@Magoo and
I'm getting my Gillette Guard razors on eBay. I usually get a pack like this with a few handles and a bunch of razor cartridges. They are quite economical.
If you try the Guard, let me know what you think! I like that it pivots. I've been afraid to go all the way to DE/Safety Razor shaving. So the Guard has been a great in-between with the single blade but the one-way pivot that reduces knicks and cuts.
I had not been on SBG for a few years I when I visited recently, I was really interested in the Omnishaver which I saw mentioned and I purchased one to give it a spin. I'm waiting for it to arrive in the mail. I don't usually spend that much on razors because the Guard which I've been using is probably the cheapest option out there! But I decided to treat myself since I've been shaving my head since 2012 (more often than not) and have hardly changed my shaving routine in the last 4 years. Plus, I'm physically disabled, and a faster headshave to BBS with the Omnishaver sounded really appealing to me.

Lastly, I've always wanted to find a method of shaving that used less water because I have a pipe dream of building and living in a van-turned-RV, which means limited water usage...and I think the Omnishaver could help accomplish that goal. Supposedly the Omnishaver strops itself if you use it per we'll see how well that works for me since my hair is incredibly thick!