Author Topic: joke  (Read 609 times)

Offline no1birdman

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« on: July 06, 2008, 01:14:16 AM »
Mary is a good Catholic girl and she is about to marry Paddy and to get a bit of advice before the big day she goes to see her priest.
"Father," she says, "I've seen Paddy in da raw n all but I don't know what they call that thing what hangs between his legs. Whats that called Father?"
And the priest replies, "The penis, Mary, its called a penis."
Mary says "Oooh that sounds lovely. Now Father, on the end of the penis, there's this little German helmet sort of thing. Whats that called Father?"
Priest: "Thats the head of the penis, Mary. The head of the penis."
Mary: "Oooh, that sounds lovely too. And Father, about 14 inches back from the head of the penis, there's these 2 big round things. What are they called Father?"
To which the priest says, "Well for your sake girl I hope its the cheeks of his arse."


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