Author Topic: What made you go bald?  (Read 292578 times)


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Re: What made you go bald?
« Reply #285 on: June 16, 2010, 07:24:53 PM »
the only way to go!

Offline Stormin Norm

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Re: What made you go bald?
« Reply #286 on: June 17, 2010, 07:51:14 AM »
Perhaps it is a "ritual" that most men with MPB go through regarding their receeding hairlines.  Trying to search for answers, denial, and looking for the "cure" plus several other emotions, etc.  I went through this many many years ago.

Personally, I think that the scum who profess to be able to cure mpb and sell horse potion cures should be given hard time or shot.  They prey upon vulnerable people and make millions off their hopes and suffering.  And if a chic just likes you for your hair, then she ain't worth jack or judy s**t. :*))

I said it before.  If there was something on the market that "cured" mpb or grew hair, it would be worth billions and all over the news. Don't waste your time, heartache or money on these psuedo cures.

Once ya accept it, shave the noggin and spend yer bucks on the chics who love sly guys. O0

Offline BigMike01

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Re: What made you go bald?
« Reply #287 on: June 19, 2010, 12:42:58 AM »
What made me go bald?
A drunken bet. My buddies and I were bet by our gf's that we wouldn't shave our heads, the stakes, 10 minutes,for each of us that did it, of them stripping and lap dancing us or whoever didn't shave had to streak around the block while the others got their dances. Needless to say four heads got shaved that night, me and my cousin never looked back and have been sly going on 8 years. 

Offline DigitalGambit

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Re: What made you go bald?
« Reply #288 on: June 27, 2010, 06:27:09 PM »
What made me go bald?
A drunken bet. My buddies and I were bet by our gf's that we wouldn't shave our heads, the stakes, 10 minutes,for each of us that did it, of them stripping and lap dancing us or whoever didn't shave had to streak around the block while the others got their dances. Needless to say four heads got shaved that night, me and my cousin never looked back and have been sly going on 8 years. 

Now that, sir, is a good reason to go sly!   O0

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Re: What made you go bald?
« Reply #289 on: June 29, 2010, 05:21:26 PM »
when i first shaved i got pissed out of my mind on about three bottles of red wine.  The change in appearance thing was repugnant to me. 

Offline johnnybebald

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Re: What made you go bald?
« Reply #290 on: June 30, 2010, 03:45:31 AM »
Perhaps it is a "ritual" that most men with MPB go through regarding their receeding hairlines.  Trying to search for answers, denial, and looking for the "cure" plus several other emotions, etc.  I went through this many many years ago.

Personally, I think that the scum who profess to be able to cure mpb and sell horse potion cures should be given hard time or shot.  They prey upon vulnerable people and make millions off their hopes and suffering.  And if a chic just likes you for your hair, then she ain't worth jack or judy s**t. :*))

I said it before.  If there was something on the market that "cured" mpb or grew hair, it would be worth billions and all over the news. Don't waste your time, heartache or money on these psuedo cures.

Once ya accept it, shave the noggin and spend yer bucks on the chics who love sly guys. O0

i think you're right on that ritual thing, i spent many late nights looking for the "magical cure", and wasted at least about a good $400 on BULLS#!t foams, pills, and potions. i also went through all the same stages( Denial, fear, bargaining, anger, acceptance ). but you have to realize that if there really was such a magical cure it would already be pattented and selling like crazy, and there'd be a lot less sly guys out there, and from what i've been noticing it's quite the opposite. I've been seeing a s#!t load of more sly's walkin around. it's like there's some sort of sly cult going around and getting into peoples' heads lol (looking around suspiciously, COUGH COUGH SLYBALDGUYS! COUGH!) hehe (wink)  ;) hehe.....

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Re: What made you go bald?
« Reply #291 on: July 07, 2010, 05:16:44 PM »
I was worried about my thinning hair and decided it would look better shaven/sly......and yes it did!! Not a bad word or comment since.God knows how i would looked and felt if i had left it!! Liberating in a word....i still have days but if i'm going to worry then it will be about something worthy or about something i can actually change/alter! ..There is not a single bad person on this forum.....we are all at different stages of coping..indeed some have reached that level and have stuck around to help others!! This is why i love it and if i ever make a trip over to the states then i'll be in touch and get some Guinness flowing!! Also.....i am not interested in younger chicks,i'm 40 this yr(the hunt for Mrs Hurst is still on) but even they dig it....women love the bald look....masculine and sexy they tell me.....believe all you doubting slyguys.......we don't need hair!!!!!!!!!!!

