Shaving one's head takes some thought and I didn't enter it lightly. It is only hair after all but once I shaved it I felt empowered. I surely am not looking for validation from everyone since some aren't going to like it. That's where we can all just lovingly not give a f**k what others think.
One thing I notice is that a lot more people notice me in general. I catch people eyeing me quite a bit since I donned the chrome dome. Maybe it's just me feeling more confident and looking around instead of always keeping my head down in shame, and that's why I perceive "more" attention.. But yeah, in traffic, in the workplace, walking about.. I get noticed. The way I look at it, I stand out from the crowd, because I don't conform to the norm, but I didn't go to some extreme to "stand out".. so people aren't really caught off guard, just.. curious. I've had at least 3 people ask to rub my head in the past week, "just to see what it feels like". I just go along with it and jokingly ask, "why, are you thinking about shaving yours?" Nobody has fessed up to it, but deep down, I think they admire us.
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