Author Topic: New here  (Read 1231 times)

Offline GotThereandThenSome

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New here
« on: January 06, 2011, 01:17:10 PM »
Well actually a lurker for a long while...

The name is Dave and I am in the process of fulfilling my desire to be bald...  I have to say reading the majority of posts all makes this very encouraging... 

Here's where I am at in a nutshell...  Last year around this time I caught my girlfriend of 10 years cheating on me...  Since then I have basically fought to get my life back into control...  I have lost about 90 pounds and have been toning up, with a new body came the beginning of the end of my hair (LOL)...  I went from about 7" of hair all around to about an inch over last summer and now I want to gradually finish off the rest.  I work and live in an environment that I just couldn't shave it all off one day and that would be that...  it kinda has to be gradual if you know what I mean.  So while I still have some hair and we all know the outcome I wondered what fun I could have as I progress to being sly....

Anyone else have experience in this?

Offline ozzie

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Re: New here
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2011, 06:29:32 PM »
Welcome to the forum Dave. Lots of sly guys with lots of different experiences here. But every last one will tell you to just go ahead and shave your head. If you don't like it, what hair you have will grow back soon enough.  O0
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Offline Noodles

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Re: New here
« Reply #2 on: January 06, 2011, 09:15:29 PM »
Welcome to SBG, Dave!!

Hair Today, GONE PECAN Tomorrow was my big SLY step, Dave.

No one had a clue. NOT family, NOT co-workers, NOT friends...NO ONE!! (Come to think of it...not even ME!!)  :D

Brought my son to get HIS hair cut one evening and we were the only customers in the place.

I grabbed one of the other hairstylists who was busy chatting with other stylists in the shop and said "Do me a favor...Shave me BALD!!" Originally she thought I was joking, then admitted she never had that request before from a customer. Once she knew I was serious, she agreed to take it slow, and we got down to it. The little bit of hair she did miss, I later said good-bye to, once i was home and in the shower!!

Upon completion, my son was in total shock for one, followed by my wife and daughter as I returned home, opened the front door and said "Boo!"

Co-workers (I work for the local Fire Dept.) had more of a "that's just like you to do something like that..." type reaction, but I've remained SLY for two years plus and counting, NEVER having any regrets, nor giving stubble more than a day or two of growth. And it had to be a pretty dam good reason for me to go through a day without scraping the ol' melon.
(Normally, I am a twice a day shaver)

Proud to say that since that first week, my being SLY has been universally, widely accepted by friends, family, co-workers, etc.

Once in a while, if I happen to nick myself rather badly while shaving, my wife may say..."Just grow it back and you won't cut yourself anymore...", but she knows very well that I won't!!

 - Cap'n Noodles -

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Re: New here
« Reply #3 on: January 08, 2011, 07:09:32 AM »
Welcome Dave.  While a lot of us have shaved it all off at once you have to do what is comfortable for you.    Just remember this, once you HAVE gone sly, give it 30 days before you allow it to grow back.   
"...and I--I took the road less traveled by, and that has made all the difference."  Robert Frost