Author Topic: I got a Twig razor!  (Read 8101 times)

Offline clint902

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I got a Twig razor!
« on: May 07, 2023, 06:00:44 AM »
I couldn't find any reviews on here so here goes.  The Twig shaver is a bit over priced and very hard to hold on to because it lacks the knurling.  The shave is about the same as my Gillette 1914 so If you already have something that works for you then my advice is to keep on using it.  The Twig shaver is alright but not magical and very hard to hold on to.  I like my Gillette except it tends to rust so I have to keep it clean.  I can't believe I wasted the money on that thing but I just had to try it.  My summation is it's not worth the extra expense and the grip sucks.

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Re: I got a Twig razor!
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2023, 04:45:33 PM »
My wife picked up some shrink tubing from her work and I used it on the Twig handle and now it works like a charm.  The Twig is still a bit over priced in my opinion but the shrink tubing did the trick and this morning I gripped it like a pro!  Well anyway, If you get the twig, don't bother paying all that money for the sleeve(plus shipping) but instead use some shrink tubing.  I get one shave per half a blade which gives me two shaves per blade so no difference there but really does give a good shave if the scalp is properly prepared.  I got two nicks today which is unusual for me so the razor must be working really good.

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Re: I got a Twig razor!
« Reply #2 on: May 11, 2023, 06:02:40 PM »
Interesting, thanks for the info Clint!
Bald by choice, and loving it!

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Re: I got a Twig razor!
« Reply #3 on: May 12, 2023, 02:04:03 AM »
I have a leaf razor and I love it, it gives a really great shave.  One set of blades, for me, can last ages but I only have a horseshoe  ;D.  I had a couple of technical issues which I was a bit annoyed about, given the cost of the leaf, but the company have sent me a new razor each time, so their customer service is top notch

Offline clint902

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Re: I got a Twig razor!
« Reply #4 on: May 14, 2023, 08:25:40 AM »
I have a leaf razor and I love it, it gives a really great shave.  One set of blades, for me, can last ages but I only have a horseshoe  ;D.  I had a couple of technical issues which I was a bit annoyed about, given the cost of the leaf, but the company have sent me a new razor each time, so their customer service is top notch
I think the only reason I didn't go for the Leaf razor was the head swiveled and I didn't want that.  I prefer the stationary head.  The Leaf razor probably gives a great shave but I use my thumb on the head to press it down and I didn't know how well the swivel part would work out.  If the swivel part locked, I probably would've bought one.  The only other part was the grip but that's taken care of(I think for the price, they should've included the plastic sleeve but maybe now they include one).

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Re: I got a Twig razor!
« Reply #5 on: October 31, 2023, 10:27:40 PM »
I love my Twig for a face shave but I found the handle too short for a head shave.

The blades they ship with it are only good for 2 shaves IMHO. I snap my Personna Blues in have for a great face shave.

For my head I still prefer my Henson Titanium. It's pricey but delivers the best head shave I've ever had.
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