Author Topic: Vashs' Wedding Weightloss Goal  (Read 14271 times)

Offline Vash

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Vashs' Wedding Weightloss Goal
« on: June 17, 2010, 05:21:21 AM »
Since I was about 25, I have been described as a "big guy". Though when I refer to myself as a "fat man", people correct me. I am apparently "big", "Solid" and "strong looking", but not what people would describe as "fat". I DO carry most of my weight in my gut and have always had very developed shoulders and arms (mainly from drumming). I don't know if people are just being polite or what, but I think being "big" has gotten a bit out of control for me. I have developed a "spare tire", "double chin" and am slipping toward developing "man boobs".

I feel like it's time for me to get my gut under control.

For the last few years I have been increasingly sedentary in my lifestyle and have paid very little attention to my eating habits. I have simply let the problem get out of control. This has resulted in the man you see in these decidedly unlovely pictures:

which I would appreciate if they never leave this forum.

My current stats are:
Age: 35
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 270lbs.
Waist: 40"
Inseem: 32"

I am getting married in October of 2011 and looking toward starting a family. I have come to recognize that I need to be healthier in general and in better shape for my wife to be, for my future kid(s) and mostly, for MYSELF.

All the height/weight charts I have found online say that I should weigh between 144-183 with an ideal goal of 164. I haven't weighed in that range for about 10 years.

My current weight loss goal is to lose at least 70lbs in the next year.  Under 200lbs by June 2011. There is no way I want to look like this in my wedding photos. Hell I don't want to look like this in ANY photos.

FOOD: I have cut out all fast food and soda in the last 3 weeks and have replaced red meat with veggie burgers. I have also cut out sweets and replaced them with yogurt and fresh fruits. I average about 1 beer per day (usually Guinness). I drink about half a gallon of water a day and maybe two or three glasses of iced tea per day.

ROUTINE: I work from 6pm - 2:30am 4 days a week, so my daily routine is off from most people, which also throws my work out and eating times off kilter.

I carry most of my unwanted weight around my gut and hips, so focused exercise ideas would be appreciated.

I have NO idea how to go about fixing myself physically. I need some input on diet and exercise I can start off with to get myself off and running, so to speak. I've never done any sort of long-term, intentional body changing work before, so any support, input, tips, tricks, cheats and ideas would be greatly appreciated.

HELP!? And thanks in advance.  :)

« Last Edit: June 17, 2010, 05:30:55 AM by Vash »


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Offline schro

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Re: Vashs' Wedding Weightloss Goal
« Reply #1 on: June 17, 2010, 06:37:41 AM »
Good luck with your trip towards a healthy lifestyle and your upcoming marriage. If your goal is 16 months away, your goal is managable. I'm assuming the target weight you're looking at is based on a BMI. I feel that thing is a joke. According to that thing, I'm obese. For the record, I'm 6' tall, 210 lbs, age 44. According to BMI, I need to get back to 180. 30 lbs? That's nuts.  :/O

In my opinion, getting to 200 is a good goal. So, 70 lbs over 16 months.....that's about a pound a week! Totally managable.

Diet: Ditching fastfood and sodas are a good start (though I still love Coke Zero). I hope you're not ditching ALL's OK to have a burger every once in a while. Depriving yourself entirely is not a good thing. In our house, we use a lot of turkey products such as ground turkey (chili, burgers) and turkey bacon (surprisingly good) are regulars. And I've ditched fast food, except for Subway.....the Sweet Onion Chicken Teriyaki sandwich is low fat and very tasty (pile on the veggies, pass on the mayo).

Exercise: At a pound a week, changing your diet will be your biggest asset. Right now, I would suggest walking. If you could find an hour a day, you could do 3-4 miles and probably meet your goal easily.

Good luck and keep us posted!

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Offline ozzie

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Re: Vashs' Wedding Weightloss Goal
« Reply #2 on: June 17, 2010, 07:20:17 AM »
Congratulations on the resolution, Vash! And the steps you have already taken towards that goal. Eliminating the fast foods and soda is a fantastic first step.

I'm not sure cutting out the meat is the greatest idea, because you are going to need a lot of energy to cut the fat, and meat is the easiest source from which to obtain that. But, not a deal-breaker by any means.

