  He injected me with steroids in both spots, and told me come back in another month.  When I went back,  he said he saw some progress (I didn't think there was any), but he injected me two more times.  After waiting a few weeks, and actually seeing very little hair grow in the spots, I just decided to shave it all off, literally.  I had a bunch of curly hair, and just decided to grab my dad's beard trimmer, and shave it all off.  Yes, it was stupid, and I couldn't even finish the job.  I had to actually have a neighbor lend me his electric razor for cutting hair, and have my dad finish it for me.  He then shaved my head with a regular razor, completely bald.  It looked good I thought, and my grandmother (who didn't approve of it when she heard I was doing it), said she was surprised how good I looked.  It was the most confident I felt in a while.  I no longer had two stupid bald-patches on my head, nor did I have psoriasis.  That said, at first I was scared of shaving myself, so I had my dad do it for me every other day.  When it grew out in stubble, I saw that the spots we in fact improving more than I thought.  They we're almost gone, but still noticeable with my hair growing out.  After going back to get more injections, and him refusing to do it (he said it would be bad in the long-run, as it would cause Indentations on my head) I then let my hair grow out again, for the longest time infact.  I then was nervous about cutting it, thinking maybe the bald spots we're never fully gone, so I told my dad to shave it completely bald again.  He did, and after a few days of letting it grow, the spots we're all gone.  There was no need for me to shave my head bald, because I no longer had alopecia.  I kept doing so anyway every so often, because I like the look.  It's easy to maintain, and I don't have to worry about psoriasis or bad hair-cuts or anything.   And whenever I want to let my hair grow out, I do it, though I never let it grow out for more than a week now (some exceptions aside).  I also shave myself now.  Also, if the alopecia ever comes back (which it might, my derm told me), it wouldn't matter as much, because people are already used to seeing me bald, and I have gotten used to the look (plus I LOVE how easy it is to maintain).
« Last Edit: February 10, 2010, 11:15:41 PM by GnomeansGno »

Offline TGB1

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Re: What made you go bald?
« Reply #261 on: February 11, 2010, 09:34:26 AM »
My father had a full head of hair as did most of his brothers except for one (Bobby). Both of grandfathers had full heads of hair. My mothers brothers also. My grandmother told me when I was a teen I would go bald because my hair was far to long and was straining the roots. When I was six or seven I told everyone that when I got older I wanted a haircut like my Uncle Arthur (not a blood relation). He had the classic horseshoe with a very shiny dome. Lo and behold I got my wish!
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Offline tomk773

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Re: What made you go bald?
« Reply #262 on: March 01, 2010, 08:58:34 AM »
Firstly, I had always had a full head of hair -nobody in my family had problems w/going bald, etc.. but in my 30s I started experimenting w/buzzing my own hair w/a clipper I started trying to do a more tapered style, then I just got into buzzing the whole head w/really short guard or no guard. I also tried doing more military cuts like an HnT, I liked the Flattop but for me, I found it difficult to maintain -so what I settled on was the buzzed w/no guard look, then I would periodically shave it just to see the difference. After I saw that there really wasn't too much difference, and began growing more facial hair in I decided just to keep shaving it -but I went through a period where I kept questioning if the look was for me (since I wasn't losing the hair & when I shaved it revealed such a pale scalp) so what I did when I shaved was apply one of these instant Tanner products to the head -and thought it looked a little better that way, so I began shaving it a couple times a week. In Jan '07, I decided I wanted the bald look to be permanent -so I found this Yahoo Group on ScalpTweezing, bought an Epilator & began the process of tweezing my own 'MPB' pattern on the top of my head. Scalp Tweezing takes a lot of effort, because you have to grow some hair in for the Epilator to grab onto..but I've been doing that now less frequently & I'm on a schedule of shaving every other day & I've been shaving for years now -have always used the disposable Xtreme 3 razor & Edge unscented shaving gel. My family at first questioned why I shaved , since I had a full head -but they stopped asking after awhile..

