Author Topic: hello from los angeles...  (Read 10019 times)

Offline Razor X

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Re: hello from los angeles...
« Reply #30 on: September 21, 2011, 11:03:26 AM »

Offline Mike

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Re: hello from los angeles...
« Reply #31 on: September 21, 2011, 11:30:50 AM »

The chicken genetics or the spanish?

Offline Razor X

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Re: hello from los angeles...
« Reply #32 on: September 21, 2011, 11:44:27 AM »

Offline Mike

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Re: hello from los angeles...
« Reply #33 on: September 21, 2011, 12:04:59 PM »
Chicken genetics are the best once you understand them. There are so many things to play with when breeding. One of the fun things is that chickens are more phenotype than genotype so if it looks like something then it is. When I crossed a buckeye with red cochin I got birds that looked just like red brahmas so thats what I called them. An example of the colors/patterns there are over 100 colors/patterns just in the old english game bantams with more being made all the time.

When it comes down to it though all colors are either black or gold based. There are various dilutors of black/gold, genes to mask or enhance them, tons of dominants and recessives (there are about 6 kinds of white alone). When showing chickens it is much more harsh than dogs or other livestock. If a black bird has positive white in the feathers it is disqualified. If there is any red or any other color showing through it is DQ'ed. Any tiny little feather on the leg of a clean legged bird is a DQ. The book of standards is what people show and breed by, its detailed down to the number of points on a comb, tail angle, defects, and disqualifications. Generally when breeding for a new color you can get there in 2 generations if you hatch lots and cull heavy.
 Just like any other hobby poultry has its fads. Awhile back when we made the dunlaced wyandotte eggs we were selling them for $10 an egg with no garauntee they would be true to color/pattern or even hatch, we sold tons of eggs from them but when the fad was over we were selling eggs for the normal price of about $2 an egg. So as a breeder of new colors I am always trying to come up with the next big fad that will make me tons of money but also working to iprove the varieties I already made.

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Re: hello from los angeles...
« Reply #34 on: September 21, 2011, 12:29:26 PM »
What do you do with all these chickens when you're finished showing and breeding them?

Offline Mike

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Re: hello from los angeles...
« Reply #35 on: September 21, 2011, 12:56:38 PM »
Depending on the bird there are a number of things to do with them. We have a trader in the area that buys/sells anything that moves so I take them to him if I cant sell them. There are a few bird auction sites that I list them on. If they are big enough we make them into stew. If I am working on a new color/pattern and dont want it to get out to the public they get turned into a taxidermy project. And there is always craigslist. Generally we keep birds around as breeders for about 3 years but some become pets so we let them free range and reproduce whenever they want. I have a pair of bantam sumatras that is going to be 10 this spring and some other ex show/breeder birds that are getting up there in age as well.
 I have kept a rooster for breeding for 5 years though because I needed his genetics to work on other projects. When I was done using him I sold him to a 4-H kid.

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Re: hello from los angeles...
« Reply #36 on: September 21, 2011, 01:10:55 PM »
Oh and gumbii, I figured out your user name is the same there as it is here. I am flyingmonkeypoop on BYC

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Re: hello from los angeles...
« Reply #37 on: September 21, 2011, 02:02:31 PM »

white people...

What do you mean by that?

Offline tomgallagher

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Re: hello from los angeles...
« Reply #38 on: September 21, 2011, 02:36:23 PM »

white people...

What do you mean by that?

Yes, what do you mean by that.

Offline Noodles

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Re: hello from los angeles...
« Reply #39 on: September 21, 2011, 02:59:35 PM »


I admire you for the decision you made in adopting your sister's children and giving them the support and love they need
I know it has to be tough on you, but you'll be rewarded many times over in the years to come.

Once again... WELCOME!!

 - Cap'n Noodles -

Offline gumbii

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Re: hello from los angeles...
« Reply #40 on: September 22, 2011, 09:28:54 PM »
I have a whole list of projects planned, thinking about making dark wyandottes (think barnvelder color or dark cornish color) using partridge and gold laced and also the same but using silver. I have a goal to introduce lavender/self blue into wyandottes via cochins. When I do I have an awesome project planned using lav/split lav birds of various colors and patterns so by crossing a trio of birds I could get many colors and patterns. Basically a lavender double laced cock that is from a gold/silver mating on double laced hens, one gold and one silver that are split for lav but are khaki instead of black which would ideally give me half lavender laced birds, half dun laced birds that would be gold or silver and if still in the beginning of the project would throw single laced and pencilled. Its alot to ask for but I think it can be done. I have some other projects planned but havent put them to paper yet.
 Whats your user name on BYC? I am always in the genetics part as well, so many people with such simple questions. Are you on the-coop as well?

