Author Topic: Going bald as justification for a healthier scalp lol (Seborrhoeic dermatitis?)  (Read 10017 times)

Offline gees88

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Hello everyone,

First of all i'd like to say I find it hilarious that such a forum exists lol and i'm glad that I found it.

I'm not sure if i'd like to go bald the rest of my life, unless maybe if it looks good, but at the moment I would like to go bald for health reasons mainly, but i'd also like to see how it would look. I'm in my early 20s and most of my younger life I kept my hair short on the sides and spiked up on top. As of the past few years i've started wearing a hat more often and caring less about gelling my hair and spiking it and stuff.

Apparently I have something along the lines of Seborrhoeic dermatitis which I looked up on the Internet, I have not yet seen a doctor about it. I have these weird pimples/scabs on my scalp that can peel off and they usually bleed or leak a clear liquid, and when I wake up in the morning it dries up really bad and turns into a dry yellowish crust (gross I know). It has just started happening as of the past few months.

It runs in my family, i've always had problems with dry scalp and dandruff but now this is getting really bad. I'm sick of my terrible hair. I hope the bald look works for me because I have many white hairs at a young age (will probably be fully white by 35ish) and my hair is in general just very dry and hard to deal with.

Has anyone shaved their head for a similar reason? I'm going to the doctor first to get some medicine to apply to my scalp. After a few applications I will probably shave my head. Any hints for a first timer? I'll probably just buzz myself down to a 0 then shave with a Mach 3/Fusion blade then keep applying the medicine after.

If anyone else has shaved their head for a similar reason, can you give me some suggestions on how to make sure I make my scalp 100% clean after shaving my head? I dont know how long I want to keep the bald look but eventually i'm sure i'll want to grow my hair back. But before I do, I want to make sure my scalp is 100% clean and healthy.
« Last Edit: October 12, 2011, 01:08:14 PM by gees88 »

Offline shavedslick123

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I have the same condition and it sucks, I know. T-Sal has worked miracles for me as it is geared toward this condition. Do not shave with a blade until your outbreak has subsided or at least started to subside as your scalp will be irritated. As long as I keep my scalp exposed with shaving, I do not have outbreaks. As far as I know, these results are common. Good Luck!

Offline marshd1000

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  • Love your bald noggin, wear a hat in the sun!
    • Christian Chromedomes
Schro, one of our esteemed members, shaved his head for the same reason.  In fact, his wife did not like the sly look on him.  But even when he grew his hair out to a short length, the condition came back.  So it was sly for him!  Maybe he will see this post and comment on it!

Offline gees88

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Well I still haven't visited the doctor but I plan to go on Monday. I'm also kind of waiting for my facial hair to grow in a little more so when I go bald at least i'll have some facial hair lol.

Offline gees88

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Okay well I visited the doctor and he gave me some lotion to use and he also said to use Selsun Blue when I shower.

I asked him if it would help clear up the problem if I trimmed my hair and he laughed and said it might help make it easier to apply the medication but thats all. I then asked what if I completely shaved my head and continued to tell him that I read about a lot of men who have had success by shaving their head to remove the condition and he said no that won't work. He was basically against the idea...

Anyways, I did it... I've had a buzz cut before so it wasn't too much of a shock. I didn't shave my head, I just trimmed it down to a zero or so. I think it looks decent, my cousins say it suits me. I also had white hairs (And lots of them) so trimming my hair down gets rid of that problem too!

I still have these huge scars on the back of my head, i'm applying the lotion and Selsun Blue but it seems like its taking very long to heal up. The spots are starting to bleed less and just get more dried up and smaller. I hope they go away soon they look disgusting.

Any comments?

« Last Edit: October 25, 2011, 12:49:38 PM by gees88 »


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Welcome...that sounds like a very bad condition. I hope it improves, good luck.

Offline schro

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Schro, one of our esteemed members, shaved his head for the same reason.  In fact, his wife did not like the sly look on him.  But even when he grew his hair out to a short length, the condition came back.  So it was sly for him!  Maybe he will see this post and comment on it!

Two things...#1, your doctor is full of sh*t. and #2, listen to Marsh.

Marsh is exactly right. SD is a condition that afflicts the men in the Family Schro. Both of my brothers take medication for it, but still deal with itching. For me, it was a no-brainer, as I'm the one that (fortunately) also inherited my dad's hairline.

As Marsh said, The Lovely Mrs. Schro did not like the sly look on me. So, I grew it back a few years ago (to a #1) as a compromise. I tried to make it work (even spraying vinegar on my dome to kill the's a yeast ya' know). However, even at a #1 setting, I still dealt with the pain and scabbing/sores associated with SD.  >:(

Even topical medication did not alleviate the discomfort. The only real relief I've gotten from SD came as a result of shaving the Schrodome. Shaving you head keeps your scalp clean, free of potential SD producing contaminants (aka hair), and pain free. COMPLETE RELIEF!
As you probably have experienced, the cooler drier air that we get in the winter is when the pain of SD is at its worst.  Well, during the winter, I continue to shave my head .... no SD!

Dude, shaving your head is THE BEST way of dealing with SD. Just make sure you use some type of post shave moisturizer.

PM me if you have any questions.
Good Luck!
« Last Edit: October 25, 2011, 04:05:27 PM by schro »

Agonizing over what cannot be is an insult to what is.

Offline schro

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Hey Gees, one more point....think of it this way; shaving you head is akin to exfolliating. Your scalp is healthiest right after a shave.

Agonizing over what cannot be is an insult to what is.

Offline kalbo

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You look good shaved. I hope your condition gets better soon.
Mabuhay ang mga kalbo!

Offline gees88

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Hey guys i've been keeping my hair trimmed down to a zero (near bald) for the last 2 weeks or so. The condition is getting better. It is starting to get smaller and its starting to dry up instead of bleed and whatnot. Its taking quite a while to completely heal though, is there a way to speed up the process? It looks like 2 small dark patches on my scalp which is pretty much dried up blood on top of my skin. I will probably go back to the doctor again if it doesnt get better soon.

Offline arrow88

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hey mate

Good to hear that it's not just me that has this issue. I have the same condition.

Long hair = itching, itching = scratching, scracthing = infection, infection = trouble.

shaven look suits you mate, keep up the good work.

Offline schro

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Hey guys i've been keeping my hair trimmed down to a zero (near bald) for the last 2 weeks or so. The condition is getting better. It is starting to get smaller and its starting to dry up instead of bleed and whatnot. Its taking quite a while to completely heal though, is there a way to speed up the process? It looks like 2 small dark patches on my scalp which is pretty much dried up blood on top of my skin. I will probably go back to the doctor again if it doesnt get better soon.

If it's dried blood, the sores have probably healed. I suggest washing your scalp in very hot water, and shave it. Your scalp condition may be all that great, but give it a few days, and things will eventually get better. Keep applying post shave moisturizer, and make certain to wash your scalp at least once during the day. Trust me, going sly is better than any topical medicine you can take for SD.

Good luck.

Agonizing over what cannot be is an insult to what is.