Author Topic: SAFETY Razor Shave of the Day (SOTD)  (Read 768067 times)

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Re: SAFETY Razor Shave of the Day (SOTD)
« Reply #1395 on: August 11, 2015, 02:22:21 PM »
Always seem to reach for the bay rum on dreary days

Dr. Jon's Anne Bonny Soap
Fine Accoutrements Badger Brush
Merkur 37C Slant Razor with Crystal Blade
Captain's Choice Cat O' Nine Tails

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Re: SAFETY Razor Shave of the Day (SOTD)
« Reply #1396 on: August 11, 2015, 03:15:53 PM »
@120:  Hi Matt:  Love your SOTD pic!

@TSE:  Nice SOTD pic  . . . we look forward to more SOTD pics. 

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Re: SAFETY Razor Shave of the Day (SOTD)
« Reply #1397 on: August 11, 2015, 03:19:03 PM »
Tuesday, August 11, 2015 SOTD

Razor:  Mongoose B1 w/ BRW Bull Mastiff Deluxe Handle

Blade:  Feather Professional

Soap:  Cold River Soap Works Select:  Puro Fresco

Brush:  Semogue 620

Dessert:  Ice cube rub, refrigerated WH, refrigerated FINE Fresh Vetiver

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Re: SAFETY Razor Shave of the Day (SOTD)
« Reply #1398 on: August 11, 2015, 04:10:42 PM »
Thank you very much Warhawk!

@120:  Hi Matt:  Love your SOTD pic!

@TSE:  Nice SOTD pic  . . . we look forward to more SOTD pics. 


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Re: SAFETY Razor Shave of the Day (SOTD)
« Reply #1399 on: August 14, 2015, 03:47:43 PM »
Friday, August 14, 2015 SOTD

Razor:  Weber DLC

Blade:  Feather

Soap:  Cold River Soap Works Select:  Puro Fresco

Brush:  EverReady 150 w/ TGN Finest

Dessert:  Ice cube rub, refrigerated WH, refrigerated FINE Fresh Vetiver

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Offline 120inna55

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Re: SAFETY Razor Shave of the Day (SOTD)
« Reply #1400 on: August 14, 2015, 04:12:40 PM »
Friday, August 14, 2015 SOTD

Razor:  Weber DLC

Blade:  Feather

Soap:  Cold River Soap Works Select:  Puro Fresco

Brush:  EverReady 150 w/ TGN Finest

Dessert:  Ice cube rub, refrigerated WH, refrigerated FINE Fresh Vetiver

Nice shave, Mel! That TGN Finest knot made transitioning from boar to badger easy.  Nice backbone with soft tips.

Offline 120inna55

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Re: SAFETY Razor Shave of the Day (SOTD)
« Reply #1401 on: August 14, 2015, 08:38:34 PM »
Head & face shower shave. 2 days growth.

Technique:  WTG / XTG / ATG/clean-up.
Prep: Shower.     
Soap: RazoRock Santa Maria Del Fiore Firenze
Brush: Ever-Ready 100T (TGN Finest)
Razor: Above The Tie - Kronos S1
Blade: Treet Platinum Super Stainless(1)
Post: Folsom and Company - Shady Past

I couldn't wait to try out my newly acquired ATT S1.  It was still warm from sitting in the mailbox.  It only hit 101°F today---a veritable cold snap compared to last week's 107°F.  While the mail call had some interesting stuff, I needed to go to a tried and true Summertime soap, SMdF.  Additionally, when trying out new hardware, I try to keep the variables to a minimum.  RazoRock really nailed the SMdF!  I've recently used Santa Maria Novella Crema da Barba, and I feel pretty confident saying there's no need to drop that kind of coin on SMN.  SMdF at least matches the performance of SMN and the scent is the same, but a little more robust as well.  It's nice to see ItalianBarber is keeping SMdF in stock and for just under $20 for 250mL.  The packaging is a plus for me, but if they cut a few corners (like SMN's boring plastic tub), that could be shaved down even more [punus intentionus].

Now on to the ATT S1.  Above The Tie's reputation is pretty much unblemished in the wetshaving community, so I wasn't surprised by anything I found in the box.  Although I was a little nervous when I heard a rattle in the box as I was opening it.  It turns out, it was just their business card bouncing around.  It brought back memories of loose discs in mail-order DVD cases.  No harm done, though.  I chose the Kronos handle just to keep it in the middle of the road (3.5" / 71g).  The balance is perfect.  The grip is perfect.  The finish is, well, perfect.  The charm of these precision-machined razors are their understated appearance.  There's no flash, no logo, no intricate knurling.  None of that.  Just simple functionality, and in that, there is beauty. The S1, if you didn't already know, is a slant razor.  The S1 torques or twists the blade, keeping the head perpendicular to the handle.  This is how Merkur does a slant, as opposed to the iKon way which is to keep the keep the blade flat, but orient the whole head at an angle.

