Author Topic: Ok, what makes up "ME" simple, GUNS!  (Read 4954 times)

Offline Daven

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Ok, what makes up "ME" simple, GUNS!
« on: August 12, 2011, 03:55:05 PM »
:) Hey everyone. I just found this thread area.  I have lot's of interest, anything APPLE makes, like Macbook Pro's (which I have) iPhone's (which I have and my wife has) iPad, (My wife has) and AppleTv, which we have. I love their products and they are GREAT! 

As a wheelchair user, I can't do sports or normal hunting/fishing stuff (I know there are clubs to do that, but those clubs are downers).  I DO LOVE GUNS, the NRA, and my second amendment rights. I am a concealed carry weapons permit holder and carry a gun 24/7/365. I own many guns and shooting is my passion. I love shooting for fun and hopefully for competition someday.  IN FACT I recently started a YouTube channel featuring me. If you watch YouTube, and like to subscribe to channels, please subscribe to mine. I need as many viewers as I can to get my partnership. 

My channel is   

I hope you visit and like it.

One last thing, if you against guns, please don't criticize me because I like them. I would NEVER discourage you or give you a hard time if your passion was something I hated.

AKA Gimpy

Offline buddha

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Re: Ok, what makes up "ME" simple, GUNS!
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2011, 05:08:13 PM »
One last thing, if you against guns, please don't criticize me because I like them. I would NEVER discourage you or give you a hard time if your passion was something I hated.

I am not against guns, I have always been of the opinion that a pistol, left to its own devices, will kill no one. I carried one for a long time because of the job that I did and that may be part of the reason that I don't see the charm of carrying now. But I am all for concealed carry or open carry for anyone who feels the need. Nothing wrong with it.

That being said you are going to encounter people who think that guns of all kinds come directly from Satan. They're going to come prepared to argue so rather than shutting down lines of communication I would encourage you to arm yourself in advance with all the appropriate statistics. I know that one of their faves is that a gun kept for self defense often gets turned against its owner by the bad guy. Make no mistake, this does happen. But it happens to people who are not of sound tactical mind prior to an event kicking off. The person who wins a life or death encounter is the one who has already made the decision to kill in advance and does not issue a warning to his adversary that he/she is armed. They let the pistol do ALL the talking. Its these fools who, when an intruder enters the house at 2am, feel the need to let the intruder know that they have a gun. This accomplishes 2 things: It lets the intruder know what he is up against AND it tells the intruder that his intended victim has already decided NOT to shoot. Better to get a good position behind cover and wait for the bad guy to stick something out that you can aim at. Like Eli Wallach said in "The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly", "When you're gonna shoot.....shoot, don't talk".

Anyway, be prepared for the gun-o-phobics. They're everywhere.
"Certainly there is no hunting like the hunting of man and those who have hunted armed men long enough and liked it never really care for anything else thereafter."
Ernest Hemingway, On The Blue Water.

Offline tomgallagher

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Re: Ok, what makes up "ME" simple, GUNS!
« Reply #2 on: August 29, 2011, 08:38:25 AM »
Too bad that this thread didn't take off. I would have thought that it would have.

Offline Arnie

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Re: Ok, what makes up "ME" simple, GUNS!
« Reply #3 on: October 23, 2011, 06:55:14 AM »
I love my Walther PPK/S (aka sociopath repellent). b@n*


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Re: Ok, what makes up "ME" simple, GUNS!
« Reply #4 on: October 20, 2012, 01:35:14 PM »
I agree with this 100%.  I also carry , I think now days it is wise.  With all the things that are happening , and all the people that are desperate a person never knows.  I would rather have one than not.  Also have a Apple iphone 4.  It's all good.  My choice of carry in a gun is Mdl.1911 45 cal. semi auto.

Have a Great Day.

Offline tomgallagher

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Re: Ok, what makes up "ME" simple, GUNS!
« Reply #5 on: October 20, 2012, 02:09:01 PM »
That is a lot of gun there. I carry a S&W MP Shield in .40 caliber. A lot easier to conceal.


