I took a break from my study and did a nose poke online around other hair forums. The difference in confidence between men who have accepted and decided to shave and those who are fighting nature everyday is HUGE!! Alot of the guys seemed to have huge bitterness and resentment to the members of this forum for shaving and moving on with life while they pop propecia spray rogaine and worry about money for TH. The difference really surprised me probably because i have forgotten since i shaved my head about those insecure worries . You can't fight mother nature .Shaving my head was the best treatment for baldness and costs nothing.!!
I had a look on that forum, oh dear, there are some genuinely stressed out people on there...worried about their hair....or lack of it....simple answer....shave the rest off! Instant relief, no more worrying about people noticing, or swimming, sweating, or how much hair spray to use... Thank whoever you pray to, that isn't my life...what has changed since I shaved my noggin? Nothing!
Its their bitterness to guys who shaved their heads that amazed me !!! Open hostility to people who don't want to be a slave to expensive and ultimately futile hair products !!!
What is this other forum you guys are talking about?
As one of the guys who underwent an SMP procedure last year (it was to conceal some scars and not due to the balding which didn't bother me in the first place). I was angry at those guys for a while. But after I did the procedure, I didn't want to become one of those "pot meet kettle" people, and it was a big plus that the members here were pretty understanding and accepting when I announced it. That said, everyone has their own way of dealing with hairloss, and I'm not going to knock the next guy for dealing with his hairloss even if I don't necessarily agree with it. Personally if EVERY balding man shaved, it would kind of take the fun out of head shaving, however, those who elect to have surgery and wigs should focus more on what is the best wig and not on being bitter to those who shave and/or simply do nothing. FWIW, there was a website dedicated to those who were MPB and proud, but it has been removed from the internet.