Author Topic: It's not that big a deal  (Read 1335 times)

Offline TV guy

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It's not that big a deal
« on: April 23, 2013, 10:44:22 AM »
Hair...bald...beard...clean the grand scheme of things (eg world peace, terrorism, having cancer, birth, death, justice) appearance matters very little and yet how we humans obsess, myself included. Sadly we are judged, usually silently, on our appearance whether a given feature is by choice ("I shaved my head because I wanted to" "I got a tattoo" etc) or not ("Jumbo ears" "big honker" etc) . As you go about your daily life how often do you consciously think "I am bald". You know you're know that you shaved your head this morning and yet your baldness is rarely front of consciousness, unless somebody or some event brings it there. Wouldn't it be a far better world if we all were less judgemental, especially when we only have 30 sec sound bites as information and strove for deeper understanding. We elect politicians based on a fantasy spin they created, not reality. We try and convict suspects, in the court of public opinion without all the evidence or any due process . If they really are innocent their lives are still destroyed- oops our bad. We give mega corporations more rights than people or god-forbid animals. OK enough rant for now. Your bald headed thoughts...see - made you think about your scalp when likely you were thinking deep thoughts.

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Re: It's not that big a deal
« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2013, 10:46:02 AM »
Thanks, TV Guy, I needed that....I was just whining about the shaving of a beard when people are going through far worse issues....
Even when the d is removed, the devil is still evil.

Offline Hingatao

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Re: It's not that big a deal
« Reply #2 on: April 23, 2013, 10:49:22 AM »
I never thought about it that way but you raise a very good point.
Hair is over rated.