Offline Bender_Chrome

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Re: What made you go bald?
« Reply #292 on: August 28, 2010, 02:46:23 PM »
I am unlucky and lucky that both sides of my family have baldness in the gene pool.  As a result when I was 19 to 20 I started to thin out up top.  My step mom is a hair stylist and gave me all the snake oil hair growth stuff you could paste on your head.  Guess what didn't work.  So I started to develop the Picard ring while in college and used the cheap method to hide it, Hair Alternative Treatment(HAT).  Needless to say I used to joke that if some of my hair wanted to leave my head then all will have to go, a nice empty threat.  So on to why I shaved my head.  While working at a movie theater the superman movie came out and people joked that I should shave my head to look like Lex Luthor.  I had told them no, but while getting my hair cut like normal I had mentioned it to the stylist.  She said she would love to do it if I wanted to do it today.  I decided to go for it and next thing I know she was taking off my hair with a straight blade( pretty cool for a first time).  Completely shocked everyone at work the next day.  The only time I let it grow was when my parents came to town and I did not want to tell them I had shaved.  But from then on I have stayed bald.  The future wife loves the look and stated she would have said no to our first date if i had hair.  Needless to say Bald Guys Rule!

Offline kevin

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Re: What made you go bald?
« Reply #293 on: September 05, 2010, 08:11:39 PM »
I started receding at 20. Nothing too bad, and nothing some hair gel or a sweatband couldn´t hide.
A few more years rolled on, and then noticed thinning at the back and also a further thinning on top from about 25.

Got depressed quite a bit, ended up wearing caps and beanies almost 24-7, and very rarely ´did´my hair at all and only really styled it if I couldn´t get by without a Cap on e.g going to Clubs and some Bars with strict policies or Weddings/Graduations etc. 
I looked on the Internet at everything, I hated what I saw in the Mirror every single day without a cap or some type of product to hide the bald bonce.

I started wearing dermmatch and nanogen fibres to cover my thinning hair. Up to last year, I was cutting it very short every few weeks, but the concealer was awful, you were paranoid that someone could touch your hair, or if you sat back on a cream coloured sofa, laydown on a pillow etc. I even had a ´hair´pillow which I used to sleep on Monday to Fridays as I´d plow my head with concealer, save doing it in the morning.

All through 2010 I was depressed with my Hairloss, and the years before too. I hid behind Hats, Wind, Certain areas (Pubs I wouldn´t go to or risk going to incase the Bouncer asked me to take my Cap off). Then the days that I did go out without a Hat - I´d tend to pick darker lit places, non-windy days or if there was Wind - to and from the line of fire aka the Wind into the Venue I was going to.
I was paranoid about People noticing the concealers, which I´m sure they did. If traveling by Public Transport and on a Bus to Work, People opening Windows on warmdays and my combover-concealed dome´s hairs flapping about. Taking a Mirror with me in my rucksack to check if my hair was in place.
Not playing Sports without a Hat, or massive Sweatband/Bandana on and even then concealing my thinning dome.

That is why I shaved it off. There´s no way People were taking me serious. I was constantly looking down when talking to People and on the backfoot for someone to touch my Hair incase they came away with a black paint like mark on their palms and if the light especially from the Natural Sunlight was showing my 2 different Colours of Hair haha.
It´s funny now, but I can´t believe I went through life like that for a few years.
Determing if I wear Hat not on if I want to! but if the Weather wasn´t Windy enough.

I also, decided to go traveling again in 3 weeks I´m heading to NZ (I´m from Scotland) and knew I couldn´t keep buying concealers, hiding in the bathroom with a portable mirror applying concealer before heading outside, the expense of buying concealers.

