Author Topic: Your Shave Routine  (Read 396586 times)

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Your Shave Routine
« on: February 12, 2007, 01:20:13 PM »
So what is your shaving routine?  Here's mine.

My weapon of choice is the Fusion Power using the manual cartridge.

I shave in the shower, less clean up and I find it quicker.  I keep the water as hot as I can stand it.

I first wash my head with Equate Daily Face Wash from Wal-Mart (WM's version of Clearasil Daily Face Scrub).  This helps soften the hair and removes all the dirt and oil from the skin.  I believe that prepping your skin/hair for the shave is more important than what you actually choose to shave with.  If the hair isn't prepped properly, any razor will give a horrible shave. 

Next I get the lather ready.  I am currently using Burt's Bees Bay Rum and a natural bristle brush.  Apply lather and start to shave.

I normally do two passes.  The first is with the grain.  I use short choppy strokes with very light pressure.  I then reapply lather and shave against the grain again using very light pressure and short strokes.  I use my free hand to feel my way while doing the back of my head.  Rinse again.

After I get out of the shower I do a cold water rinse.  This helps close the pores that have been opened by shaving.  Next I rinse with Witch Hazel or Old Spice Aftershave or maybe even Bay Rum, whatever I am in the mood for.  This further closes the pores.  If I feel any missed spots, this is when I clean them up, I don't re-lather or anything, just lightly run the razor over those areas.

That's it.  I find the least amount of product that I use on the noggin', the happier I am.  If I want extra shine I will apply HeadBlade's HeadLube Glossy but I usually don't need to.

Total time spent...10-15 minutes.

So, what is your routine like.  I look forward to reading about yours.  Maybe you do something I will add to my routine as I search for the slickest shave possible.

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Re: Your Shave Routine
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2007, 01:55:53 PM »
My razor of choice is the HeadBlade.

My routine is a follows:

While in the shower I scrub my head with HeadShed by HeadBlade.  Then I lather on some HeadSlick or Matte For Men depending on what I feel like that day.  I shave back to front on the first pass and then front to back on the second pass.  I then pull out the Fusion to use the 6th blade around the ears and to shave around my face.  Next I wash my head and face with Tolsom Facial Cleansing Foam.  This helps reduce any oiliness.

I then get out of the shower and apply either Tolsom Skin Protection Lotion with SPF 15 or HeadLube Glossy depending on if I will be in the sun much that day.  If I'm going to be in the sun a lot, I'll use the Matte for Men Head Care Lotion with SPF 25 for a little extra protection.
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Re: Your Shave Routine
« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2007, 02:45:04 PM »
My routine:

While I'm in the shower I wash my face and head with Clarasil Deep Action Cream Cleanser. I don't shave in the shower, and when I get out I don't dry my head. I use Headslick and get out the HeadBlade with Sensor 3 blade. Since I shave everyday, I shave against the grain, there is no need for a pass with the grain. Then I rinse my head and feel to make sure I didn't miss anything, if so I go back over those spots. Then I get out my Fusion and use the 6th blade to do around my ears and the top of my sideburns. I finish it all up with some Gilette Aftershave Lotion and then some hydrocortisone cream to prevent irritation because sometimes my head itches when I am done shaving.

That's pretty much it, but since I work outside I am going to start putting sunblock on my head too. You seem to be pretty adamant about using sunblock, Tyler, what would you recommend? I am usually in the sun anywhere from 1-5 hours a day.

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Re: Your Shave Routine
« Reply #3 on: February 12, 2007, 02:48:36 PM »
This is my morning ritual:

Get in the shower, and scrub my noggin with Head Shed. Then I apply Head Slick and currently I'm using a HeadBlade Sport with a Sensor Double Blade. I usually do one pass against the grain, then use my hands to find the spots I missed. When I'm at my smoothest, I will give the melon a quick rinse using some semi-cold water. When I get ready to shave the face, I use my Mach 3 (regular), clean up around the ears and all. Then depending on the possible razor bumps, I will use Clear Head then Head Lube. I used the Matte for a long time, but recently went to the Glossy last week. I still use Matte for weekends and stuff.
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Re: Your Shave Routine
« Reply #4 on: February 12, 2007, 02:54:10 PM »
You seem to be pretty adamant about using sunblock, Tyler, what would you recommend? I am usually in the sun anywhere from 1-5 hours a day.

