Confidence and Success > Fitness/Diet

Celebrity Workout: Fight Club

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Found this article at

seems like a lot of work. i'm hungry

Good stuff, man

However, it took me a while to read as my eyes kept drifting to the right and fixing on Bianca Beauchamp  :P :-*


--- Quote from: Robmeister on January 03, 2007, 09:48:38 AM ---Good stuff, man

However, it took me a while to read as my eyes kept drifting to the right and fixing on Bianca Beauchamp  :P :-*

--- End quote ---

Yeah... took me like an hour to get through it! is great for distractions like that!

So I started this yesterday...

Did the core in addition to my normal ab workout.  Definitely felt the burn in my gut!

Today, I did the upper body workout... since I haven't lifted in awhile, I dropped my weight down about 15%.  Holy crap!!  I was exhausted by the time I was done... I'll definitely have some soreness tomorrow too!

The only part of the workout that I can't seem to do is dragging my butt outta bed and heading straight for the gym...  Oh well!


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