I shaved my head last Sunday and it´s been one of the most fantastic Weeks of my life. Of course, I was a bit nervous of meeting Friends and Family for the first time, but everyone has been super positive. Some folk haven´t even mentioned it! I was of course nervous incase People would look strange at me, none as yet, if anything - it´s been super positive.

My Best Friend from School who I´ve not seen for 6months, I met him last night and he has a Shaved head 1 all over his Head and we were laughing just when we seen each other for the first time. Also another Friend who I met at the party on Saturday (last seen with a short cropped mohawk/dyed hair job) now was sly too and we both looked at each other laughed and said ´´looking good´´ and discussesd the perks of going bald.

Sorry this is long, but it´s been great reading everyones stories on here and why they jumped in!

All the best folks

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Re: What made you go bald?
« Reply #294 on: September 06, 2010, 01:14:50 AM »
MPB is the clinical answer.
Preference is the reason for remaining sly.

Offline rcg5227

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Re: What made you go bald?
« Reply #295 on: September 14, 2010, 09:12:02 PM »
hate to break it to you, but if you have a receding hairline, you have MPB.  Whether or not it progresses to a completely bald top surrounded by a horsehoe is anyone's guess.  But recession at the hairline is how it usually starts.

Not necessarily.  A receding hair line is not male pattern baldness.  It is simply a receding hairline.  MPB is exactley that a pattern that starts at that the crown of the head and can also recede.  You get the gene for baldness from your mother's father, so if your grandfather on your mother's side was bald there is a very good chance you will be bald.  I have the exact hairline as my grandfather.  He was receded but never did get MPB.  Also I'm 45 and usually by that age you may thin a bit, bt as you grow older, but you would know if you started getting MPB by then.  I used to be a barber and in barber college, we went over all the different types of MPB. 

The ironic part is I could care less if I did go bald, but what I have at this point is probably what I will die with. 

My maternal grandfather never lost his hair. I get it from my dad's side of the family. MPB can come from either side of the family. A receding hairline is a type of MPB, its the same chemical DHT that causes the hair loss.
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Offline kenny57028

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Re: What made you go bald?
« Reply #296 on: September 19, 2010, 11:03:45 AM »
hate to break it to you, but if you have a receding hairline, you have MPB.  Whether or not it progresses to a completely bald top surrounded by a horsehoe is anyone's guess.  But recession at the hairline is how it usually starts.

Not necessarily.  A receding hair line is not male pattern baldness.  It is simply a receding hairline.  MPB is exactley that a pattern that starts at that the crown of the head and can also recede.  You get the gene for baldness from your mother's father, so if your grandfather on your mother's side was bald there is a very good chance you will be bald.  I have the exact hairline as my grandfather.  He was receded but never did get MPB.  Also I'm 45 and usually by that age you may thin a bit, bt as you grow older, but you would know if you started getting MPB by then.  I used to be a barber and in barber college, we went over all the different types of MPB. 

The ironic part is I could care less if I did go bald, but what I have at this point is probably what I will die with. 

My maternal grandfather never lost his hair. I get it from my dad's side of the family. MPB can come from either side of the family. A receding hairline is a type of MPB, its the same chemical DHT that causes the hair loss.

Yep same here my moms dad died at 73 with a full head of hair and my dads dad lost his hair at 18. Quite a window of difference, also a receding hairline is an a sense a type of MPB, but its how much further it goes that determines if your balding.
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Offline dthom726

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Re: What made you go bald?
« Reply #297 on: September 19, 2010, 05:42:12 PM »
I needed a change.  So I started with #2 buzz, waiting a couple weeks and then #1.  Waiting about a month and then a 0 buzz cut.  Got home then the next day, lathered up with shaving gel and now Sly.  Love it and going to keep it Sly for life.

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Re: What made you go bald?
« Reply #298 on: September 19, 2010, 10:07:18 PM »
seborric dermatitis ,eczema, dry skin plus i work for the :popo so i look better this way and fell loads better as well.
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do." Samuel Langhorne Clemens
"Just Do it" Nike
"shave that darn head already" Lordmage :P


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Re: What made you go bald?
« Reply #299 on: October 06, 2010, 09:03:23 PM »
I have obsessive compulsive disorder and I was going through some life changes and figured "hey why not", since than its become a new compulsion of mine.