The S1 performed quite nicely, with an intuitive angle and enough weight to facilitate a proper slant shave.  Shaving with a slant departs slightly from the traditional technique of DE shaving in that a little pressure is needed.  Despite this being my first shave with the S1, it felt like I have been using it for a long time.  In fact it felt so familiar, I couldn't help comparing it the iKon #102 slant.  I have a difficult time differentiating between the two razors with regard to performance.  So again, much like the SMdF vs. SMN comparison, from a performance angle [punus intentionus], it's hard to justify the expense of the ATT slant, when the iKon can be had for a fraction of the cost.  That said, in the hobbyist realm of wetshaving, performance is only one part of the equation.  There is a lot to be said for fit and finish, and this is where the all 303 stainless Kronos S1 shines.  Both of these race cars will get you to the finish line, but the S1 will look better getting there.

Not to take too much wind out of the sails, I should mention yet another contender in this slant game.  Since it's in my arsenal, I would be remiss to neglect to mention the fourth iteration of the RazoRock Stealth Slant. At this time, I feel like the RRSS still edges out both the iKon and the ATT from a performance perspective.  I have yet to use a slant that can out-perform the out-of-production Stealth Slant v4.  To be fair, I will reiterate that this was the first time I've ever used the ATT S1, but given its intuitive feel, I can't see how future uses could impact my initial impression by much.

I purchased the Folsom and Company "Shady Past" splash based on overwhelming recommendations as a good pair for SMN (and by default SMdF).  The scent compliments the SMdF quite well in that it shares tobacco flower notes.  However, to say it duplicates the scent is off the mark.  I'm glad I picked it up, regardless.  I will certainly continue to use it in this setting.  As far as performance, it did what any other water/alcohol/menthol aftershave does, and I thoroughly enjoy it.  As I have indicated before, the need for post-products with SMdF is rarely needed.

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Re: SAFETY Razor Shave of the Day (SOTD)
« Reply #1402 on: August 15, 2015, 04:15:38 PM »
@120:  Hi Matt. . . As always beautiful pic of your SOTD with the ATT S1.  I wanted
to love my ATT S1 but it wasn't giving me better shaves than my other slants such as the
Merkur 37C and iKON ShaveCraft #102.  I will say that is a beautiful and better looking razor however performance wise it did not give me a better shave than the SC #102.  For a high end razor... I couldn't justify keeping it.  Thankfully, I was able to sell mine to another
member on another wet shaving forum.

Enjoy that beautiful ATT S1 in good health, my friend.  BTW... did you ever get the Triad Handles?  If so . . . post some pics. :)

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Re: SAFETY Razor Shave of the Day (SOTD)
« Reply #1403 on: August 15, 2015, 04:26:54 PM »
@120:  Hi Matt. . . As always beautiful pic of your SOTD with the ATT S1.  I wanted
to love my ATT S1 but it wasn't giving me better shaves than my other slants such as the
Merkur 37C and iKON ShaveCraft #102.  I will say that is a beautiful and better looking razor however performance wise it did not give me a better shave than the SC #102.  For a high end razor... I couldn't justify keeping it.  Thankfully, I was able to sell mine to another
member on another wet shaving forum.

Enjoy that beautiful ATT S1 in good health, my friend.  BTW... did you ever get the Triad Handles?  If so . . . post some pics. :)

Still waiting on the triad handles.  Toby assures me I'm on the list.  He actually has a life/job outside of making handles.  Go figure!  I can be patient, though.  They appear to be worth the wait.

I've only used the S1 once.  I would say, so far, it's a tie with the #102, but time will tell.  I'm pretty sure I will have to pick up the Atlas handle with an M1 head, too.  I really dig the fit and finish of the ATT line.

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Re: SAFETY Razor Shave of the Day (SOTD)
« Reply #1404 on: August 15, 2015, 04:36:56 PM »
Hi Matt:  Can't wait to see those Triad Handles on your Mongoose.  Patience  is a virtue
for sure.  Toby is a true gentleman and definitely makes some great handles.

Tough times don't last but tough people do!!!

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Re: SAFETY Razor Shave of the Day (SOTD)
« Reply #1405 on: August 16, 2015, 06:38:27 PM »
Head & face shower shave. 2 days growth.

