Author Topic: Laser hair removal on your scalp  (Read 620732 times)

Offline Baldman

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Re: Laser hair removal on your scalp
« Reply #465 on: October 27, 2010, 10:21:19 PM »
I have definitely thought about it, I have not done any research on it though. Sounds painful and expensive but that would be super awesome!
-Live Bald and Prosper

Offline Jason66

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Re: Laser hair removal on your scalp
« Reply #466 on: October 28, 2010, 07:05:53 AM »
Hey Martty...  Mostly LI... Orig fm Manhattan, then LI during HS&college, Bx a few yrs, Now Putnam county. I think one of your earlier comments stated you was from LI. Most of my family still out there, I just hated the traffic when commuting to the city for wk. Even the LIRR was crazy  :D. So moved a bit N, a lot less populated, an Hr to city, more house for the $, most imp, VERY little commuting traffic...BUT Now it's a 2hr ride to visit family. Oh well...

Offline kokyman

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Re: Laser hair removal on your scalp
« Reply #467 on: October 28, 2010, 07:13:25 AM »
Hello fellow baldies,
I found this site when looking into lasering my head. I actually had laser a few yrs ago on my arm when planning to sleeve it up. It actually didn't work much since I only had one session  ( the tech nor I knew it would take a few more). It was new here back then, a lot more expensive and info wasn't as available as it is now. The tech did do a test spot on my neck since I was thinking about shaping my goatee. That spot is still bald 15 yrs later with just one zap.  Back then I had already started shaving my head due to the thin top. The tech did suggest I could laser my head. Back then I was still hoping in that miracle pill a few of us been waiting for, No not Viagra, the other one... but as we all know, No luck... but the head zapping idea always stood in the back of my mind.
Given the choise, I  much rather have a full head of hair, unfortunately it isn't an option. Even with stem cell research regarding hair growth, It's too far from completion for me to benefit from it. So it brings me to here. I HATE the "horseshoe" look, But don't look bad with a tight shave. I'm kinda lazy when it comes to shaving so shave every 2-3 days at most and "hat" it the rest. Hair grows fast, just not into shaving. It'll be great not to have to "hat" it just to cover the stupid "horseshoe". I'm hitting 44 so kinda outgrowing the baseball cap thing. On top of that, greying faster now (5 % or so now) So, best to do it now then zap the leftovers with electrolysis. I did that also 15-20 yrs ago for tattoos & mustache shaping,  and it worked great. Too large an area for it now though.
 I actually had a consultation and my appointment for my first session is next week. I'm going to have everything above my shoulders leaving just a goatee as one fellow baldy stated he's getting done. Being in NY, I couldn't find the great deals I see some of you guys had. I looked at a few locations, and w/o driving 2 hrs, The best local cost is $600 a session or prepay $1,800 for four sessions. I didn't ask for the breakdown of area, but I guess It would be two (head/face). So $300  ($225 if pre-paid for 4) a session for the head. I have a pretty thick beard that goes low on my neck. If broken down by area it's not so bad. She said she will cover it all. Back of neck, upper checks, below and sides of eyes, between eyebrows, shape goatee, inside goatee, everything... She is also located only a cpl of miles from me and made me feel comfortable since she had done a few heads already, so that's a plus..
I've done a bit of research, and thanks to this site, I'm going into it knowing a bit more what to expect, better informed and feeling better knowing I'm not alone in what I thought was a crazy idea. I'm planning to take some pic before and after and will post then a wk or so after first session.

Best of luck, and don't forget the pics, since no one here posts barely any of them anymore... thanx!

