Author Topic: 22 going bald...thinking of future is killing me....  (Read 23128 times)

Offline sloppy101

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Re: 22 going bald...thinking of future is killing me....
« Reply #15 on: September 15, 2009, 04:06:33 PM »
Thanks for the replies guys. Ya i may be over thinking this but i am sure a lot of you have gone through this somewhat. The doctor i saw was Dr. Rassman from the new hair insititute in Los angeles. It is a hair restoration place. Well anyways the appointment was free so he is not making any money off me. He just prescribed me propecia which i have yet to fill. I am just stressed about it because at the same time i have acne and being bald with acne is not what i want.

Offline bem75

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Re: 22 going bald...thinking of future is killing me....
« Reply #16 on: September 16, 2009, 07:27:51 AM »
Dude, DO NOT fill the Propecia script.  That is some bad stuff.  When I found this forum, I had been googling info about Propecia.  I read some of the horror stories here and other places.  If you think that you're self conscious now, wait until you have man-boobs from Propecia.  Or how about a limp willie?

Your hair is fine.  Don't let a doctor, who does want to sell you something, make you believe that you're in desperation mode.  And don't kid yourself about that "free" appointment.  Why do you think they do that??  It's because they are also good salesmen and they are trying to sell you their service/product.  You should hear the pitch that plastic surgeons give, during their "free" evaluation.

Don't get suckered in.  Enjoy your hair.  You have a lot of it.  When it does become clearly evident that you are losing it, rest easy knowing that you can shave your head and look better than you ever imagined.

Lastly, read through some of the stories on this site.  You will see one theme over and over again.  Almost all of us wish that we had shaved sooner and learned how great it is to be bald.  I am one of them.  Shaving my head was incredibly liberating and it gave me a huge boost in confidence.

Relax and enjoy your life.  You have nothing to worry about with your hair.

Offline barcafan

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Re: 22 going bald...thinking of future is killing me....
« Reply #17 on: October 13, 2009, 08:59:34 PM »
Oh god please dont listen to that fucking scumbag dr rassman.  He's the biggest crook i know, slimeball


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Re: 22 going bald...thinking of future is killing me....
« Reply #18 on: October 17, 2009, 02:53:14 PM »
worrying about your hair sucks more than losing your hair.
If you walk down the road of worrying I can promise you you will notice some or the other form of thinning everyday even when it isnt there. Just enjoy life. As far as I can tell you have a long way to go before your hairloss even becomes visible.
Besides if and when it does happen you can shave and get over it. I did the same and it all seems to have turned out all right

Offline JasonR

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Re: 22 going bald...thinking of future is killing me....
« Reply #19 on: October 20, 2009, 03:39:43 PM »
Dude! Chill!

Here's my suggestion. Shave it to a 1", 2" or 3" guard. Try that out. Chances are you'll like it. Then use a 0 guard. Then grow it back. That way you KNOW how it feels to have a beautiful shaved head, and you can grow your hair back. So when it comes time you won't hesitate.

Also, it should restore LOADS of confidence. Just reading some of these posts make me feel insecure.

I started losing my hair at 16. And my hairline was WORSE than yours. I know how you feel and what you're going through. Now that I shave my head w/ a 0 guard (I still have a hairline) I don't worry about it any more. If you're worried about women, women love shaved heads. I have so many girls come up and rub stranger even.

Liberate yourself. Enjoy life. Shave it off, at lest once. :)


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