Author Topic: Dollar Beard Club  (Read 3832 times)

Offline Sir Harry

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Dollar Beard Club
« on: November 06, 2015, 11:53:58 AM »
I was checking out this site at the suggestion of a friend...Anyone ever tried the products and/or joined? I'm considering it. If I do, I will be sure to post product reviews if anything is purchased

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Offline Rusty Shackleford

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Re: Dollar Beard Club
« Reply #1 on: December 02, 2015, 01:40:08 PM »
I like beard balm but it has 2 big problems: 1) it is generally loaded with perfume 2) it is crazy expensive.

I've looked at and found that they love the perfume, and I don't care if it smells like pine trees it is still perfume and it will still be fractions of an inch from my nose.  It is my theory that headaches that seem to be fairly common anymore are related to the perfumes that drench the world.  They make air seem "thick" if that makes any sense.  Last summer one night I was outdoors and whenever I got near this one certain girl the perfume she was wearing would hit me like a punch to the throat, and after just a few wiffs of the stuff I started getting a headache that lasted throughout the night.  This was the most blatant example of the situation I ever encountered, but overall I strongly dislike being around these powerful odors people put in their soaps, detergents, and cleaning supplies let alone literal perfumes and colognes.

Also their balm still appears on the expensive side. The containers, in general with all retailers, are tiny and loaded with excessive packaging that I couldn't give a damn about and needlessly use gimmicky, and overpriced, organic ingredients.  While I've heard petroleum-based waxes are damaging to hairs, the organic thing is just a means to guilt people into spending more.

So I've looked into it and it doesn't seem to be that hard to make your own beard balm.   It looks like it's just bees wax, shea butter, and some oil heated until they melt and then mixed together.  It looks like it will be much cheaper to make it myself, and it will be free of odors.

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Offline Rusty Shackleford

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Re: Dollar Beard Club
« Reply #2 on: December 08, 2015, 02:20:35 PM »
So I made my first batch of beard balm, and I think I did it well.  It's easy!

Last week I bought a pound block of beeswax from Hobby Lobby and a pound (maybe 2?) of shea butter from Amazon because I couldn't find it in a local store.  The closest I could find was a shea butter soap for making DIY blocks of soap and I think that stuff is different so I bought it online.  I already had my bottle of jojoba oil and went at it.

I bought a little metal meatloaf thing, sat it in a pot, put water in the pot and put it on a low-moderate heat.  I put in roughly the same volume of wax and shea butter, and a volume of about 1/2-2/3rds of each of the oil.  Heated it until it melted together, and allowed some to cool.  It was  alittle firm so I put in a little more shea butter and it worked well.

I only made a little but made what would have cost $60 online for beard balm for about half that, and I have enough parts for a whole lots more.  I mean I barely used any of the raw materials.  Next time I plan to add some vitamin E.
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Re: Dollar Beard Club
« Reply #3 on: December 08, 2015, 04:28:44 PM »
That's quite crafty of you, Rusty!
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Offline Rusty Shackleford

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Re: Dollar Beard Club
« Reply #4 on: December 08, 2015, 06:51:32 PM »
I, or anyone, could probably make it by the gallon at a price cheaper than you can buy it online with all the superficial marketing buzzwords and gimmicky packaging.  That a bit of hyperbole there might but this stuff is incredibly expensive online for all it costs to make, and it isn't even close to being rocket science to mix up.  I admit I just halfassed it after a little research and got it right enough!
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Offline Razor X

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Re: Dollar Beard Club
« Reply #5 on: December 11, 2015, 11:11:27 AM »
Well, you probably go through more beard balm than those of us with shorter beards, but I bought a tin of Honest Amish in July for $13 and I am only about a quarter of the way through it.  Not something I could be bothered to make myself.