Technique:  WTG / XTG / ATG. Only a tiny bit of clean-up.
Prep: Shower. Stirling Soap Company - "Sheep Soap"
Soap: Wholly Kaw - "Jamestown Gentleman"
Brush: Ever-Ready 100T (TGN Finest)
Razor: Above The Tie - Kronos S1Slant
Blade: Astra - Superior Platinum Stainless Steel(1)
Post: Wholly Kaw - "Jamestown Gentleman"

I reviewed Wholly Kaw's "Scent #3 beta" about a month ago.  I received the final product, Jamestown Gentleman, recently, and after looking back at my review of the beta, I'm pretty sure that review holds true to the final product as well.  Loading was easy, and as I've said before this soap works best if you start a little dry, then gradually add more and more water towards the end.  In fact, when you believe you've added enough water, add a little more.  It's not as thirsty as Stirling, but you'll kill Stirling if you add more water on the back end.  However, Wholly Kaw seems to reach an optimum lather at this point.  I recognize this is comparing a tallow to a vegan, but in my experience, vegans hold up to water with a wider range of variability.  Such that you can more easily achieve a thin but effective lather just as well as you can have a pillowy effective lather.  I find that tallow soaps, while still having a fair amount of range, are more susceptible to breakdown.  The fact that there's still a bit of range in tallow soaps, is attributable to the excellent artisans in this hobby.  While much of this community already knows this, I owe this observation to Nick Shaves.  Taking this one step further, specifically to Wholly Kaw, adding the majority of the water on the back end seems to be a characteristic unique to this soap.  When reading other reviews, if I see a complaint about Wholly Kaw, it's usually with regard to lackluster post-shave.  This is not my experience at all.  I find it quite moisturizing and it's easily within my top 5 soaps for post-shave feel.  I suspect this discrepancy is related to the users' neglecting to use a little more water and specifically on the back end.

It's my understanding that Jamestown Gentleman splash was originally Wholly Kaw's attempt at reproducing the popular Alt-Innsbruck.  While they didn't achieve that, the result was something I believe is far better.  Personally, I like Alt-Innsbruck, but my wife thinks it smells like a cheap air-freshener.  She very much shares my enjoyment of Jamestown Gentleman, however.  Most fans of Jamestown Gentleman had their first experience with the splash, and for some time they eagerly awaited a soap of the same scent.  My first taste was of the soap (beta), and I very much wanted the splash.  I'm pleased to say the splash is just as pleasant in scent as the soap.  It's a beautiful aroma, and I can't eloquently convey all of what Jamestown Gentleman evokes, but I can say there's a gentle tobacco floral with light powder that's tempered with a masculine musk.  While I enjoy floral scents as much as the next guy, after a while, some of them can get old.  That's not true for Jamestown Gentleman.  The scent is quite addictive, and I believe this is due in large part to its complexity.  This will probably quickly ascend high on my list of favorite scents. I'm 2 hours out and it's still going strong.  I hope it has all-day staying power.  As to the splashes performance, it's right on par with other alcohol/menthol splashes.  While I felt the menthol, it probably had the least impact of the splashes I've tried.  In order of intensity, I would rate the "menthol effect" as follows: 1. Fine's Snake Bite.  2. Fine's other offerings.  3. Folsom & Company.  4. Wholly Kaw. 

This was my second use of the ATT Kronos S1.  With the Astra SP, it was a very enjoyable shave with BBS after 3 passes and very minimal clean-up needed.  This a very well thought out, crafted shaving tool that I intend to keep in the rotation.  However, after 2 outings with the S1, from a performance perspective, I still feel like it's a tie with the iKon ShaveCraft #102.  The RazoRock Stealth Slant V4 is still the winner in that category.

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Re: SAFETY Razor Shave of the Day (SOTD)
« Reply #1406 on: August 18, 2015, 09:06:26 PM »
RazoRock XXX | Ever-Ready 100T (TGN Finest) | Above The Tie - Kronos S1 | Astra Superior Platinum Stainless (2) | Folsom and Company - Black Powder | Nicole Pangas "Ghost Skulls" Shaving Bowl | 1740 Death Wish Coffee Co. Beard Balm

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Re: SAFETY Razor Shave of the Day (SOTD)
« Reply #1407 on: August 19, 2015, 07:42:13 AM »
Today's SOTD

Sir Hare Classic Barber Shave Soap
Omega Boar Brush
Merkur 37C Slant Bar Razor with Crystal DE Blade
Clubman Aftershave

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Re: SAFETY Razor Shave of the Day (SOTD)
« Reply #1408 on: August 20, 2015, 10:34:57 AM »
@120:  As always great pic . . . do you find the Folsom A/S better than the FINE A/S?

@TSE:  Great SOTD pic.  I love the scent and performance of the Sir Hare Barber Shop.

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Re: SAFETY Razor Shave of the Day (SOTD)
« Reply #1409 on: August 20, 2015, 10:46:04 AM »
My Happy Birthday SOTD:  Thursday, August 20, 2015

Razor:  Mongoose B1 w/ UFO Torpedo Handle

Blade:  Feather Professional

Soap:  RazoRock Santa Maria del Fiore Firenze

Brush:  Simpson Duke 3

Dessert:  Ice cube rub, refrigerated WH, refrigerated FINE Fresh Vetiver

Enjoyed today's shave of the day.  I hope your shaves are enjoyable as mine.  You cannot beat a safety razor shave.  Enjoy your day.  I know I am. O0

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