Author Topic: Feeling unhip?Beardless? Need A Soul Patch? Well....  (Read 1967 times)

Offline Blitzed

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Feeling unhip?Beardless? Need A Soul Patch? Well....
« on: February 27, 2014, 06:16:21 AM »
I had to read the article twice and then do a bit of research before I even believed this one's true. Up to now this seems to be confined to Brooklyn but there's no reason to think it won't spread and it's near that Fashion Capitol of the World, New York City. What it amounts to is men who cannot seem to grow sufficient fur to produce the sort of facial hair they want. The answer? Get a beard graft. As much, or as little as you want and....where you want it. For the courageous, those able to admit their loss (?) there are doctors in Brooklyn who will do the implantations but for those not wanting to admit to this lack, the popular place to correct it is in Florida. As with anything hairy, it takes a while to grow out and, depending on your preferences, years to get the full Santa Claus effect. For the less interested in lots of hair, there's the very hip "Soul Patch" or that area just under the chin that is covered with follicles but is only seeable if you're shorter than the person wearing it or the just mentioned wearer spends time with their head leaned back. (This one just goes beyond me, it never looks like much more than mold and who wants that?) Apparently some do as it's on the list of places to be astro-furred. The cost? And average of $7,000 and what is "average" wasn't made clear. Also, to cover the sort of area you will need for a sideburn to sideburn beard with accompanying moustache requires a lot of hair....which implies a lot of donor areas. One way to go sly, I suppose, but...not the way I'd consider. Also, in looking at some of the "after" images of the newly bearded, the texture and curliness of the hair seemed quite at variance with the (remaining) hair on their head. You may not want to know this doing my research I found you could also have a hairier chest, groin, even-and this is from someplace that goes beyond even a parallel universe, a back that you can style, get a crew cut, shave.....If you have further knowledge...I'd be tempted not to "share". Just personal taste.


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