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Re: Ok, what makes up "ME" simple, GUNS!
« Reply #6 on: October 20, 2012, 02:36:28 PM »
Over the years I have had about 1 of each.  Have always loved guns.  The 45 cal. is alot of gun, but have gotten so use to it, I either carry it in a inside the waistband holster or a JackAss Shoulder rig , with 2 extra clips on the other side.  I do prefer a auto compared to a wheel gun.  But the little Mdl.36 S&W or Mdl. 60.  or the bodygaurd are nice carry pistols.  But still like the in condition 1.  I also have a little LCP Ruger with a pocket holster and it is so light you hardly know its there.  And for as small as it is it shots very nice.  Better than trying to pull out a knife LOL.


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Re: Ok, what makes up "ME" simple, GUNS!
« Reply #7 on: October 20, 2012, 03:02:25 PM »
The 40 cal. is also a good cal.   It is carried by many LE's , some are still with the 9mm.  A person that carry's should always continue to practice, know there gun and spend alot of time with it.  Alot of people buy a gun and box of shells and think that is it.  Wrong .


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Re: Ok, what makes up "ME" simple, GUNS!
« Reply #8 on: October 20, 2012, 04:56:24 PM »
I was reading several news items which fits in with this.  "Thefts of cell phones rise rapidly nationwide."  Seems scumbags like iPhones real well.  I might give them mine but also something else.   ;) O:O

Offline Bluebriz

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Re: Ok, what makes up "ME" simple, GUNS!
« Reply #9 on: October 20, 2012, 06:10:33 PM »
I find these gun threads fascinating!  It's like reading about a different world to me, because I grew up in a country where handguns weren't allowed and I live in another with the same rule now.


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Re: Ok, what makes up "ME" simple, GUNS!
« Reply #10 on: October 20, 2012, 06:44:43 PM »
I find these gun threads fascinating!  It's like reading about a different world to me, because I grew up in a country where handguns weren't allowed and I live in another with the same rule now.
Yes bro they are.  I did some research on a topic of Guns on the board from,   ;) In the past I read through about the first 4 pages and can understand why some members do not like to approach this subject.  The former member's  that seemed very young had a different idea's than older,and more mature members  ^-^  punks,  there were some very good members that made some great points.   :)

Now that is said, only I would hope mature,members need post here.  And adm. and the mods would enjoy and also come in and see that young kids that haven't had gun training , and have  a clear knowledge about this topic.  Thanks, in advance.

Bro., sorry about that but wonder why this post didn't take off.  But yes some country's have taken away the right to own and carry a firearm.  In the last few years  ;) Gun sales have went up considerably.  Read a article the other day.  A Attorney, that was making a 6 figure salary , and he quit and he and a partner bought a Gun Store.  And he is make much more money.


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Re: Ok, what makes up "ME" simple, GUNS!
« Reply #11 on: October 21, 2012, 08:59:04 AM »
I would have to agree with Daven as I carried for many years because of work, and being on the job.  I just don't find the fancy to own a lot of them any longer, and only carry one that I've grown fond of.  Ruger came out with a great conceal carry called the LC9, and it goes on most photo shoots as does my bear spray.  O:O


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Re: Ok, what makes up "ME" simple, GUNS!
« Reply #12 on: October 26, 2012, 02:35:22 PM »
Always try to go for a Headshot, or two  ;) , watch your breathing and tip of the finger on a shot , so it is not throwen .  Sorry lol, just me.

Offline tomgallagher

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Re: Ok, what makes up "ME" simple, GUNS!
« Reply #13 on: October 26, 2012, 03:41:04 PM »
Uncle Sam taught me to go for center mass every time.


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Re: Ok, what makes up "ME" simple, GUNS!
« Reply #14 on: October 26, 2012, 03:49:58 PM »
Uncle Sam taught me to go for center mass every time.
Now days Tom, there are alot out there that have body armor .  I would rather send someone home with a third eyeball , than buy the farm.  But iffen I was like runnen into a bear my eval. still goes  ;) 8)  but yes indeed that is what I was taught to.  But have changed the mind, on what I was taught and such  ;) .