Author Topic: Worst date ever...  (Read 9090 times)

Offline Tyler

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Worst date ever...
« on: January 28, 2008, 02:35:59 AM »
My wife and I were watching Good Luck Chuck tonight (don't laugh, Jessica Alba has a panty shot and there are a lot of other boobies) and we got to talking about our worst date ever.  I then thought that it would be interesting to hear some of your guys' stories since I'm sure we have some pretty good ones here.

I'll start:

I actually have quite a few bad dates that I could draw from, but I'll mention two that I think are the best , um worst.  I'll exclude the story about the chick that tried to have me jumped in the bar's bathroom because technically I wasn't on a date with her because I was trying to hook up with her friend.

The first story was from the summer after my freshman year in college.  It was my third date with the sheriff's daughter and I was pretty stoked about this girl because she was hot and was fun to hang with.  She met me at a restaurant and we take a seat and got to talking.  I asked what she did that day and that was really the wrong question to ask.  She quickly got this smirk on her face and begin to go into detail how her and her friend saw me at the bank in the morning and decided to follow me around the entire day, listing everywhere I went, who I talked to, and what I did.  I responded with "Wow, that's pretty psycho."  Got up and left, never to talk to her again.

The next story comes from my junior year in college.  We were having a semi formal party for our fraternity where each of us brings a date, dresses in a suit and try to act civil for one evening.  I had recently met a chick that was the sister of one of my fraternity brother's girlfriend (got that?) and thought she was hot.  I figured this night would be a great night to get to know her.  I got her number from the school directory (benefits of a small school), gave her a call and asked her out.  I was pretty happy since she sounded thrilled that I asked her out.  The night of the party I grabbed a white rose and headed over to her dorm, dressed in a suit and all.  I walked up to the dorm, knocked on the door and she answered with a surprised look on her face.  It turned out that she thought she was going with the other Tyler that was in our fraternity.  He happened to be a male model.  She still went with me to the party, but it wasn't exactly the evening I was looking forward to.  Tyler is still a good buddy of mine and it always makes for a good laugh when we bring up the college days.

People are not limited by the circumstance that they are born in. They are limited by the size of their dreams. Show them that their dreams can have no limits and in turn their accomplishments can be limitless.

Offline Mikekoz13

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Re: Worst date ever...
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2008, 06:08:43 AM »
Well I started dating Beth that i met at a party thru a mutual friend. She was super hot and all my friends thought I really lucked out.
About three weeks into dating her we went to the movies..... and saw Fatal Attraction. About 3/4 of the way thru the movie she leans over and whispers in my ear," If you ever leave me, this will be you and me". We both laughed at her comment.
About a month later I ended it with her...   the girl was a freakin' nympho. All she wanted to do was screw.... no movies, no dinners out, no parties, no time with friends............ nuttin' but f*kin'. Yeah I know that probably sounds like the perfect woman to some, but it just wasn't much of a relationship. i got tired of it.........
Anyway I let her down very gently and she took it well....or so I thought. I started noticing that she was showing up everywhere I went. The mall, the movies, clubs, restaurants....... it didn' matter where, she would be staring at me or peeping out from behind a pole or a bush at me. i couldn't help but remember her comment at the movies that night months before.

So anyway, one night I'm out at a pub I hung out in and there she is again staring at me. Well i ran into an old female friend of mine named Millie. Millie is the same height as me (6 feet - 1 inch) and very atheletic.... a real old friend that I hung out with and had beers with.  So I tell Millie this whole story and she never says a word. A few minutes later the DJ plays a slow song and Millie says "Dance with me". I just laughed because we danced together a lot but NEVER slow dances..... she was like my sister. She grabs my hand and drags me to the dance floor and gets real close. Next thing i know she kisses me long and hard... the real thing. I was shocked!!! I was like "What the Hell?.  Millie said we're getting rid of her (Beth) for you tonight.

After the dance we went back to the table and psycho girl was fuming a few tables away. I sat down and Millie went right over to the other table where beth was and had about a two miute, very calm, talk with her. Beth never said a word but got up and walked out of the place. I never saw her again.

I asked Millie what she said to psycho girl and she said " I told her we were dating know and that if i saw her again i was going to kick the sh*t out of her".  Man we laughed about that for years. I still owe her one.........

                                          Mike :@`
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Offline Bald_Okie

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Re: Worst date ever...
« Reply #2 on: January 28, 2008, 08:26:24 AM »
September 18, 1987 - (Yes, I remember the date. It was that bad)

My junior year in college I was still pining  :@`  for my high school sweetheart who dumped me senior year. I knew I could win her back. My sister gave me two passes to an amusement park she couldn't use.

