Author Topic: How often do you guys shave your head? Razor burn? Irritation? Shine?  (Read 14395 times)

Offline jk7143

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What’s up guys. I haven’t been on in ages. Maybe you guys can help me out. So I’ve been buzzing my head with the lowest clip on a andis clipper-0000 clip-for a very long time, and only shaved my head with a razor occasionally. I started shaving my head a lot more last year with a muhl R89 double edge razor with personna blades. Unfortunately, I got in a accident and burned my body severely. Part of my scalp got burned and is now scarred. No hair will grow on certain spots. I’ve always rocked a bald head since high school, so I have no problem being bald at all. I shave my head every 6 days or so since I came home from the hospital. I go for 2 passes-BBS-one with the grain, and second against the grain. I rarely have any problems after shaving. I’m currently in a healing process from the burns, so I have no reason to shave everyday. I recently started shaving my head every 2 days just to see if it’s something I could do, and my head gets really oily and irritated. I always take a hot shower before a wet shave, I use pre shave oil, change the blades every 2 shaves, and use after shave balms. I get irritation/razor burns when I shave every 2-3 days. It also doesn’t look as fresh compared to shaving every 6 days or so. I would like to shave my head everyday when I go back to work. It just doesn’t look right. I might be exaggerating, but the dots/hair look more bigger if that makes any sense.  What are some other tips you guys can give me? I just need to prepare myself before going back to work. Thanks you for reading, and help is appreciated.
« Last Edit: March 16, 2018, 08:30:50 PM by jkid714 »

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Re: How often do you guys shave your head? Razor burn? Irritation? Shine?
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2018, 04:55:58 PM »
@jkid714 What are you using as your shave routine?  You said pre-shave oil. Are you using cream or oil on top of that?  What after shave balm are you using?
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Re: How often do you guys shave your head? Razor burn? Irritation? Shine?
« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2018, 05:21:41 PM »
Hi jkid, when I first started shaving, I got alot of irritation. I used Bump Patrol for the first couple months. You can get it at Wal-Mart. I shave everyday and it took a couple months for my scalp to get used to it. Now I just use Irish Spring bar soap in the shower and dad make multiple passes with no problems. I do a cold water rinse and an application of witch hazel. I only use lotion if I get a little dryness.

It's all about conditioning the scalp. You just have to be patient.
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Offline bamidon1775

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Re: How often do you guys shave your head? Razor burn? Irritation? Shine?
« Reply #3 on: March 27, 2018, 03:22:59 PM »
I try to shave my head every day or at least every other day. But I was suffering from razor burn to, especially on the back of the neck area (I normally use a headblade in the shower with a good soap or cream). One product I found that has really made a difference for me as been Barbedeaux aftershave lotion - I think they call it their razor bump therapy. It has tremendously helped keep my head clean and clear of razor burn and outbreaks. Might work for you as well.

Offline manisthajain

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Re: How often do you guys shave your head? Razor burn? Irritation? Shine?
« Reply #4 on: April 13, 2018, 03:56:32 AM »
Clean head also a smart and good-looking hairstyle. My uncle clean head and he is shocked, by looking smart and beautiful. Head is so clean, clear and shining.

Offline Denis Fisher

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I shave my head often and use after shaving coconut oil it works well on my skin. O0

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Something I forgot about, and hasn't been mentioned lately is an alum block. I had some irritation recently, and found my alum block. Just rub all over your head with cold water immediately after shaving. Stings a little, but works great.
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Offline Magoo

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I think much irritation comes for many by trying to get a perfectly smoothed shave. If your scalp can handle it fine , but others like my self have to do with less smoothness. The back of my head will only tolerate WTG shaving.
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I do multiple passes against the grain. I like it BBS every day. Got alot of sun lately with just a little pink on my head, just enough to be a little sensitive. Alum block and witch hazel calm it right down.
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Offline pastorscott

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Hi jkid, when I first started shaving, I got alot of irritation. I used Bump Patrol for the first couple months. You can get it at Wal-Mart. I shave everyday and it took a couple months for my scalp to get used to it. Now I just use Irish Spring bar soap in the shower and dad make multiple passes with no problems. I do a cold water rinse and an application of witch hazel. I only use lotion if I get a little dryness.

