Author Topic: Borderline Norwood Phase 5 Want to grow again...  (Read 10445 times)

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Re: Borderline Norwood Phase 5 Want to grow again...
« Reply #15 on: January 08, 2023, 01:41:40 PM »
IMHO, you looked much better bald and shorter bread. But, to each his own. While I still have mostly a full head of hair, it has gotten fine and dull, so I like wearing the baldie style.
Bald by choice, and loving it!

Offline slybeard

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Re: Borderline Norwood Phase 5 Want to grow again...
« Reply #16 on: January 09, 2023, 06:26:43 AM »
You are making good progress on your re-growth goal.  Good luck to you as you continue!

Offline Razor X

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Re: Borderline Norwood Phase 5 Want to grow again... (2023 update!)
« Reply #17 on: January 09, 2023, 11:29:04 AM »

This was after exactly 2 years of growing out my hair. The beard is @ 9.5 months. It actually looks better then I expected especially with the paired beard and from the front the thinning hair on top isn't really noticed. I have been on a hair loss treatment plan for 6 months starting in July of 2022 with some progress, but the crown remains the most stubborn to grow back in. Just thought I'd drop a quick update on this, and to let people know I'm still around and doing pretty well otherwise.

Do whatever makes you happy but always bear in mind that you’re fighting a losing battle. The thinning hair may not be too noticeable form the front, but the receded hairline is.  And people are not always going to be viewing you from that optimal angle. 

Your beard looks great, but IMO long hair really only works with an intact hairline. 

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Re: Borderline Norwood Phase 5 Want to grow again...
« Reply #18 on: January 30, 2023, 08:17:22 PM »
You definitely should do what you like best, and granted we're biased...but damn you look 10x better (and younger) bald.

I used to want long hair when I was younger. But then a few months ago I had a nightmare that I had hair again lol.
If only I could figure out how to get rid of the hair that still comes back...

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Re: Borderline Norwood Phase 5 Want to grow again...
« Reply #19 on: January 30, 2024, 06:49:38 PM »
You look much better and younger shaved and shorter beard.  Much better.

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Re: Borderline Norwood Phase 5 Want to grow again...
« Reply #20 on: January 31, 2024, 04:11:38 PM »
So I thought I had read/heard somewhere that rubbing onions on your head will stimulate hair growth but, then I thought I must be making this sh*t up. Well, then I looked it up on the interwebs and, "VOILA", it's true. They talk about cutting up like 4 onions and squeezing the juice out of them and rubbing it onto the scalp. This has to be done twice a day for maximum benefits. There were a bunch of websites that had articles referencing this. As a cautionary note I have to say that I just skimmed the articles but I didn't see any mention of how the aroma of fresh cut onion juice on the scalp might impact what I might refer to as "interpersonal relationships", particularly in the early stages. But, hey, give it a shot and post some periodic pics so we can monitor your progress.
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Re: Borderline Norwood Phase 5 Want to grow again...
« Reply #21 on: February 01, 2024, 06:54:21 AM »
Good to see you posting here.  You have made a lot of progress with your hair.  My preference remains the shaved head, but with the larger beard.  No surprise there.  But your preference is the one that matters.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2024, 07:07:15 AM by slybeard »

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Re: Borderline Norwood Phase 5 Want to grow again...
« Reply #22 on: February 01, 2024, 08:11:35 AM »
I go back-and-forth as well alternating between clean shaven head and a horseshoe Flattop but the honest truth is that the baldness continues to progress in my old spot on my crown there?s no I completely bald crown in my temples continue to March to the rear!

In my opinion you look younger and healthier with a shaved head but you have to do what makes you happy that?s important.

Offline Thathawkguy001

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Re: Borderline Norwood Phase 5 Want to grow again...
« Reply #23 on: February 01, 2024, 11:03:53 AM »
I mean I'm pushing to a solid 4 and I can say that you can hide it but for me I prefer it buzzed to 1 or bald.

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Re: Borderline Norwood Phase 5 Want to grow again...
« Reply #24 on: February 01, 2024, 12:23:46 PM »
I recently went through my yearly urge, and stopped shaving for almost 6 weeks. I'm definitely receding in the front corners so I have a big vee going on. My hair has also gotten very fine. So last week I decided to trim it and couldn't get it to look decent. I finally put the 0000 blade on the clippers and buzzed it down, got in the shower with a fresh razor, and a few minutes later bald again! As usual, I'm amazed how awesome it feels and looks great.
Bald by choice, and loving it!

Offline Razorhead

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Re: Borderline Norwood Phase 5 Want to grow again...
« Reply #25 on: February 04, 2024, 05:44:31 PM »
@reddog  I let mine grow four weeks and tried doing a fade. The top is so thin in the front. Last time I had hair this long was last January. I really lost a bit of hair this year. I'm definitely a Norwood 5 in hairloss and can see the pattern forming. The other day I was sitting at my desk and noticed I was shedding hair all over my notebook. So yesterday, I went to the barber and had him clipper shave my head. Today, the razor comes out. 

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Re: Borderline Norwood Phase 5 Want to grow again...
« Reply #26 on: February 05, 2024, 05:20:33 AM »
Yeah @Razorhead , I think our days of ever growing back hair is probably done. Sure, we can grow it back, but it won't look good. I'm glad we have the option of looking sharp with a shaved head! I don't see the regular group of car show guys all winter, and I thought it would be cool to show up in spring with a full head of hair. They've only known me with a shaved head, and I guess it will stay that way.

It does feel awesome to be shaved smooth again though, welcome back to the brotherhood!
Bald by choice, and loving it!

Offline Razorhead

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Re: Borderline Norwood Phase 5 Want to grow again...
« Reply #27 on: February 05, 2024, 08:17:01 AM »
@reddog agreed. Our hair days are over. I think maybe I can get in one more flattop before it?s too late?.but I realize it is too late. Ha! It would be interesting to see if anyone in your car show group would notice if you grew some hair. I drift back and forth between having some fuzz and a shaved head, mostly shaved, and no one notices. They just think of me as bald.  was at party and a woman loved my shaved head and was amazed at how smooth it was. Next time that happens I will get out a pic of my former self with hair.

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Re: Borderline Norwood Phase 5 Want to grow again...
« Reply #28 on: February 11, 2024, 09:00:59 AM »
When you shave your head while you still have at least some coverage on top, there is a tendency to think that you can always return to that look anytime you want. We forget that the hair continues to thin while it is shaved.  I learned that lesson fairly early on when I tried to grow mine back after about 9 months of daily shaving.  The hair on the sides and back of my head quickly returned but the top did not. There was some peach fuzz left that might have eventually developed into some cosmetically acceptable hair, but I knew that it would take a very long time to reach that point and that the final result would be very sparse, at best.  I haven?t tried since then to grow it back.  We reach a point where we have to accept that staying bald is the only option.

Offline DoberDaddy

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Re: Borderline Norwood Phase 5 Want to grow again...
« Reply #29 on: February 12, 2024, 12:11:55 AM »
That happened to me.

Shaved first when I was barely thinning in front (almost 30 years ago). Regrew, and started shaving again a couple of years later.

Grew my hair back due to personal trauma about 8 years ago... I was 49, and was a total N6!

Had no idea.