It looks like you have pretty fair skin and with the number of hours you are in the sun, I would recommend Coppertone Sport SPF 45 or 50.  I think it's 45 now in the stores.  You can see a review of it here:
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Re: Your Shave Routine
« Reply #5 on: February 12, 2007, 03:00:12 PM »
You seem to be pretty adamant about using sunblock, Tyler, what would you recommend? I am usually in the sun anywhere from 1-5 hours a day.

It looks like you have pretty fair skin and with the number of hours you are in the sun, I would recommend Coppertone Sport SPF 45 or 50.  I think it's 45 now in the stores.  You can see a review of it here:

Excellent! Thanks, Tyler, I'll be picking some of that up this evening.

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Re: Your Shave Routine
« Reply #6 on: February 12, 2007, 04:13:55 PM »
1. Wake up
2. Crack open a beer
3. Kick the cat
4. Scratch various body parts that itch
5. Use the company-issued PC to cruise british tabloid websites in search of pics of the MBabe.
6. If I can't find her anywhere, I'll check her out on Sly Bald Guys (boy, she's purdy).
7. Shower, which includes shaving the dome. I use the HB Classic razor & Head Slick. Start at the center, front to back then work down to ear level on each side, reverse the direction and finish the back of the head, and top it off with Head Lube (matte Finish).

If I fail to do #1, the rest of it is a moot point.


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Re: Your Shave Routine
« Reply #7 on: February 12, 2007, 04:16:48 PM »
You seem to be pretty adamant about using sunblock, Tyler, what would you recommend? I am usually in the sun anywhere from 1-5 hours a day.

It looks like you have pretty fair skin and with the number of hours you are in the sun, I would recommend Coppertone Sport SPF 45 or 50.  I think it's 45 now in the stores.  You can see a review of it here:

Excellent! Thanks, Tyler, I'll be picking some of that up this evening.

You're welcome dude!
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Re: Your Shave Routine
« Reply #8 on: February 12, 2007, 04:22:53 PM »

1) Hop in as I can stand.....exfoliating cleanser (St. Ives Apricot Scrub) on head & face.

2) My shower routine--including brushing my teeth--has me in the hot water for about 8 to 10 minutes

3) Go to the sink, lather up my dome and face with Edge Advanced Gel (leaving the Van Dyck)....shave my face first to leave gel on the noggin as long as possible.

4) Using my Fusion I do one pass against the grain all over then check for missed spots

5) Wet my hand, adding to leftover gel and--continuing to check for missed spots--rub noggin untill perfectly slimy

6) get back in shower and lean forward to rinse just the noggin with as cold as water as I can stand.

7) Finish up with either a self-tanning lotion, Nivea for Men After Shave Balm or Aloe Gel.

Right now I'm doing this every other day.  Haven't had an occasion to use sun block.

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Re: Your Shave Routine
« Reply #9 on: February 12, 2007, 04:30:00 PM »
so, that cold water rinse is a good manuever?

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Re: Your Shave Routine
« Reply #10 on: February 12, 2007, 04:33:49 PM »
so, that cold water rinse is a good manuever?

I love it.....that in conjunction with a really close shave seems to bring out a greater level of natural shine.  Plus it just feels good

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Re: Your Shave Routine
« Reply #11 on: February 12, 2007, 04:46:32 PM »
so, that cold water rinse is a good manuever?

I love it.....that in conjunction with a really close shave seems to bring out a greater level of natural shine.  Plus it just feels good

I never do that because I'm in the shower.  But, I guess I could keep a large cup full of cold water next to the shower and use that right before I get out.
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Re: Your Shave Routine
« Reply #12 on: February 12, 2007, 04:49:28 PM »
I know I shouldn't knock it until I try it, but to go from a hot shower to cold water really doesn't sound all that appealing to me.

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Re: Your Shave Routine
« Reply #13 on: February 12, 2007, 04:56:38 PM »
I know I shouldn't knock it until I try it, but to go from a hot shower to cold water really doesn't sound all that appealing to me.

Just on the noggin....are you kidding....I don't let that cold water go past my neck.

I tried to avoid using the term "bending over" connected with being in the shower  :-X

But that's what you have to do to keep in only on the noggin.

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Re: Your Shave Routine
« Reply #14 on: February 12, 2007, 06:14:18 PM »
I take a hot shower and later up using the HeadShed exfoliator.  One my skin looks like I was spawned by a lobster, I get out and use HeadSlick and work it into a good lather (love how little it takes!).  Currently I use the Head Blade Sport with the 3 bladed blades.  I might touch up with the Mach 3 around the ears and stuff.  I rinse with cold water (which sucks to be honest) and apply some HeadLube Matte lotion.