Author Topic: Are you ok?  (Read 4131 times)

Offline SWvic

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Are you ok?
« on: September 10, 2014, 09:27:33 PM »
Hey all!

Today in Australia it's "are you ok" day... All about promoting mental health and combating depression. So ask your friends, family, or even some guy that's losing his hair ;-) if they're ok today, and see what you can do to help  :)

Offline Semi-Sly

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Re: Are you ok?
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2014, 11:27:20 PM »
Wow!  I am truly impressed.  As someone who has battled serious depression my entire life, (since childhood), I can only wish that someday people here in the U.S. might become as caring and supportive!

Here, there is still, "something wrong with you" if you let a crack in the armor show!

Over here our health care system is actually regressing.  If you seek mental health assistance of any kind you will lose your right to bear arms.  You will also lose your pilot's license and may even lose your driver's license.  So who is going to ask for help?

Offline SWvic

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Re: Are you ok?
« Reply #2 on: September 11, 2014, 05:29:30 AM »
In Australia it's not much better.  Somehow mental disorders are regarded as alterable states of mind, and they make people uncomfortable... All makes for easy sweeping under the rug.  But if such non-government initiatives can stop at least one person harming themselves or worse, then it makes it all worthwhile.

So all please man up, and ask "are you ok?"

Offline Sir Harry

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Re: Are you ok?
« Reply #3 on: September 11, 2014, 07:43:02 PM »
As a former soldier who has sadly seen at least five people whom I have served with take their own lives due to depression and/or PTSD, I appreciate you bringing such a critical topic. I have made a bigger effort to keep in touch with friends who may be going "through it" and to make sure that they are indeed "OK" Thanks for sharing!
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