Author Topic: What razor do you use?  (Read 676063 times)

Offline Tyler

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What razor do you use?
« on: July 28, 2006, 12:47:02 AM »
I talk to a lot of guys who shave their head.  It seems that it's becoming a more popular thing to do now, or I'm just noticing it more.  Anyways, I usually ask what razor they use to shave their head.

The number one answer I get guessed it...the Mach 3.

Now, I don't use the Mach 3.  In fact, I don't even use a straight razor.  Instead, I use a Remington!  That's right...I use an electric razor!  It's the only way to go for me.  I get just as smooth of a shave as using a Mach 3, but without the cuts and razor burn.  Plus, the overall cost is much cheaper in the long run.

Tell us, what do you use?

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Offline Trev

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Re: What razor do you use?
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2006, 03:28:45 PM »
I've been shaving my head for about 12 years and I've never used anything other than an old school "safety razor".  You don't see many of these around now, but my dad has used one forever and it is the type of razor I learned to shave with.  It is used with a double edged razor blade and it provides a very smooth shave.  It is also probably more economical than using disposable razors.  When you have a moment check out some cool safety razors at:

Offline alotaforehead

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Re: What razor do you use?
« Reply #2 on: August 06, 2006, 02:14:10 PM »
Mach the shower...if you're getting razor burn the razor is dull, or you aren't using enough shaving gel or you keep shaving over the same area over and over....don't go against the grain...go with it!!  Works for me

Offline MississippiRed

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Re: What razor do you use?
« Reply #3 on: August 15, 2006, 01:47:31 PM »
What's good fellas........I use the Gillette Custom Plus's the one with the little gel strip at top  and I've been shaving my melon since 1990....Thanks for the site Ty...


Offline andy

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Re: What razor do you use?
« Reply #4 on: August 16, 2006, 01:47:51 PM »
I use the Mach 3 as well, but oddly enough I find that I have less skin irritation when I'm using a blade that's slightly dulled, one that's been used a couple times already.  I use a gel shaving cream and usually shave after I've gone for a run or something (that is, after I've worked up a sweat.  Not sure if that's good or not, but that's just my routine. Run->shave->shower).  Anyway, I find going with the grain gets the bulk of the hairs, but if I want to get right down to the skin I need to go against the grain.  When it gets down to that I tend to take very short strokes and rinse the blade with hot water between each one.  Somewhat time consuming, but worth the effort, I think. 

How often do you guys shave?  I usually go 4 to 7 days between shaves.

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Re: What razor do you use?
« Reply #5 on: August 17, 2006, 06:07:33 PM »
What's up Andy...4 to 7 days man I wish.........I shave every 2nd or 3rd day almost never more than that.......and yes for the areas where going with the grain doesn't work I definitely go against the grain.......but at this point my head is used to it........this is what I do.......first I wash my head with water as hot as I can stand and soap or shampoo it doesn't seem to make a difference  then while my head is still wet I put on the shaving cream and get it done.....right after that I wash my scalp again with the hot water and soap but after this I dry it completely and then rub alcohol over my whole scalp and let the alcohol dry on it's own at that point I put on coconut oil ......I've been doing it like that for a long time now and rarely if ever get razor bumps.......the best shave I get is with new razors such I only use razors maybe 3 times ......


Offline andy

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Re: What razor do you use?
« Reply #6 on: August 20, 2006, 12:59:05 PM »
Hey Red... That's a great description of your routine!  I'll have to try it out (if I can remember all the steps) :-)

Offline whovean

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Re: What razor do you use?
« Reply #7 on: August 21, 2006, 02:50:21 AM »
The Gillette Fusion rocks
with a bit of head lube
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Offline happyharry

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Re: What razor do you use?
« Reply #8 on: August 28, 2006, 11:53:47 PM »
I mostly use Wilkinson Extreme3 (Schick in N. America) - a single-use tripple blade razor. It does a great job.
I sometimes also use Wilkinson Quattro razors and blades. They give you an unbelievably close shave, but are on
the expensive side, thus I prefer the Extreme3...
« Last Edit: August 28, 2006, 11:57:01 PM by happyharry »
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Re: What razor do you use?
« Reply #9 on: August 29, 2006, 01:16:49 PM »
gillete fusion with the head lube as well


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Re: What razor do you use?
« Reply #10 on: September 14, 2006, 02:35:47 PM »
I've been shaving my head for about 10 years now and no matter what I have tried hands down the Mach 3 gives me the closest, smoothest shave. . . seems to curve to the shape of your head while you shave. And these razors last a really long time, too. I also use a shave gel product. But yup, Mach 3 is for me!

Offline chalatso

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Re: What razor do you use?
« Reply #11 on: September 15, 2006, 06:28:57 PM »
I'm new here; only been a bald'un for a few months now. It's a choice/concealment thing for me.

Anyhow, I'm surprised nobody's mentioned the HeadBlade! I tried one for the first time about a month ago, and I'm totally sold, plus thay've got a really good have cream.

I'm not affiliated with them, I just like their product.


Offline Tyler

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Re: What razor do you use?
« Reply #12 on: September 15, 2006, 07:05:07 PM »
Welcome Chuck!!

I'm curious, how often do you have to replace your blades when using the headblade?  I've been thinking about trying it out.

Anyhow, I'm surprised nobody's mentioned the HeadBlade! I tried one for the first time about a month ago, and I'm totally sold, plus thay've got a really good have cream.

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Offline jsthuggy

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Re: What razor do you use?
« Reply #13 on: September 16, 2006, 03:46:32 AM »
I use the headblade too and I repace the blade after using it about seven times. Thats just a preference I am sure since you dont have to put much pressure you can go more times without changing the blade.

Welcome Chuck!!

I'm curious, how often do you have to replace your blades when using the headblade?  I've been thinking about trying it out.

Offline chalatso

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Re: What razor do you use?
« Reply #14 on: September 16, 2006, 09:00:37 AM »
Well, I bought the headblade a little over a month ago, I guess, and I bought a pack of blades. I've used two blades out of the pack, and I shave about three times a week... (great... a math problem)

I like the atra blades, though...


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