The most important thing to do now that you have eliminated the junk food, is exercise. While moderate exercise like walking will help keep you healthy, it will not eliminate, or at least any time soon, a fully developed beer tumor. High intensity exercise is the key. Not the hour-long aerobic nonsense. Man type exercise. That means rigorous exercises that include weights. Heavy weights. Get thee to a gym for half an hour or so when you are not working and get on a program that has you lifting heaver and heavier weights in a shorter and shorter time span. Alternate these with high intensity body weight exercises. You should be done in 20 minutes or so, and be totally knackered at the end of each session. If you do it right, you won't really need much of the boring, interminable aerobic stuff. Oh, yeah, you should check with a doctor first, blah, blah blah. ;)

When it comes to weight training, the key is not resting too much between sets so you keep your heart rate up. That's what raises your metabolism, which in turn burns calories, which in turn returns you to the shape of your youth. Forget the "targeted" exercises. Don't worry about those exotic exercises designed to isolate this or that. Concentrate on "core" exercises. Especially the total body exercises like squats and stuff. (Ask a trainer at the gym what they are). Your body will reward you by reducing the fat storage in those areas you want reduced. BUT, you really should be totally exhausted at the end of each session. Intensity is the vital element most gym rats leave at the door when they enter the gym.

Vary your exercises a lot. Do not do the same routine over and over. Surprise your body by doing something completely different once or twice a week. Swim? Bike ride? Yoga?

And don't be discouraged if you don't see any immediate results. I wouldn't even worry about weighing yourself for a few months. Your body is going to go through some adjustments. You might even put ON a few pounds initially as you increase muscle mass. But the results will be there soon enough.

As for food, like I keep harping about in these threads, reduce and eliminate as much as possible, all sugar and gluten products, especially processed food. Fresh meat and fresh vegetables, nuts and seeds will keep you in fine health and deliver a ton of energy with which to burn that over-abundance of body fat.

But don't be too hard on yourself. There's no reason to isolate yourself from the good life. The stuff mentioned above takes a lot of discipline and serious effort and, to be honest, it can become tedious. This should be a memorable, fun time for you, so if you manage to stay pretty much on target during the week, reward yourself! Eat whatever you like for one day on the weekend. Gorge yourself. Yep! Even pizza and beer and whatever. It's OK to cheat. Use that time to hang out with family and friends. That way you start the week ready to kick butt, and you have something to look forward to each weekend. Good luck, mate! Keep us posted.

For more in-depth info on some of the principles mentioned above, Google "Paleo Diet" and "Crossfit"
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Offline Hook'Em

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Re: Vashs' Wedding Weightloss Goal
« Reply #3 on: June 17, 2010, 08:34:01 AM »
My brother is one of those hard-core exercise nuts. Runs Iron-man Triathlons and such. He has one tried an true weight loss philosophy: Eat LESS Move MORE.
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Offline schro

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Re: Vashs' Wedding Weightloss Goal
« Reply #4 on: June 17, 2010, 08:40:06 AM »

High intensity exercise is the key. Not the hour-long aerobic nonsense. Man type exercise.

Guess that shoots my idea out of the water.........

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Offline ozzie

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Re: Vashs' Wedding Weightloss Goal
« Reply #5 on: June 17, 2010, 09:07:40 AM »

Guess that shoots my idea out of the water.........

Oops! Haa ... sorry mate. AHEM! Let me rephrase that ... oh .. sh*T ... never mind. Oh ... here goes .... Nah. I got nuthin. Sorry!  :-[
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Offline schro

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Re: Vashs' Wedding Weightloss Goal
« Reply #6 on: June 17, 2010, 09:37:35 AM »

Guess that shoots my idea out of the water.........

Oops! Haa ... sorry mate. AHEM! Let me rephrase that ... oh .. sh*T ... never mind. Oh ... here goes .... Nah. I got nuthin. Sorry!  :-[

LMAO!  :*))

Ozzie, it's all good. What I tried to do in my suggestion to Vash was to look at the big picture. If he's trying to get in shape by Oct 2011, taking it in moderation is more attainable and less daunting than taking a boot camp approach. That being said, if someone is serious about going at it full force, has the time to do it, and the ability to stick with it, a more intense program is ideal.

In my situation, I work a ton of hours, have two active kids (whose activities I try to NEVER miss), and support the Lovely Mrs. Schro so she can be at home to raise our kids. My workout time is limited and (realistically), I don't see myself ever getting back to where I was at my peak at age 30 (6' tall, 180 lbs, 6 pack, nice definition). I run 3-4 miles a day, 4 days a week. I lift weights probably once a week, mainly for toning, not looking to go nuts (my biggest problem is diet, and cocktails). So, my suggestion was based on my schedule. It may not be for everyone.

Sorry, didn't mean to hijack the thread, I just was suggesting a possibility to reach a level of weight loss over the long haul without potentially becoming discouraged and quitting.

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Re: Vashs' Wedding Weightloss Goal
« Reply #7 on: June 17, 2010, 10:58:17 AM »
My brother is one of those hard-core exercise nuts. Runs Iron-man Triathlons and such. He has one tried an true weight loss philosophy: Eat LESS Move MORE.

I like that. ELMM.

