Author Topic: Flu shots?  (Read 7256 times)

Offline Mikekoz13

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Re: Flu shots?
« Reply #15 on: October 18, 2011, 10:17:07 AM »
Oh brother it must be October. Every year at this time I have to listen to the same nonsense about flu vaccines..

This is the response of someone that has not done their homework. (Sorry Tom)

ABout 13 years ago I became a self taught expert on the "possible" side effects of vaccines. Buddha is correct about vaccines containing a lot of potentially bad things.

When my son was 8 months old his life was nearly ruined by the DPT shot that nearly every child in America receives. After 5 very long years of days filled with seizures, the promise by some of the best doctors in the country that our son would deteriorate to the point of spending his life in a wheelchair with no quality of life, and trying LITERALLY every anti-seizure medicine (some very toxic) the Good Lord blessed us with a nearly 100% recovery.
The saddest part of this for my son and every kid that gets this shot is that a shot that cost only $6 more would have avoided the problem 100%..... $6..... who the Hell wouldn't pay that to keep their child safe. That shot is now the norm.

Before you naysayers tell me I'm full of it you should know this..... I asked many doctors over the years about the connection between vaccines and tragedy. Nearly every one of them told me there was no connection.... and I knew every one of them was lying to me. Notice that I said "nearly" every doctor. Finally one doctor pulled me into a room, closed the door and said these exact words to me with tears in his eyes...... "If you ever tell anyone I told you this I will deny it. I will swear that I never spoke to you about this. DO you understand?" The doctor went on to say "I not only believe there is a connection, I am sure of it." The doctor then swiftly walked away and I never saw that doctor again.
Over the years my son was drug toxic, incoherent because of the drugs, had blood drawn every two weeks for months on end, and faced the possibility that at least one drug could be fatal. This was our lives for over 5 years... and then several years more wondering if things were going to get bad again.
I had educated myself to the point that I knew more about vaccines than some of the doctors we saw.

I've argued with doctors about getting my kids vaccinated.... to the point that one questioned my committment as a Father.Let's just say the nurses had to pull me off of that a$$hole.

I had one doctor say very matter of factly to me that "ONLY" 1 in 100,000 kids have problems with vaccines. My response to him was, "Well if that one kid is yours it might as well be every kid in 100,000". He just shrugged.

I've lived through this guys. I'm NOT anti vaccine. I've had dozens of people that know what happened to us ask me about vaccines over the years. Nearly all thought I would tell them not to get vaccinated. What I tell them is that EVERY single person should educate themselves about what they are about to put into their own body or the body of their loved ones. ANd education does NOT mean asking the doctor that is about to give you the vaccine.

Sorry about the long post............... this one is close to home and my Heart.

Thank God that your son came out of the other side of this ordeal in good shape Mike. That being said, we were specifically speaking about Flu shots here which I and tens of millions of people around the world that do not do their homework will continue to take every year. I guess we will just have to agree to disagree on this one.

Agreed....... but the flu shot is indeed a vaccine. Thus, my overly long post!!It's my belief that each of us should know about ANY vaccine before getting it.

And by the way...... i got my flu shot last Wednesday.
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Offline Chavster

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Re: Flu shots?
« Reply #16 on: October 18, 2011, 11:34:47 AM »
At the end of the day, a vaccine is a shot of what you're hoping to avoid, so there are always going to be some risks.

My parents were completely against me having vaccines when I was a cute young thing, and I never got any of the diseases/illnesses associated with childhood, such as mealses, rubella, chickenpox, etc.

Then two years ago, out of the blue, I caught chickenpox. No idea how or where, it just jumped up and bit me on the ass. My doctor told me it was one of the most severe cases he'd ever seen, and he was concerned it was going to bring on a heart attack. He also warned me that I'd most likely get Shingles within 5 years.

And here I am today, October 18, sitting here with Shingles :(

Not sure why I told you all that...

As for the flu vaccine, just like all vaccines (and medical treatment here), they're free of charge. I had a letter from my doctor's office, inviting me to go in for a flu jab this coming Saturday.

Quite frankly I'd rather stick a red hot poker in my eyeballs, so I wont be going.


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Re: Flu shots?
« Reply #17 on: October 18, 2011, 11:39:43 AM »
I commented on an older post about flu vaccinations but I think it's worth repeating:  I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but I just can't trust mass inoculations.  I haven't had a flu shot since I was a child and can't remember the last time I've had influenza. 

Hell, I avoid taking Tylenol and other common pills as much as possible.  I think living a healthy and natural lifestyle is the best preventative measure for illness. 

I'm with you bro!

Offline D.A.L.U.I.

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Re: Flu shots?
« Reply #18 on: October 18, 2011, 11:47:47 AM »
And here I am today, October 18, sitting here with Shingles :(

OUCH--that's serious pain and long lasting.  I've heard that putting the contents of Vitamin E capsules--just the oil--on any lesions gives relief, but it may be an old wives tale. Good luck. 

Offline Ming the Merciless

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Re: Flu shots?
« Reply #19 on: October 18, 2011, 12:42:15 PM »
Ming asks the Slymen to research the last great deadly flu pandemic, "The Flu of 1918," when millions died.  Ming also recalls being sick as can be on his birthday in 1957 from the Asian Flu.  ANY vaccine, whatever the vanishingly minute likelihood of "complications," is preferable to feeling as if you have been beaten with a baseball bat and run over by a truck (the usual effect [less than death]) of the flu virus.

Ming is getting his vaccination tomorrow.

