Author Topic: "How women really feel about bald men"  (Read 65343 times)

Offline ghund

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Re: "How women really feel about bald men"
« Reply #30 on: June 05, 2011, 03:59:38 PM »
The carpet should match the drapes, if thats what you mean

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Re: "How women really feel about bald men"
« Reply #31 on: June 05, 2011, 04:39:33 PM »

I so wish it was that easy, BTW don't forget the tanning.

Testosterone is also one of the leading causes for hair loss lol

Particularly the testosterone that gets converted to dihydro testosterone

Offline vsG734

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Re: "How women really feel about bald men"
« Reply #32 on: April 25, 2012, 06:28:02 PM »
I am way late on this and a lot of other posts... but trying to understand the world that I don't think is worth the time trying to understand.

First of all- in all my heterosexual secureness, I will say that if I were ever to not care about being bald, it would be because I had a face structure and complexion like Jack's.

Secondly, for some stupid twit to purport that his hat was a crutch because she saw him wearing one one time in her life, after inviting him out to a club shows some real flaws and hyper-superficiality on her part. Don't get me wrong, I know this is why we commonly need a leg up. It's the same reason black people were enslaved in the beginning of this country's institution- some people are just dumb as a box of rocks. Of course I am referring to this girl at the gym.

Maybe you work out because you understand that bald guys with great skin complexion look better with muscles than a guy with a full head of hair does. I don't know- I mean I came to this site honestly because people treat me like sh**. It's no different from my whole life.

Then I go back to my opening statement- is it really worth the time trying to understand the world and the people like this girl that disrespected Jack? Of course not. But it's what I do best- waste my time...

Offline Morton

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Re: "How women really feel about bald men"
« Reply #33 on: April 25, 2012, 10:42:21 PM »
Hair or lack of is surely one of a number of things that are considered in the overall equation that women use to measure attractiveness. YMMV with how attractiveness is measured.

My tuppenceworth:

1. There are attractive guys with no hair and unattractive guys with no hair and those inbetween.
2. There are attractive guys with hair and unattractive guys with hair and those inbetween.
3. There are guys with no hair who are more attractive than guys with hair and vice versa.
4. There are things which make people attractive which have nothing to do with their physical appearance (confidence, personality, humour, sporting ability and dare I say it money/job and lots more)
5. Some men will even become better looking after they go sly and 99% if not all men will become better looking going sly rather than just sporting one of the many balding styles.
6. Some men like big/small breasts, big/small rears, red-heads/brunettes/blondes etc. Woman are the same. Different strokes for different folks. Not everyone will find everyone else desirable or undesirable.
7. And has has been written here already keeping yourself in shape certainly helps.

Maybe I'm strange and maybe it should have but being bald has never held me back with regards to women.

I think I've spent too much time on this post. I'm off.

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Re: "How women really feel about bald men"
« Reply #34 on: April 26, 2012, 02:03:24 AM »
Itsa turn on I am sure , several pals of mine have had spontaneous feels on there shiny dome from complete strangers , happens in the London underground , never had it myself from either gender of people i dont know .

Offline BlackDogBrewing

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Re: "How women really feel about bald men"
« Reply #35 on: July 06, 2012, 11:33:09 PM »
I really do love being bald...
It is much nicer to have a woman admire my hazel eyes than look at my ridiculous hairline.  I really am more confident being bald, could never find a hairstyle that suited me.  Headrubs are always appreciated, too.

Offline gunngee

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Re: "How women really feel about bald men"
« Reply #36 on: July 11, 2012, 06:40:54 PM »
Hmm I must be fortunate. I have never had a woman turn her nose up at me because I was bald I've always had the opposite problem. I have had random women that I have never met before come up to me and ask they could feel my head...  :D :D
Now I can't do that as I am married but I still notice a lot of women checking me out.

Offline vsG734

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Re: "How women really feel about bald men"
« Reply #37 on: July 30, 2012, 08:38:21 PM »
"It's just hair." She said to me one day after I felt defeated. I know now after several years that instead of my reply to her: "It's more than that, it's confidence," I should have instead said "It's more than that, it's respect." She left me soon after I shaved it all off. I still don't know if it was my reaction to peoples' disgust with me that turned her off, or me myself and my damn head.

I was brand new to having people stare at me for longer than a second. People stare at me like I just fell out of a UFO. Maybe that's what they see when they look at me. It's not what I see. It's not how I viewed bald men before it happened to me. That's just who I am, though.

If there was ever an advocate for people getting respect that maybe look a little different, it's me. Before this happened to me, I remember in 3rd grade when I was at a bus stop, and people were picking on a kid very hard and bullying him because he wore glasses. This was back when it wasn't cool to wear glasses. Wouldn't you just know it, those same glasses, and his hairstyle are considered in-fashion now. I wished at the time, watching him get bullied, that I could pick each one of his tormenters up something like Will Smith did in the movie Hancock, except I wouldn't catch them on the way down. It hurt me that much to see someone else getting picked on when I could do nothing, and now it's my life, and I can do nothing. People have taken everything from me, and I've even been threatened at my job on numerous occasions. I've faced bullying at a couple of my jobs- well no actually, all of them.