Offline Jason66

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Re: Laser hair removal on your scalp
« Reply #468 on: October 28, 2010, 05:33:34 PM »
Hey kokyman, From you post it seems that you're on the fence on this... The way I see it is like this... Hair I lost ain't coming back... Stem cell research to long a wait. Too many horror stories with hair transplants even after it costing 10-15k. The rug just don't look realistic unless you have John Travoltas, Elton john, Tom Hanks or William Shatner type of $$$... I don't... I hate the horseshoe shadow. The laser laser does work at least for some of it. I had a test patch done 15yrd ago that's still bare. Electrolysis works, Did that too.. So, I'll do the 8-12 laser sessions and if I have to, throw in a few electrolysis in between to get the stubborn and white ones. I'm going into it knowing it's a no turning back, long, bit pricey, possible patchy, bit painful commitment. But at the end of it all... one way or the other, it'll be gone... worst case scenario, I'll have to do a lot of electrolysis... Anyway, I will be taking pics just to see for myself the progress, So I'll post as I go along...

On a side note, My wife thinks I'm crazy and that I look the same w/or w/o the shadow... Yeah, that's why I keep her around.     :@`

Offline kokyman

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Re: Laser hair removal on your scalp
« Reply #469 on: October 30, 2010, 08:18:52 AM »
Hey kokyman, From you post it seems that you're on the fence on this... The way I see it is like this... Hair I lost ain't coming back... Stem cell research to long a wait. Too many horror stories with hair transplants even after it costing 10-15k. The rug just don't look realistic unless you have John Travoltas, Elton john, Tom Hanks or William Shatner type of $$$... I don't... I hate the horseshoe shadow. The laser laser does work at least for some of it. I had a test patch done 15yrd ago that's still bare. Electrolysis works, Did that too.. So, I'll do the 8-12 laser sessions and if I have to, throw in a few electrolysis in between to get the stubborn and white ones. I'm going into it knowing it's a no turning back, long, bit pricey, possible patchy, bit painful commitment. But at the end of it all... one way or the other, it'll be gone... worst case scenario, I'll have to do a lot of electrolysis... Anyway, I will be taking pics just to see for myself the progress, So I'll post as I go along...

On a side note, My wife thinks I'm crazy and that I look the same w/or w/o the shadow... Yeah, that's why I keep her around.     :@`

Hi Jason,

I'm not on the fence - I'll do it definately, just right now at the moment I don't have any money for it. It's a must for me.
My shadow will be so f*cked up, that the only solution is permanent removal, or at least bringing it to minimum.
Right now, it ain't that bad, but already shows pretty much clear signs of advanced NW7 pattern, which is horrible. :)

With shadow, it doesn't matter if you have a nicely shaped skull or if you look good bald - it spoils everything. That's why it has to be removed. I think that's the primar reason why everyone wants LHR, less because of ease of shaving.

It's almost ironic that males with alopecia totalis on their head look much better that the ones with shadow. The head looks clean, compact, and in many cases - cool. Shadow f*cks up everything, it kills the natural aerodynamic lines of someones head, and still serves to viewer's eyes as hair - even if you're clean shaven. So, there's no other alternative for me.

I think laser hair removal is the best option for most of us, just I don't see that many successful stories - or they don't post.

Good luck, Jason, and don't forget to report!  ;)
« Last Edit: October 30, 2010, 08:22:34 AM by kokyman »

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Re: Laser hair removal on your scalp
« Reply #470 on: October 30, 2010, 04:11:05 PM »
Kokyman........Your kind of hard on us guys that carry a shadow. I personally like the shadow. I think it breaks up the naked look and adds character.Remember beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
If only all men lived by the "Golden Rule ."

Offline Jason66

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Re: Laser hair removal on your scalp
« Reply #471 on: October 30, 2010, 09:18:51 PM »
I hear you... In my opinion, I don't like the way "I" look with the shadow. Everyone is different. Magoo, you probably look fine with the shadow, And it's even better that you feel comfortable with it. But there's a few of us that don't. Just personal preference. On top of that, I hate shaving.

I contacted a few guys that had this done (completed) a few years ago since not many people on this forum have posted long term pictures. I've gotten a couple of replies that were positive. Was sent pictures showing no longer shadowed. Most say some hair does come back, but as that happens, it can be re-zapped w/laser or electrolysis.

