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Feeling "under the weather " :(
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Topic: Feeling "under the weather " :( (Read 3983 times)
Super Sly
Posts: 338
Feeling "under the weather " :(
September 14, 2012, 02:15:10 AM »
I am having a very bad time right now ,it is hard to admit but i am afraid ...
I am trying to be though but it is hard to wait if your mother is waiting a heart transplant and i am scared ...She is all that I have in this world (my dad died when i was 17 from brain stroke ) and my family really never accepted me (mostly because i was a child from divorced parents, i always was and i still am a black sheep of the family -for them i am a traitor because after divorce i stayed with my mum and step father,they never even call me -after all this time i wouldn't even want them to contact me- and we live 500m away). -Now they don't accept my new sly haircut( funny but before my hair was too long for them )
.Now i fear to stay all alone in this world ...I don't expect anything from this post -i am weak i guess
I just wanted to say to you all to treasure what you have and never cry because of something you left in your past ....live and appreciate the moment -that is my humble advice, remember things can be always much worse than you think they are now ...(now if i only could believe in my own advices
but i still can't )
The Count of Sly
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Re: Feeling "under the weather " :(
Reply #1 on:
September 14, 2012, 02:33:32 AM »
Hey bro...it's OK to be scared. We all get scared at times. As someone who's had 4 open-heart surgeries, I know where you and your family are at this time. I pray for your Mom's health and recovery.
I'm sure things are bit foggy right now with everything that's going on. But if I could provide some advice; you have a moment that most people in the world don't recognize. You have a moment of uncertainty, where you don't know what the future brings. Seize each day, hour, minute and second you have with your mother. Get real with the conversations; get deep, be truthful. Ask the questions, answer the questions. Enjoy each emotion that your time brings. These are the moments in life that are REAL!
You are not weak...you are in a position of gaining strength. Whatever the future brings you will be able to bear. Just like you went on without your father. You will not be alone if you don't want to; others will be there for you.
It's times like these that define people. You get pushed to limits you didn't know you have. You learn that you can overcome challenges greater than you ever imagined. You have been provided this time to grow as a son, and as a person.
We are here...you are not alone.
People are not limited by the circumstance that they are born in. They are limited by the size of their dreams. Show them that their dreams can have no limits and in turn their accomplishments can be limitless.
Paul the Headblader
Sly Bureau
Posts: 1752
They see me rollin' they hatin'
Re: Feeling "under the weather " :(
Reply #2 on:
September 14, 2012, 02:50:43 AM »
I sincerely hope your mom will be OK
be who you are, say what you feel, because those who matter don't mind, and those who mind don't matter
Super Sly
Posts: 338
Re: Feeling "under the weather " :(
Reply #3 on:
September 14, 2012, 03:12:18 AM »
Tyler : thank you on your kind words and for sharing your experience with me
, I am trying to look on the positive side always but sometimes it is hard ! Tyler I must say your family brought the smile on my face
,you guys are so cute
!My ex.stepfather had 5 open heart surgeries that my mum payed in best clinic there is -and now he is ok ,in fact now he is suing my mother because his retirement is- to quote the judge(es)"his retirement is to low for his standards of living "(and he has already another family ,he has money but he is still suing four-th year now , he has no soul ... )
-thank you buddy on you support !
Sly Bureau
Posts: 1511
Sly and loving it since 2 June 2012
Re: Feeling "under the weather " :(
Reply #4 on:
September 14, 2012, 06:54:35 AM »
Milan, I am sorry to hear you feel this way, you seem like such an awesome bloke, if you ever need a chat I would like to extend my hand to you, while I do not personally know what you are going through, I am a strong believe of getting things off your chest.
You certainly are not a weak person at all, it takes a great strength to deal with what you are going through, and you are doing well, you are allowed to have a moment of weakness every now and again, how you deal with it is what makes you a stronger person, and I think you have the right attitude.
I can understand where you are coming from about being the black sheep of the family, I've pretty much grown up the same way (my parents were both the black sheep of their families), if they feel that way about you then you are better off surrounding yourself with people who are actually willing to support you.
Your ex-stepfather sounds like a real douche too... any judge in their right mind should throw that case out, I don't understand how your mum can be responsible for his lack of retirement funds...
I hope your mum gets that heart transplant soon, in the mean time I'd be following Tyler's advice and being their with your mum, you never know when it will the the last time you see her... I learned that about my grandparents, I spoke with my grand father the night he was rushed to hospital and in the morning he was gone.
Anyways I feel I have waffled on way too much here...
Sir Harry
Sly Kegler
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Re: Feeling "under the weather " :(
Reply #5 on:
September 14, 2012, 07:21:21 AM »
Stay strong, Milan...you are in my prayers!
Even when the d is removed, the devil is still evil.
Super Sly
Posts: 338
Re: Feeling "under the weather " :(
Reply #6 on:
September 14, 2012, 07:28:31 AM »
Beardman -no ,you are right ,thank you
, I really appreciate you and I appreciate your advices ...thing is ...I have no friends and I have no girlfriend either any more...I am trying to stay positive but- one trouble after another buddy.Last year doctors said that my mum has an osteosarkoma (bone cancer), half of the year I've been devastated and I tried to commit suicide and then good news - it wasn't malignant( thank God )- and now this buddy I am also suffering from this BDD / OCP or I don't know any more ,depression ...
Talking helps thank you buddy !I know nobody likes whiners ...
SlySirHarry12 -thank you for all of your support ,you are a good man !
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Feeling "under the weather " :(