Author Topic: Thoughts at the half way point  (Read 4114 times)

Offline sailor61

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Thoughts at the half way point
« on: February 19, 2011, 09:40:00 AM »
Today is day # 15 so I'm half way through the 30 day "probationary" period. 
My thoughts/observastions;

1) It's only been 15 days?  Feels like forever, guess that means this is a good decsion.

2) Responses have been overwhelmingly positive but I have seen an interesting pattern that I wonder if others have run into?

Women have been positive to neutral.  Buddies have mostly been the same however any negatives seem to have come from guys who are not apparently hit by MPB.  Guess they just can't relate to the issue. 

Friends who have  MPB have reactions that range from "looks great", "how did you get up your nerve?", "wish I could" to "want to but wife/gf/etc  won't let me"

3) I am annoyed at myself over the fact I can't master the blasted Headblade.  I can see where it should be a much simpler process but I keep running into a problem in the back at the base of my skull.  It's not the gadget - it's me.  I've retired it for awhile and will give it a shot again somewhere down the road.

4) As poor as my relationship with the HB razor has been, their products rule!  Love the Headslick, Shed and Gloss.  The aftershave product (name fails me at the moment, Clear head?) is great too but they need to have larger bottles.  Need to get some of the Matte since there are times that might be a more appropriate look - I'm job hunting.

5) When I first started following this forum I questioned all the statements that I read about how this can be such a life altering transition - I looked at it sort of as just another hairstyle.  But, at least for me, it has been more than that.  It has had a very positive impact on my confidence and my friends have also remarked on this change. 

6)I was never a guy who spent much time thinking about what I wore - pretty much whatever came out of the closet.  Now I'm actually thinking about my appearance.
That ranges from "does this look good on me?" to "gee feels a bit velcroey up there...guess I need to shave agian before I go out"

7) And it's not just the shaving thing, as most everyone does I had a shadow from the remants and know that no amount of shving will get rid of it. So I went the Jergen's Natural Glow route and it's good stuff.  Doesn't turn me orange.  It does not get rid of the shadow but by having a bit of safe color on the rest of your face it does blend it in better. Now, about the dark circles under my eyes....

8 ) Until I took the plunge I had no idea how many guys were walking around with really bad combovers (is there ever a good one?) or silly looking fringes.  Come on guys, grow a pair and try it - there is a better way!  If you hate  the shaved look, it'll grow back and you may just find a better length for you as it does. 

9) Maybe it's just that I'm more concious of it but I do attract more attention when I walk into a room - people look.  Possibly it's the shine but maybe they always did and I just never met their gaze since I was hiding under a ball cap.

10) How long until I stop feeling every draft in the place?

11) Headrubs can feel really good.

12) The first time a stranger asks if  they can rub your head for luck is weird.

13) I read an old thread on here about making referrals to combover victims etc.  Maybe we should have business cards/post cards something that could be anonymously dropped on desks, tucked under windshield wipers/mailed to them... kidding of course but it is tempting.

14) Has anyone come up with a new bald joke/nickname/etc in the last number of years?

15) Oh yeah, ball caps.  Haven't had one on when I've been out and don't really miss them.  Love the feeling of the sun on the noggin. 

One other thing that is pretty serious  - I finally got the impetus to do the shave thing due to having several lesions on my scalp removed, before that I was a long time fence sitter. (biopsies are back, they were malignant but NOT the dangerous stuff, thankful for it being the "good" skin cancer)  so I speak from experience - Don't forget the sunscreen!  And that goes for the tops of the ears, and the nose as well as the dome  Most sun damage that leads to skin cancer happens early in life so this goes for the young guys on here as well.

Have come across a few pictures of me from the recent past that friends have posted online and now I think "I looked like THAT?  for how long?" 

And in closing, I'm very impressed with the friendly, welcoming and supportive nature of this forum - thanks guys for making it what it is.

Just another SBG for life...




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Re: Thoughts at the half way point
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2011, 10:32:41 AM »
Hi Sailor16, glad you joined the forum. Great post you've just added. Several things I can relate to. I tried, but gave up on the Headblade - maybe I should have persevered. I use a Wilkinson razor with Quattro Titanium blades. Does me fine for face and head.
Your warning about skin cancer and sun damage in early life is so important. I had patch removed from the back of my neck 6 years ago. Dermatologist reckoned it was caused by sun damage way back in 1957/1958 whilst I was serving in the RAF at Changi, Singapore. Blazing hot sun every day and no sun protection creams around in those days. So, young guys, do take care - use good sun protection
Since going sly a few weeks ago I've had plenty of compliments, and nothing negative.

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Re: Thoughts at the half way point
« Reply #2 on: February 19, 2011, 01:49:05 PM »
Great post! And likely to be very useful and informative to those sitting on the fence. Well done!

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Re: Thoughts at the half way point
« Reply #3 on: February 19, 2011, 02:00:57 PM »
 This is an excellent post! As far as the HB is concerned, have you watched the tutorials on the HB site? They may help you shorten the learning curve.
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Paradox: Life is a mystery; don't waste time figuring it out.
Humor: Keep a sense of humor, especially about yourself. It is a strength beyond all measure
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Re: Thoughts at the half way point
« Reply #4 on: February 19, 2011, 04:21:58 PM »
By the way, don't feel bad about your lack of HeadBlade skills -- I never mastered it and just put it in a drawer somewhere. My Mach3 does just fine.

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Re: Thoughts at the half way point
« Reply #5 on: February 19, 2011, 08:30:24 PM »
Awesome post!
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Offline sailor61

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« Reply #6 on: February 21, 2011, 01:03:46 PM »
Velcro head is weird.

Been busy today and it's the first day that I haven't quite found the time to hit the shower and get a shave done.

Amongst other craziness, I had to go out for a bit.  It's cold and lightly snowy here today so I pulled on a  fuzzy winter hat before I went out.

When I got home and went to pull my hat off it didn't want to move with just the normal  light tug.  First thought was "must have shrunk.."  but then realized it wasn't that tight.  Then it dawned on me - this is what they're talking about they say "velcro head".


Need to go back out so still no time for a shave....I miss that slick feel.



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Re: Thoughts at the half way point
« Reply #7 on: February 21, 2011, 01:24:24 PM »
Yup--it gets addictive!

Offline Paul

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Re: Thoughts at the half way point
« Reply #8 on: February 21, 2011, 02:45:27 PM »
Terrific post, sailor O0  As for the Headblade, don't sweat it.  It is a great tool for a lot of guys but with the back of my head, I can't handle it either.  Try the Mach 3, gives a great, close shave with more control and helps with those cranial problem areas.
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Re: Thoughts at the half way point
« Reply #9 on: February 25, 2011, 05:32:08 PM »
Great post
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Re: Thoughts at the half way point
« Reply #10 on: February 26, 2011, 08:50:15 AM »
By the way, don't feel bad about your lack of HeadBlade skills -- I never mastered it and just put it in a drawer somewhere. My Mach3 does just fine.