Anyway, I'll try to post updates as I go along as I know this isn't an easy step.       

Offline kokyman

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Re: Laser hair removal on your scalp
« Reply #472 on: November 01, 2010, 05:48:23 AM »
I hear you... In my opinion, I don't like the way "I" look with the shadow. Everyone is different. Magoo, you probably look fine with the shadow, And it's even better that you feel comfortable with it. But there's a few of us that don't. Just personal preference. On top of that, I hate shaving.

I contacted a few guys that had this done (completed) a few years ago since not many people on this forum have posted long term pictures. I've gotten a couple of replies that were positive. Was sent pictures showing no longer shadowed. Most say some hair does come back, but as that happens, it can be re-zapped w/laser or electrolysis.

Anyway, I'll try to post updates as I go along as I know this isn't an easy step.       

I am same as you, I definately don't look good with shadow. IMHO, just a small number of people do. Dalai Lama maybe? :)

Offline mytime2ride

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Re: Laser hair removal on your scalp
« Reply #473 on: November 21, 2010, 12:24:38 PM »
I have male pattern baldness. I chose to shave my head over a year ago and will continue to keep my scalp hair free. I'm 48 years old, very active, and appreciate the simple and clean look; as does my wife.  The only drawback is the time needed for daily or bi-daily shaving and the irritation that can occur.

My wife's sister suggested that I use the SensEpil by Silk'n (IPL) as an option for reducing or eliminating the hair from my head. It seems, after some research, that I'm a good candidate for IPL because I have moderately fair skin and very dark but fine hair. I'm aware that it's considered permanent but so is MPB and rounding the corner to age 50, I don't intend on sporting the "horseshoe" haircut with the "island" of hair on my forehead. I can only see the upside of this choice.

My question to you is: What is the downside of this choice to use IPL for scalp hair removal other than the permanence, which I see as an upside?

If you feel that there are other upsides, I would appreciate your input on that as well.

Offline Dweezil

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Re: Laser hair removal on your scalp
« Reply #474 on: November 23, 2010, 10:21:25 AM »
I have lurked he for a couple months and registered today. Here is my story and my predicament. Im 43, been losing my hair since about 19 when I first realized it. Later in my 20s dont remember exactly when, 23-24 I think, I had my first hair transplant to fill in my temples and fill in the top a bit. That worked fine if not great for a few years. Then my hair kept thinning and it started to look crappier and crappier and was more and more noticeable as an HT. I had a second one by the same Doc and that was a wash and just caused more shock loss and cost money. Used fillers and wore hats for years. hair loss progressed until it looked awful and unnatural and I had one last HT 5 years ago by a much better doc ( supposedly) to try and undue some of the poor work by removing some of the bigger grafts up front and a scar revision for the donor area and add another 3000 grafts or so. The whole thing was generally a failure besides the removal of the most obvious big grafts up front.

So today I am left with one of the worst Linear donor scars Ive seen ( seen worse but not many). A depleted donor area with a
 horshoe and sparse hair up top with a certain amount of minor pitting and some larger 3-4 hair grafts towards the back. Im having trouble typing more so I guess ive hit maximum words and will have to finish up in next post.

Offline Dweezil

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Re: Laser hair removal on your scalp
« Reply #475 on: November 23, 2010, 10:31:46 AM »
So what I would like to do is have my remaining hair including grafts lasered away and have the scar and top of my head resurfaced. My hope is that with the shadow at the back gone the contrast between dark stubble and barren skin will diminish the look of the scar a bit.  And perhaps with some fraxel type laser the quality of the scar tissue could be improved. I am also hoping that like acne scarring that is leveled somewhat with fraxel the minor pitting up top could be lessened.

I would like any suggestions, especially from Marty who I believe had the most similar situation. I am also a New Yorker Marty who lived on LI most of my life in lives in the hudson Valley now about 1 1/2 hour fro NYC.