I knew this was it. With free passes I could really spend some $$ at the park and really make an impression. So I called her and made the date.

Fast forward to the big date. I picked her up drove to the amusement park. They tore our tickets, we walked in the gate and she turned to me and said, "I don't ride fast rides, I don't ride water rides and I don't ride rides that go upside down." I turned to her and said, "What do you do?" She proceded to tell me how all she likes to do is look at the curio shops.

OK, the date was pretty much over at that point. We spent the entire evening going in and out of gift shops with buying gifts for her nephews. I gott more pissed off as the evening progressed. After a couple of hours of this she announced she was ready to go. I wasn't leaving without riding a single ride so I told her, "We're riding the Ferris Wheel!"

She begrudgingly got on the Ferris Wheel and we sat there not saying a word as it went round and round. I felt somewhat vindicated. We drove home not saying a word. We parked in front of her house. I walked her to up the sidewalk, deposited her at her front door and said, "Have a nice life." Turned and disappeared into the night.

The funny thing is now the Ferris Wheel is my favorite ride.

Offline Mikekoz13

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Re: Worst date ever...
« Reply #3 on: January 28, 2008, 11:01:08 AM »

The funny thing is now the Ferris Wheel is my favorite ride.

                     Strange how our lives are always sending subliminal messages, isn't it?

"What contemptible scoundrel stole the cork from my lunch?" W.C. Fields

Offline Mikekoz13

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Re: Worst date ever...
« Reply #4 on: January 28, 2008, 11:03:13 AM »
she turned to me and said, "I don't ride fast rides, I don't ride water rides and I don't ride rides that go upside down." 

                   Hey Okie-

                                          just be glad you didn't marry her..... judging by the above quote your sex life would have sucked...........

                                                                       Mike :*))
"What contemptible scoundrel stole the cork from my lunch?" W.C. Fields

Offline Marz

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Re: Worst date ever...
« Reply #5 on: January 28, 2008, 11:36:34 AM »
I went out with a girl once that constantly checked her makeup and brushed her hair.

She wouldn't really talk much or initiate any conversation, she would just respond in incomplete sentences.

When the date was near over she asked me to kiss her and (with brush in hand) was as emotionless as a palace guard.

She was really good looking but seriously had the personality of a brick.
“If trees could scream, would we be so cavalier about cutting them down? We might, if they screamed all the time, for no good reason.”

Offline PBurke

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Re: Worst date ever...
« Reply #6 on: January 28, 2008, 02:59:28 PM »
ok here goes:

i met this lady one night in a club and we talked awhile. she seemed cool and i asked her if she wanted to go on a date. she agreed to the plans. i got tickets to the PBR (Proffesional Bull Riders) event in denver. so we travel the 2 1/2 hours to denver and find this cool little cafe downtown to eat lunch. out side courtyard and great weather. really laid back and fun (i thought) all through lunch she shows me her real personality. she kept babbling on and on about me eating something with a face ( i had a burger ). so we finally finish that torture and go find a mall to walk around in. you know spend some time getting to know each other. big mistake. she was anal about everything. no leather this, no fur that, etc, etc. |she had leather boots on :/O ) so we head up to the arena where the rodeo is. got pretty damn good seats too. right next to the bucking chutes in front of all the action. when they were starting the show there was a bull in the arena and she actually asked me "Why didn't they wipe his nose?" this is after saying that cowboys are idiots and they wear their pants too tight and countless other stupid remarks. i finally just told her to shut the hell up and i would explain it all on the way home. needless to say that was a VEERRRRRYYYYYYY long ride back to drop lucifer off.

i vowed from that day on that if a woman doesn't like rodeos, then i should not date her.

Treat people with respect, or just ignore them!

Offline JDog

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Re: Worst date ever...
« Reply #7 on: January 28, 2008, 04:27:13 PM »
Been so long since I've had date!

Worst one would have to be around 1999, I made the wrong decision to ask out a girl who I worked with. She lived only about 10 minutes away in a small little hamlet town. Her dad was very protective of his only child and thankfully he wasnt there when I picked her up.

We went out and had some horrible Mexican food(worst food to eat when sitting for long periods). Then went and saw possibly the worst teen movie ever made(Varsity Blues). Upon talking to her, I realized we had nothing in common. Liked different music,had polar political views. On the way home I ran out of gas. I had her get in the drivers seat and I pushed my little Ford Escort nearly 1 mile to the gas station(thankfully NW Ohio is dead flat and so I had no hills to go up or down. Well I had no ATM card so I had to borrow 10 dollars from her to pay for the gas. Upon dropping her at home I got no goodnight kiss and she wouldnt give me her phone number. She resigned a week later.

