Author Topic: 22 and balding with weird head shape - Afraid of looking like a bald teenager  (Read 16547 times)

Offline chrisphilly123

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good luck with the treatments or whatever you decide to to. i tot ally get the anxiety, stress.

i also lost mine young, even younger. i was 18 and had thinning like you do now. by 20, it was like 80% gone, gone, gone. damn it.

the initial shock of me going bald, then actually being bald took a while to get used to. the good news is the stress was over and over 6 months to a year, everyone knew the NEW me. 

i kind of always felt stronger without the hair. i guess it's a mental state. now, i do f'ing love it. wouldn't turn back if i could.

best to you. be well.


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