Offline Tyler

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Re: Vashs' Wedding Weightloss Goal
« Reply #8 on: June 17, 2010, 11:40:59 AM »
Vash, I have the exact same stats and pictures, except my weight is at 230.  I've been doing P90X and while I haven't dropped any weight in the 5 weeks (despite a pretty strict diet) , I have reduced my gut by nearly 2 inches.  My legs and arms are getting toned and my double chin and man boobs are going away.  Even though I'm doing the lean program, I think I'm gaining a ton of muscle as my strength has improved dramatically. 

BaldRob is also doing the program and has had awesome results in his first 90 days.

The program does require a 1 hour (90 min one day) commitment per day, but you can do it in the privacy of your own home at your schedule.  This is what has helped me since my schedule constantly changes due to me having meetings with people from around the world. 

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Re: Vashs' Wedding Weightloss Goal
« Reply #9 on: June 17, 2010, 03:04:56 PM »
you don't look too bad don't be so hard on yourself man :)
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Re: Vashs' Wedding Weightloss Goal
« Reply #10 on: June 17, 2010, 06:43:01 PM »
Since I was about 25, I have been described as a "big guy". Though when I refer to myself as a "fat man", people correct me. I am apparently "big", "Solid" and "strong looking", but not what people would describe as "fat". I DO carry most of my weight in my gut and have always had very developed shoulders and arms (mainly from drumming). I don't know if people are just being polite or what, but I think being "big" has gotten a bit out of control for me. I have developed a "spare tire", "double chin" and am slipping toward developing "man boobs".

I feel like it's time for me to get my gut under control.

For the last few years I have been increasingly sedentary in my lifestyle and have paid very little attention to my eating habits. I have simply let the problem get out of control. This has resulted in the man you see in these decidedly unlovely pictures:

which I would appreciate if they never leave this forum.

My current stats are:
Age: 35
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 270lbs.
Waist: 40"
Inseem: 32"

I am getting married in October of 2011 and looking toward starting a family. I have come to recognize that I need to be healthier in general and in better shape for my wife to be, for my future kid(s) and mostly, for MYSELF.

All the height/weight charts I have found online say that I should weigh between 144-183 with an ideal goal of 164. I haven't weighed in that range for about 10 years.

My current weight loss goal is to lose at least 70lbs in the next year.  Under 200lbs by June 2011. There is no way I want to look like this in my wedding photos. Hell I don't want to look like this in ANY photos.

FOOD: I have cut out all fast food and soda in the last 3 weeks and have replaced red meat with veggie burgers. I have also cut out sweets and replaced them with yogurt and fresh fruits. I average about 1 beer per day (usually Guinness). I drink about half a gallon of water a day and maybe two or three glasses of iced tea per day.

ROUTINE: I work from 6pm - 2:30am 4 days a week, so my daily routine is off from most people, which also throws my work out and eating times off kilter.

I carry most of my unwanted weight around my gut and hips, so focused exercise ideas would be appreciated.

I have NO idea how to go about fixing myself physically. I need some input on diet and exercise I can start off with to get myself off and running, so to speak. I've never done any sort of long-term, intentional body changing work before, so any support, input, tips, tricks, cheats and ideas would be greatly appreciated.

HELP!? And thanks in advance.  :)

Greetings, bud.  My first thought was that if you (and I were to loose weight), then that would result in having to buy new Utilikilts.  By the same token, walking is great exercise.  Also, PDX is a great place for bike riding.
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Offline Vash

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UPDATE: Vashs' Wedding Weightloss Goal
« Reply #11 on: April 05, 2011, 09:11:51 PM »
So, at 9 months in I've been alternating walking/running about 5 miles at the local high school track every other day with floor work outs (planks, push-ups, crunches etc.) and weights. I've been taking weekends off, but still walking in the evenings on those days.

Still no fast foods. Only diet sodas and water. Primarily only light beers. Eating mostly chicken/turkey for meat proteins and some veggie burgers. I have a burger now and again, but only as an occasional treat.

My current stats are:
Age: 36
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 238lbs.
Waist: 38"
Inseem: 32"

I'm now looking to start attacking my gut more directly and starting to build my chest to help balance out my silhouette.

About 6 months to go. Still shooting for 200lbs. for wedding day.  O0

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Re: Vashs' Wedding Weightloss Goal
« Reply #12 on: April 05, 2011, 09:22:10 PM »
Looking good!    O0

Offline Magoo

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Re: Vashs' Wedding Weightloss Goal
« Reply #13 on: April 06, 2011, 04:13:28 AM »
Looks great your workout seems good and practical. It's working for you.
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Re: Vashs' Wedding Weightloss Goal
« Reply #14 on: April 06, 2011, 05:00:56 AM »
Nice job Vash! You llook much better and no doubt feel better.

Like Tyler and BaldRob.... I'm doing P90X. The weight loss is slow and that is a good thing for keeping it off long term.

Congrats to you!! You're going to look great on your wedding day! Please keep us posted on your progress.
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