It's all about conditioning the scalp. You just have to be patient.

My experience has been similar. I've had to work at conditioning my very tender scalp... using an electric at times, skipping days, using various shaving creams, etc. I shaved my head for the first time back in November, and I only recently - in May - have "arrived" at being able to razor shave every day in the shower without problems. For the first couple of months my head was a little sore, especially around the two "alfalfa" areas that I'd hoped my natural baldness had already addressed.
I know this is kinda gross, but I'll go ahead with it for the benefit of others. At times my skin was sort of oozing in those extra sensitive areas. Alcohol, like in aftershave, helped to dry it out but stung like crazy. It gets better. Now I have the same smooth dry skin all over my scalp.
I've found an "after sun" aloe lotion at Walmart that helps a lot. There are two inexpensive Walmart types. I especially like the one with lidocaine, since it pretty instantly took away the irritation and let my skin heal quickly. It's made for sunburn, but also for things like windburn and minor abrasions. It works.
I, too, use Irish Spring in the shower, make multiple passes because I'm a perfectionist, shave against the grain for a really smooth feel, and all is groovy... finally.
So... even if you have a super tender scalp like me, keep at it and you'll "arrive".
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Re: How often do you guys shave your head? Razor burn? Irritation? Shine?
« Reply #10 on: June 02, 2018, 01:35:10 PM »
i am bald on top not by choice,and thin on the sides and back due to cancer in 2005,so i use a electric shaver which looks bald,and i do that every day.

Offline Goatee

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Re: How often do you guys shave your head? Razor burn? Irritation? Shine?
« Reply #11 on: June 17, 2018, 03:31:39 PM »
I often get acne or spots on my head. Frustrating. Been shaving the dome for several years now. I use clear head.

It can be very annoying. Cant shave everyday and some days i have to use my 'Braun Shaver'.

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Re: How often do you guys shave your head? Razor burn? Irritation? Shine?
« Reply #12 on: June 18, 2018, 07:11:37 AM »
When I first started my scalp would get irritated easily just from shaving every other day. However, my technique and everything else wasn't as good then either. As with others my scalp is more conditioned to the shave now and I go through a routine which prevents irritation. A nice hot shower, exfoliate the scalp while in there, lather up with plenty of shaving soap (wilkinsons soap with the brush). I try to go for just one pass so I go straight against the grain with usually about 16-24 hours growth (I shave once in the morning, again after work in the evening if I'm out for any socials) - if left any longer than that, I go with the grain first. Go with the grain for now, you'll need to learn the direction your hair grows in first. As for shine, I usually use cocoa butter that has a gradual tanner in it to add shine and a bit of colour (lessens the shadow quite a bit). Hope that helps, it can be an enjoyable ritual.
« Last Edit: June 18, 2018, 07:13:54 AM by Reg »

Offline bamidon1775

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Re: How often do you guys shave your head? Razor burn? Irritation? Shine?
« Reply #13 on: July 19, 2018, 07:52:56 AM »
I used to suffer from razor burn or bumps and what, especially if I would shave two days in a row. Which is a problem because I like to shave every day just to have that smooth surface. I found Barbedeaux - Aftershave, and it is hands down the best thing I have used for combat the razor burn or irritation.  I'll put a link below. I know everyone's skin and head are different, but this stuff really helped me. It's nice where there are products out there that actually do what they say they are supposed to do.



Offline MoonageDaydream

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Re: How often do you guys shave your head? Razor burn? Irritation? Shine?
« Reply #14 on: June 20, 2021, 08:36:22 AM »
I shave my head daily and I don’t really get razor burn, but on the off chance I do, it’s almost always on the back of my head near the back of my neck. My head gets really shiny if I don’t moisturize it, that dulls it a little bit