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Re: Worst date ever...
« Reply #8 on: January 28, 2008, 04:45:21 PM »
Paulie's story just jarred my memory

I was about 16 and dating a gal I worked with who was about 19 or 20. It was state fair time, and my mom had some extra rodeo tickets. I picked her up and we headed to the fairgrounds. We were sitting there havin a good time until the calf roping started. She actually started crying. Yeah, OK. So as everyone is looking at the drama queen, I just ignored her and continued to enjoy the other events. Wow, what a basket case is all I could think. Don't remember much from the rest of the night. I was young and dumb as they say.
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Offline Marz

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Re: Worst date ever...
« Reply #9 on: January 28, 2008, 06:05:36 PM »
Paulie's story just jarred my memory

I was about 16 and dating a gal I worked with who was about 19 or 20. It was state fair time, and my mom had some extra rodeo tickets. I picked her up and we headed to the fairgrounds. We were sitting there havin a good time until the calf roping started. She actually started crying. Yeah, OK. So as everyone is looking at the drama queen, I just ignored her and continued to enjoy the other events. Wow, what a basket case is all I could think. Don't remember much from the rest of the night. I was young and dumb as they say.

I have to admit, when I see a calf get roped in less than 8 seconds, I tear up too.
“If trees could scream, would we be so cavalier about cutting them down? We might, if they screamed all the time, for no good reason.”

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Re: Worst date ever...
« Reply #10 on: January 28, 2008, 07:43:16 PM »
Hmmm, I have been sitting here trying to think of my worst date, this is all I got so far. Wasn't really a date...
When I lived with my dad briefly, my stepmothers mom,sisters and brother who was a year younger than me came to visit and they asked that I show him around. So we met up with my brother and got totally wasted, went down to RiverStreet (was local strip you could drive down, but famous now) and this chick I knew and her friend jumps in the backseat with us. Well, she proceeded to suck my neck basically while I came in and out of consciousness, and left hickies everywhere, including my waist line  >:D  Anyway, the next morning my stepmother woke me up yelling at me, asking what did I do... which I replied I had no idea what she was talking about. She then told me to go to the bathroom and look in the mirror, which looked like I had been beaten with a baseball bat. Her brother looked just like me, so we began to laugh. Then my stepmother informed me that the "Family" was going to the beach and I was suppose to pick up my girlfriend that she really liked along the way... talk about a reality check  :o  I blamed my stepmother for making me show her brother a good time, so she tried to cover the hickies with makeup. Needless to say my girlfriend found no humor in the situation and did not go to the beach that day, and I looked kinda girly with all that coverup on at the beach.

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Re: Worst date ever...
« Reply #11 on: January 28, 2008, 11:48:48 PM »
I would say that my worst date was this guy I went out with once.He was a conservative control freak.It was the 80s so I always wore jeans and boots.He liked to wear dress pants and businessman shoes.He didn't even like the fact that I had a moustache.He told me how I should dress and he was a cheapskate.He spent the night talking about himself and how he keeps friends for many years and he was hardly interested in anything I had to say.Needless to say I didn't want to go out with him anymore and then he had the nerve to tell a friend of mine that I wasn't his type.THE NERVE.

Offline Mikekoz13

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Re: Worst date ever...
« Reply #12 on: January 29, 2008, 04:22:24 AM »
I made the wrong decision to ask out a girl who I worked with.

              Hey JDOG-

                       This is the exact reason, that when I was dating , one of my main mottos was.... "Don't butter your bread where you buy it".

                                                           Mike ;D
"What contemptible scoundrel stole the cork from my lunch?" W.C. Fields

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Re: Worst date ever...
« Reply #13 on: January 29, 2008, 01:03:47 PM »
I would say that my worst date was this guy I went out with once.He was a conservative control freak.It was the 80s so I always wore jeans and boots.He liked to wear dress pants and businessman shoes.He didn't even like the fact that I had a moustache.He told me how I should dress and he was a cheapskate.He spent the night talking about himself and how he keeps friends for many years and he was hardly interested in anything I had to say.Needless to say I didn't want to go out with him anymore and then he had the nerve to tell a friend of mine that I wasn't his type.THE NERVE.

Sounds like my ex who didn't like me being sly.

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Re: Worst date ever...
« Reply #14 on: January 29, 2008, 01:11:03 PM »
I think the most awkward date was when a guy asked me out and didn't talk to me/made minimal eye contact the entire date. Then he called me and said he had a great time and asked for a 2nd date, to which I said no.

Sometimes I think dating women would be a lot easier...