 I am here in eastern Washington and sumatra bantams are somewhat popular up here. If youre ever up this way I could share some eggs, we dont like to ship often but could in the spring. Right now we have 3 black cocks, 4 blue hens, and 6 black hens plus some inbetween sized duns that will be working towards bantams in size.

i found some dude selling some sumatra bantams the other day on craigslist, but they looked bootleg and i think they were hatchery... horrible type and face color... no bueno...

and i love genetics... when i was into leopard geckos, i also learned about all of their genes... almost the same as chickens...but so far chickens are a lot more challenging than i thought... i just discovered that the seramas that i thought were platinum dunxself blue are in fact the grey gene... also, they are carriers of the silkie gene and red eye gene that is also a dilute... man... seramas are a freaken mess...

but i'll hit you up for eggs in the spring... i'll have a lot more room and extra pens setup by then... cool...

Chicken genetics are the best once you understand them. There are so many things to play with when breeding. One of the fun things is that chickens are more phenotype than genotype so if it looks like something then it is. When I crossed a buckeye with red cochin I got birds that looked just like red brahmas so thats what I called them. An example of the colors/patterns there are over 100 colors/patterns just in the old english game bantams with more being made all the time.

When it comes down to it though all colors are either black or gold based. There are various dilutors of black/gold, genes to mask or enhance them, tons of dominants and recessives (there are about 6 kinds of white alone). When showing chickens it is much more harsh than dogs or other livestock. If a black bird has positive white in the feathers it is disqualified. If there is any red or any other color showing through it is DQ'ed. Any tiny little feather on the leg of a clean legged bird is a DQ. The book of standards is what people show and breed by, its detailed down to the number of points on a comb, tail angle, defects, and disqualifications. Generally when breeding for a new color you can get there in 2 generations if you hatch lots and cull heavy.
 Just like any other hobby poultry has its fads. Awhile back when we made the dunlaced wyandotte eggs we were selling them for $10 an egg with no garauntee they would be true to color/pattern or even hatch, we sold tons of eggs from them but when the fad was over we were selling eggs for the normal price of about $2 an egg. So as a breeder of new colors I am always trying to come up with the next big fad that will make me tons of money but also working to iprove the varieties I already made.

yeah... right now everyone is wanting those chocolate orps... but they don't say if they are dun, or true choc- dilutes... also... the seramas i have have a third chocolate dilute gene... they are born black, grow up black, and after their first molt, the black turns into chocolate... they call it bronze... crazy chickens...

Oh and gumbii, I figured out your user name is the same there as it is here. I am flyingmonkeypoop on BYC

yes... gumbii... oh you are...? i've seen you around... smart chap...


white people...

What do you mean by that?

Yes, what do you mean by that.

sorry guys, i didn't mean to offend... on other forums i go i'm usually the only mexican, or 1 of like 6 or so... LOL... so after a while, they'll talk about their dirt bikes, sky diving, bungie jumping, bomb making, or demolition derby and i'll be like... "white people..." lol... sorry... it's probably only funny to me... or, or, or... i'll catch them saying stuff like... "the guys working on my tile woke me up listening to their music all loud at 5am" and i'll say... "mexicans..."

like i told my philosophy teacher... racism was a good tool people used to push themselves harder to strive and succeed... my dad came over when racism was at it's peak... every day someone would tell him something, and to prove them wrong, he worked harder and succeeded... i go to a liquor store and the little asian dude just watches me... LOL... it's okay thought... i do look like i'll steal and kill all kinds of people...



I admire you for the decision you made in adopting your sister's children and giving them the support and love they need
I know it has to be tough on you, but you'll be rewarded many times over in the years to come.

Once again... WELCOME!!

 - Cap'n Noodles -

thanks... although i complain a lot about them... it's all good...


this is my day... i'm not working right now so i'm a stay at home dad... sigh...

wake up at 7am... shower, take 2 kids to school at 7.45... get home, get my road shoes and hit the gym... get out of gym at 11.30, find something to chew on and then go pick up one kid from school at 12.30 and at the same time take the little girl to her school across town at 1pm... so then i get home... feed the chickens, build stuff... then at 2.30 i have to go pick up one of the first kids... so there i go... so then get home, roam the intratubes... then at 4pm i have to pick up the little girl...


man... that's my entire day right there...

well i got to go... gonna go back to gym for some RACQUETBALL!!!!!...

and thanks again for the welcome... ♥


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Re: hello from los angeles...
« Reply #41 on: September 23, 2011, 09:55:14 AM »
¡Claro que si! Garcia, belongs to the Balboa Yacht Club (BYC), of course!