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Re: Flu shots?
« Reply #20 on: October 18, 2011, 07:19:19 PM »
Chavster ,......had a case of the Shingles myself 2 years ago. Wasn't a real bad case but still no fun , lasted 2 or 3 wks. They have a shot for that too don't know how effective it is or the side effects. Hang in there ya'll feel better.
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Re: Flu shots?
« Reply #21 on: October 27, 2011, 01:17:50 AM »

Intersting piece in this article states that there are no studies on the effects of flu vaccine for little kids or seniors. Statistically the shocking "success" of flu shots is based upon the fact that people who fall in between the two high risk groups are most often studied to determine the effectiveness of the vaccine. These are young and healthy folks who would probably not have any real ill effects from the flu anyway and who, if things were left to their own devices, might not get the flu to begin with.

But hey, I think that anybody who feels the need to get the shot should absolutely get it. You just ain't gonna see me getting one. Is it because I trust neither doctors or government and its assorted agencies? You Betcha!

Here's another.
« Last Edit: October 27, 2011, 01:23:11 AM by buddha »
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Re: Flu shots?
« Reply #22 on: October 27, 2011, 05:30:27 AM »
Flu shots. They refuse to test the effectiveness because they say that would be unethical. I mean exposing someone to the flu without protection!  But they freely give us a flu shot not knowing what it might do. Does that make sense?

Most flu shots also contain mercury as a preservative ... in doses that are illegal in any other form, but it's OK to inject as a flu shot. Does that make sense?

Vitamin D3 has been tested and proven to do as well or better than a flu shot, but the medical community ignores the studies.  Does that make sense? 

Google Vitamin D3 and flu shots for some interesting reading.

I'll keep taking my Vitamin D3, thank you.

Offline Mikekoz13

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Re: Flu shots?
« Reply #23 on: October 27, 2011, 05:35:35 AM »
Flu shots. They refuse to test the effectiveness because they say that would be unethical. I mean exposing someone to the flu without protection!  But they freely give us a flu shot not knowing what it might do. Does that make sense?

Most flu shots also contain mercury as a preservative ... in doses that are illegal in any other form, but it's OK to inject as a flu shot. Does that make sense?

Vitamin D3 has been tested and proven to do as well or better than a flu shot, but the medical community ignores the studies.  Does that make sense? 

Google Vitamin D3 and flu shots for some interesting reading.

I'll keep taking my Vitamin D3, thank you.

I heard that vitamin D3 makes men's hair fall out.  ;)
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Offline tomgallagher

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Re: Flu shots?
« Reply #24 on: October 27, 2011, 06:32:09 AM »
LMAO.... :/O :D :o

Offline buddha

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Re: Flu shots?
« Reply #25 on: October 28, 2011, 11:55:26 AM »
Flu shots. They refuse to test the effectiveness because they say that would be unethical. I mean exposing someone to the flu without protection!  But they freely give us a flu shot not knowing what it might do. Does that make sense?

Most flu shots also contain mercury as a preservative ... in doses that are illegal in any other form, but it's OK to inject as a flu shot. Does that make sense?

Vitamin D3 has been tested and proven to do as well or better than a flu shot, but the medical community ignores the studies.  Does that make sense? 

Google Vitamin D3 and flu shots for some interesting reading.

I'll keep taking my Vitamin D3, thank you.

I heard that vitamin D3 makes men's hair fall out.  ;)

Cool, I'm gonna up my daily dose!
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Offline buddha

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Re: Flu shots?
« Reply #26 on: November 08, 2011, 07:32:22 AM »
In 'universal' flu shot push, medical industry admits current flu shots are useless
Tuesday, November 08, 2011 by: Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
(NaturalNews) The medical community is in the process of unveiling a "universal" influenza vaccine that it claims will prevent all flu strains with a single jab. The only problem is that, in the process, the system has inadvertently admitted that current flu shots are medically useless because they fail to target the correct flu strain in many cases, and they do not stimulate a natural flu-fighting immune response even when the strain is a match.

A recent report by CBS 11 News in Dallas / Fort Worth explains that researchers from the University of Texas (UT) Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas have identified a compound they say spurs the growth of a key protein known as REDD-1, which prevents cells from becoming infected. By injecting this compound into patients, REDD-1 will increase, say the researchers, and thus effectively prevent any strain of flu from taking hold.

But what about current flu vaccines? Dr. Beatrice Fontoura, one of the head researchers involved with the new universal flu shot, explained to CBS 11 that it works differently than current flu shots because it "stimulates our own (immune) response which is already there and boost it to fight an infection."

In other words, flu shots being sold today at pharmacies across the country do not actually promote natural immunity at all, which begs an important question. If current flu shots do not boost the immune response, then what, exactly, are they good for?

Not much, according to a recent study published in The Lancet. Though the mainstream media widely reported that the study's findings showed an effectiveness rate of 60 percent for flu shots, actual data in the study reveal that flu shots help about 1.5 out of every 100 adults. This, of course, translates into a measly 1.5 percent effectiveness rate (

And yet, for years, medical professionals everywhere have been hounding the public to get their flu shots or else face horrific sickness and even death. And those who continue to avoid the flu shot based on concerns about its safety and effectiveness have been routinely dubbed "anti-science," or worse.

Ironically, the CBS 11 piece about the universal flu shot also contains an interview with a woman who admits that she stopped getting the flu shot because it made her sick every single year. Once she stopped getting flu shots, she stopped getting the flu. So why, again, do we even need a universal flu shot?


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"Certainly there is no hunting like the hunting of man and those who have hunted armed men long enough and liked it never really care for anything else thereafter."
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