First they took my self-esteem. Then my self-respect. Then when I get angry, my friends disappeared. I went into hiding. Then they tell me it's not a handicap. After they take my dignity and my self worth with their humiliation and comments from different angles. They won't allow me to be sad, or happy. I have to tow the line. It's to the point where if someone looks at me crossways, I want to knock them out. You can't do that or you go to jail. I'm a mental prisoner out of prison. Luckily, the condition doesn't strike everyone the same way. Some of you have families and friends, and you smile. I wish I was as fortunate. I wish my skin was ever-so-thick, and my feelings were ever-so-numb, and I wish I hadn't ditched my ego from the get-go. With all the egos I compete with- some of them downright grotesque and obnoxious, I wish I had it back. It is the hardest thing to get back.

Sure, I could negate what I am force fed- if I want to look for a different job and quit my career. I could also say goodbye to what little semblance of "friends" I have.

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Re: "How women really feel about bald men"
« Reply #38 on: July 31, 2012, 05:57:58 AM »
VSG....I'm so sorry that you life took a turn like this.....Back in my younger days, I was the "nerd" that got picked on a lot, but in my case, being bald has actually helped me deal with people....I think you are a good person and as for the woman who left you after you shaved your head, it's her loss....While these people fuxxing with you is not right, my combat counselor told me a statement that sticks in my head and I think about this whenever my ex-wife or her family comes at me with unwarranted B.S. "NO ONE CAN TAKE ADVANTAGE OF YOU WITHOUT YOUR PERMISSION!" Didn't mean to put that in all caps, but people in general will do to us what we allow them to do....That said, I pray that one day you find your epiphany like I found mine which was "There is only one me, and that is the person who I am going to conform to, others be damned!" Stay strong, and if you want to talk about this one on one, PM me. Good Luck!
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Offline vsG734

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Re: "How women really feel about bald men"
« Reply #39 on: July 31, 2012, 04:23:21 PM »
Really appreciate you. Every bit of wisdom helps. Thanks a lot.

Offline gunngee

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Re: "How women really feel about bald men"
« Reply #40 on: August 05, 2012, 11:03:00 AM »
VSG....I'm so sorry that you life took a turn like this.....Back in my younger days, I was the "nerd" that got picked on a lot, but in my case, being bald has actually helped me deal with people....I think you are a good person and as for the woman who left you after you shaved your head, it's her loss....While these people fuxxing with you is not right, my combat counselor told me a statement that sticks in my head and I think about this whenever my ex-wife or her family comes at me with unwarranted B.S. "NO ONE CAN TAKE ADVANTAGE OF YOU WITHOUT YOUR PERMISSION!" Didn't mean to put that in all caps, but people in general will do to us what we allow them to do....That said, I pray that one day you find your epiphany like I found mine which was "There is only one me, and that is the person who I am going to conform to, others be damned!" Stay strong, and if you want to talk about this one on one, PM me. Good Luck!

This is so true. I also apologize if my earlier post seemed a little self centered, it was not intended to be. When I was in high school I was always getting picked on, none of the girls were interested in me, I had a low self esteem. I have found since then you have to portray yourself the way you want people to see/treat you. Don't let people walk on you because if you let them once they will do it again and again.

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Offline waine

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Re: "How women really feel about bald men"
« Reply #41 on: August 07, 2012, 07:49:07 AM »
I will never understand how a woman’s mind works.  It is said, "Do not try to understand your woman, just love her".

Nevertheless, in my opinion, woman, in general, are not attracted to bald men, especially in the courting phase of their lives.  However there is always the exception...Once they see the heart, the humor and the confidence, the lack of hair means very little.
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Re: "How women really feel about bald men"
« Reply #42 on: August 07, 2012, 08:59:20 AM »
@Waine: what if we could debug women's mind? :) (just seen this question while web surffing)

Different people have different opinions.
When a woman speaks generally what she feels about bald men I think that can change when she gets to know a bald man

Offline KDusk

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Re: "How women really feel about bald men"
« Reply #43 on: August 07, 2012, 09:24:39 AM »
I agree with Andrei.

And there's also a difference between 'a bald man' and 'a balding man'.

Last I had a conversation with some of my female friends. We got to the subject about Prince William and Kate Middleton's wedding. The general reaction was: "He's a very lucky guy, she married him despite him going bald." So I just coughed and said "Well, excuse me" while pointing at my head. And they answered: "But that's different, you're not going bald, you just shave your head." (I have MPB, though)

And I'm not the only shaved person they know since 2 of them have BBC friends: my female friends' reaction towards shaved heads is completely different than towards balding heads. I haven't explicitly asked them, but it seems that a shaved head is just another style in their opinion, whereas a balding head is seen as 'a negative trait'. And there will always be the occasional girl who will NEVER find a bald guy to be attractive (we also had that conversation), just like there will always be girls who don't like men shorter than 5ft10, or girls who will only date white or black guys...

Offline wonderer

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Re: "How women really feel about bald men"
« Reply #44 on: August 07, 2012, 10:15:00 AM »
Caution you are now entering the danger zone (RED LIGHT are on!) trying to understand woman's mind  may cause madness or adverse side effects like knowing what manolo is op prada :(  HORROR    :/O :-X