Author Topic: Am I the only one here who LOVES Caswell-Massey?  (Read 1683 times)

Offline TheBreeze

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Am I the only one here who LOVES Caswell-Massey?
« on: January 24, 2011, 11:19:21 AM »
I enjoy hearing about all of your opinions when it comes to different products, so I will add my two cents about a company that I really love - Caswell Massey  I have no relationship with this company other than being a very satisfied customer.

When I entered the corporate world at age 22 and had to start shaving my face every day, I started to get some bad irritation on my neck.  One of my older, wise coworkers told me that I needed to start shaving in the shower and to try using a high quality shaving cream, like those made by Caswell Massey.  I took his advice and used their shaving cream for the next 11 years with very good results.  When I went sly almost two months ago, I tried out even more of their products and have now become an even bigger fan.

Caswell Massey is an amazing American company with a very rich history.  They are also one of the oldest retailers in the world.  The company is kind of a throw back to the old barber shop days and their scents have this same great, classic feel.
I have tried all their shaving creams and have settled on the Greenbriar Line – my favorite scent.  When I shave the dome I make a super lather with their Greenbriar Shaving Soap, Greenbriar Shaving Cream and a few pumps of pure glycerin.  I have had amazing results since day one.  The last step in my routine is to splash some of the Greenbriar After Shave on my face and dome for a great scent that isn’t as overpowering as cologne.  I get lots of compliments from the ladies too.  Although I haven’t gotten to try many of the other scents, I am sure they are great too.

As I’ve read the boards here I am very surprised the company does come up more; a search barely returns a thing.  I guess the fact that the products are fairly pricey is a big factor, but I think they are well worth it.  If you are looking to try out some great products from a great company, I highly recommend you treat yourself to something from Caswell Massey.