I will try to figure out how to post some pics of my scar and head.


Offline kokyman

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Re: Laser hair removal on your scalp
« Reply #476 on: November 23, 2010, 11:38:49 AM »
So what I would like to do is have my remaining hair including grafts lasered away and have the scar and top of my head resurfaced. My hope is that with the shadow at the back gone the contrast between dark stubble and barren skin will diminish the look of the scar a bit.  And perhaps with some fraxel type laser the quality of the scar tissue could be improved. I am also hoping that like acne scarring that is leveled somewhat with fraxel the minor pitting up top could be lessened.

I would like any suggestions, especially from Marty who I believe had the most similar situation. I am also a New Yorker Marty who lived on LI most of my life in lives in the hudson Valley now about 1 1/2 hour fro NYC.

I will try to figure out how to post some pics of my scar and head.


Hello Dweezil!

I can't really offer you any advices, because I haven't done (or more precisely, haven't gone into the process of) any LHR myself yet. And your problem seems multifaceted, so you'll have to attack from various angles, like you explained.

However, I think that by going to the LHR route, in terms of removing hair, you can't do any wrong. You can only benefit from reduced contrast of scar tissue vs shadow, and - with scar pronounced or not - you'll certanly look better without shadow, anytime.

Good luck in your quest!

p.s. I think this site doesn't allow normal way of posting pics, it's best to upload them somewhere else and then share links.

Offline Dweezil

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Re: Laser hair removal on your scalp
« Reply #477 on: November 23, 2010, 03:05:29 PM »
Thanks for the response Kokyman. The only worry I have is, I decide to fry my remaining follicles and then shortly after some kind of cell therapy breakthrough happens and Ive got no viable donor cells. Or it doesnt really take and Ive got patchy hair and cant grow whats left to cover the scar and such. I have no issue with being shaved or completely bald at all. been doing it for quite a few months, although I would prefer my pre balding hair or any no scarred appearence for that matter.

So those are the downsides in my mind. The other side though is that "time keeps on slippin slippin slippin into the future". So Id like to get my head to a point of not being so disfigured before its tmie for the big ole dirt nap.

Offline kokyman

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Re: Laser hair removal on your scalp
« Reply #478 on: November 23, 2010, 03:37:08 PM »
Thanks for the response Kokyman. The only worry I have is, I decide to fry my remaining follicles and then shortly after some kind of cell therapy breakthrough happens and Ive got no viable donor cells. Or it doesnt really take and Ive got patchy hair and cant grow whats left to cover the scar and such. I have no issue with being shaved or completely bald at all. been doing it for quite a few months, although I would prefer my pre balding hair or any no scarred appearence for that matter.

So those are the downsides in my mind. The other side though is that "time keeps on slippin slippin slippin into the future". So Id like to get my head to a point of not being so disfigured before its tmie for the big ole dirt nap.

Well, since you're here, in this thread, obviously you're not happy with keeping remaining hair. Like myself.

Unfortunately, there aren't many success stories here -- or people don't post -- about LHR. No one here said clearly "It worked for me, and I am pleased." Even more important, no one posted any quality pictures, with substantial results.

That's why I'm hesitating, too. Aside from money, which currently I don't have.

But still, something tells me that laser technology is still the best one out there, for the solution of my problem.

p.s. regarding cell therapy and multiplication: you can always save one small part - say couple of milimeters of hair above you ear - so that if one day cell therapy becomes available, you can use it. If it becomes fully valid technology of restoring hair, then it wouldn't matter to multiplicate 1,000 or 100,000 hair cells.
« Last Edit: November 23, 2010, 03:39:07 PM by kokyman »

Offline Dweezil

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Re: Laser hair removal on your scalp
« Reply #479 on: November 23, 2010, 06:07:39 PM »
Posting Pics for anybody who wants to comment on scar and LHR of grafts and such.