Author Topic: Ingrown hairs on back of neck  (Read 17471 times)

Offline Highguage

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Ingrown hairs on back of neck
« on: January 07, 2012, 07:35:44 AM »
I have been shaving my head for a long time and for the past couple of years I have been having problems with ingrown hairs on the back of my neck. I shave me head using Head blade, I shave twice a week. I change the blade about once a month.

  I do not get the ingrown hairs every time, maybe once a month and when i do there is usually only one. I just wanted to know if you guys have any suggestions that may help me.

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Offline Sir Harry

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Re: Ingrown hairs on back of neck
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2012, 09:03:58 AM »
I use bump stopper in addition to aftershave....Some things to keep in mind: Wash your scalp even on the days you don't shave and also speaking from experience, the back of the neck is one of the most sensitive areas on a shaved head...I would shave with the grain in that area, and if worst comes to worst, I would just pass clippers with no guard over that area. Ever since I've been using baby oil before shaving (until my surgery last month), the breakout of razor bumps/ingrown hairs has been almost nonexistent....Good luck!
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Offline Derris The Barber

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Re: Ingrown hairs on back of neck
« Reply #2 on: April 01, 2012, 01:59:29 PM »
hey sirharry the best way to get rid of ingrown hairs and razor bumps is to apply your aftershave then place a COLD towel to your dome then hold it there! This will close the pores back up so no bacteria can get in causing razor bumps and etc. Hope this works for you! Also I'm a barber in training so FREE headshaves!
-Derris The Barber

Offline logolive

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Re: Ingrown hairs on back of neck
« Reply #3 on: April 13, 2012, 01:13:11 PM »
Some ingrown hairs are unavoidable, but to keep them to a minimum make sure you regularly exfoliate once or twice a week (be gentle though!) and keep your skin moisterised and well hydrated by drinking lots of water. That way your skin remains soft enough for the hair to break through. 
« Last Edit: January 27, 2019, 08:49:41 PM by Tyler »

Offline ProphetNoir

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Re: Ingrown hairs on back of neck
« Reply #4 on: April 14, 2012, 12:10:53 PM »
Some ingrown hairs are unavoidable, but to keep them to a minimum make sure you regularly exfoliate once or twice a week (be gentle though!) and keep your skin moisterised and well hydrated by drinking lots of water. That way your skin remains soft enough for the hair to break through.  Read more on get rid of ingrown hairs
I agree that sometimes it is an unavoidable occurrence that we will get an ingrown hair.  Does yours come in at the same spot every time?  I don't get any on my head or neck, but I do have a spot near my throat that is prone to irritation and the occasional ingrown.  No matter how carefully I shave that area I can count on getting one every month or so.
Sucks, but it does give me something to keep striving to improve.
Give some thought to using an alum block and some witch hazel post-shave.  Just remember that if you decide to start experimenting, not to change more than one thing about your shave at a time or you will never know what works and what doesn't.

Offline chrisphilly123

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Re: Ingrown hairs on back of neck
« Reply #5 on: November 21, 2018, 04:18:40 PM »
Some ingrown hairs are unavoidable, but to keep them to a minimum make sure you regularly exfoliate once or twice a week (be gentle though!) and keep your skin moisterised and well hydrated by drinking lots of water. That way your skin remains soft enough for the hair to break through.  Read more on get rid of ingrown hairs
I agree that sometimes it is an unavoidable occurrence that we will get an ingrown hair.  Does yours come in at the same spot every time?  I don't get any on my head or neck, but I do have a spot near my throat that is prone to irritation and the occasional ingrown.  No matter how carefully I shave that area I can count on getting one every month or so.
Sucks, but it does give me something to keep striving to improve.
Give some thought to using an alum block and some witch hazel post-shave.  Just remember that if you decide to start experimenting, not to change more than one thing about your shave at a time or you will never know what works and what doesn't.
never exp. ingrown here but from your pic, YOUR head (skin) is freak'n perfect. Most dudes like us would love skin that perfect.

Offline Magoo

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Re: Ingrown hairs on back of neck
« Reply #6 on: November 21, 2018, 05:27:28 PM »
Some ingrown hairs are unavoidable, but to keep them to a minimum make sure you regularly exfoliate once or twice a week (be gentle though!) and keep your skin moisterised and well hydrated by drinking lots of water. That way your skin remains soft enough for the hair to break through.  Read more on get rid of ingrown hairs
I agree that sometimes it is an unavoidable occurrence that we will get an ingrown hair.  Does yours come in at the same spot every time?  I don't get any on my head or neck, but I do have a spot near my throat that is prone to irritation and the occasional ingrown.  No matter how carefully I shave that area I can count on getting one every month or so.
Sucks, but it does give me something to keep striving to improve.
Give some thought to using an alum block and some witch hazel post-shave.  Just remember that if you decide to start experimenting, not to change more than one thing about your shave at a time or you will never know what works and what doesn't.
never exp. ingrown here but from your pic, YOUR head (skin) is freak'n perfect. Most dudes like us would love skin that perfect.
Check the date of the post before yours .
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Offline chrisphilly123

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Re: Ingrown hairs on back of neck
« Reply #7 on: November 26, 2018, 11:59:59 AM »
Some ingrown hairs are unavoidable, but to keep them to a minimum make sure you regularly exfoliate once or twice a week (be gentle though!) and keep your skin moisterised and well hydrated by drinking lots of water. That way your skin remains soft enough for the hair to break through.  Read more on get rid of ingrown hairs
I agree that sometimes it is an unavoidable occurrence that we will get an ingrown hair.  Does yours come in at the same spot every time?  I don't get any on my head or neck, but I do have a spot near my throat that is prone to irritation and the occasional ingrown.  No matter how carefully I shave that area I can count on getting one every month or so.
Sucks, but it does give me something to keep striving to improve.
Give some thought to using an alum block and some witch hazel post-shave.  Just remember that if you decide to start experimenting, not to change more than one thing about your shave at a time or you will never know what works and what doesn't.
never exp. ingrown here but from your pic, YOUR head (skin) is freak'n perfect. Most dudes like us would love skin that perfect.
Check the date of the post before yours .
oh sh*t.  ancient

Offline Magoo

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Re: Ingrown hairs on back of neck
« Reply #8 on: November 26, 2018, 12:12:47 PM »
Something I forget to check the date also.
If only all men lived by the "Golden Rule ."


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