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Re: What made you go bald?
« Reply #263 on: March 01, 2010, 09:40:45 AM »
tomk - - -I use the same  Xtreme 3  -Schick  disposable razor  and think it is the best - - -have tried all the others and always come back to the Schick  - -

Offline tomk773

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Re: What made you go bald?
« Reply #264 on: March 01, 2010, 09:45:05 AM »
I wouldn't use anything else..the others are more expensive, and if you have more than 3 blades against your skin -I think the more inclined you are to getting cut & irritation. Xtreme 3 is also the one that just about ANY store has -so they are easily available.

Offline novaguy

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Re: What made you go bald?
« Reply #265 on: March 05, 2010, 10:46:29 AM »
Since we first started dating my wife always told me she didn't like balding heads like her fathers.  He is mostly bald with some hair on the sides.    I told her right away that I was going to end up like that because my mothers father lost his hair very early on.   Well - my hair started thinning in the front about 5 years ago and has progressively gotten worse.   It was not really not very noticeable to anyone but myself.  

I complained about the thinning and my wife bugged me to look into rogaine or plugs.   I told her that was never going to happen and at some point in time I was just going to shave it all off.   Initially she told me no, but over time the tables turned.    I kept threatening, somewhat in jest because I knew it bothered her.     Finally my sister and my wife called me out and told me to stop threatening to do it.  Put up or shut up!    So I did it and I really like the results.    I had no idea what I was getting into with regard to maintenance, products and the associated challenges but I am overcoming and do not plan to ever go back.

« Last Edit: March 05, 2010, 10:49:01 AM by novaguy »

Offline tomk773

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Re: What made you go bald?
« Reply #266 on: March 05, 2010, 10:55:53 AM »

Does your wife like your look now or..? I believe it's up to the individual on how HE wants to look -not what other people want, after all -you're the one that has to live w/it.
My family didn't like my shaved head, but it pleased me & that's all that mattered.

Offline BaldnBearded

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Re: What made you go bald?
« Reply #267 on: March 15, 2010, 11:25:25 PM »
I'am bald because of my agressive male pattern baldness...With that being said,i've had a few stints where I shaved my ehad and then grew it back a week or two later, but since I shaved my head two days ago, something is different this time.I WANT to be bald!The other few times, I did it so I didn't have to worry about watching the horseshoe pattern on my head grow..But this time,i just feel I'm meant to be a bald man.I'm a little self concious still but I love how I look.I feel for once in my life I really have decided how I want to look.I love the bald head, and I plan to grow my beard out and get some length.I'm thinking like a two inch beard which is uncharted territory for me! For once in the last 6 years since I started going bald, I'm actually looking forward to my hairloss so I'll have an extra smoothe dome when I shave.I know it's only been two days this time around, but I know from here on out that I'm bald for life!


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Re: What made you go bald?
« Reply #268 on: March 15, 2010, 11:57:26 PM »
I'm kind of bald by choice.  I do have a receding hairline, but no MPB.  If I wanted to grow a full head of hair, it would be high on the head, but a full hair nonetheless.  However, I have been cutting it very short for several years becuase it is just so easy.  I have a hectic schedule, I have been working midnights for the last 15 years and I take a 3 hour nap before work.  The last thing I want to do is fix my bedhead hair before heading off to work, so the bald (or in my case shadow) style works for me.  I shave my head with a clipper once a week and for the rest of the week I don't have to worry about my hair.  However, since visiting this site, I have been contemplating doing it every other day, but in my case that kind of defeats the purpose of being maintenance free.
« Last Edit: March 15, 2010, 11:59:24 PM by stemikger »

Offline Bald Kahuna

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Re: What made you go bald?
« Reply #269 on: March 16, 2010, 05:14:35 PM »
Bald by choice with support of wife... I too was sporting a "Crusty the Clown" look and told her I think I want to shave it off. She said go for will long younger and that was two years ago.
Bald Kahuna