Author Topic: Settling sucks!  (Read 2388 times)

Offline foodfor4

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Settling sucks!
« on: April 26, 2010, 07:17:16 AM »
     Hey guys, I don't use this forum often as I am bussy as a fulltime student and have spent several monthes going to care for a sick aunt with my mom, but I would like to tell of a discovery that I have made and is important to me. I know most of you have all ready realized this and I'm sorry if I come off as preacher, as this is not the case and what I have to say is new to me. I have began dating within the year, starting to see people from school and around the area. While my first few dates were terrible I began to meet some "good ones", but still always found myself turned down in a week. I wondered what was wrong with me and if I was just undesirable. I've always been told I'm attractive (especailly in the last year), but never believed it.
     Finally I ended up meeting my ex through a club. We began dating and things got off very rocky as my ex is bipolar, manic-depressive, and narcisistc. Still, I decided to try and see if things got better. In time they did...for a while, but in the end a manipulative, nasty, and abusive relationship came up. We broke up four times in slightly under two months and every time we broke up my ex would threaten to commit suicide! I was dumped twice, because I am a virgin and was not ready then to have sex. In the end I realized I had settled because I have low-self esteem and was not willing to wait for someone ready for a relationship and worthy of me. I'm glad I did not take my ex back AGAIN for a fifth time, because I know things would never change.
     I am writing this, to warn others that it really sucks to settle for someone who is not ready for a relationship or worthy of you. Don't sell yourself short, because it invalids you and closes you off to someone better. There were so many red flags that I decided to ingore, as there often are. I know many people struggle with some poor self esteem and I hope my little story helps. I did love my ex, but had to let go and now am taking my time to build my confidence alone.

Offline cvasara

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Re: Settling sucks!
« Reply #1 on: April 26, 2010, 10:37:00 AM »
Marriages, in this age, end in divorce in a greater percentage than those that stay together.  (IMO)
Been there and done that.  So I'm certainly not interested in  buying a suit back that I returned.
If it didn't "fit" properly the first time, I really don't think that it will 'fit' better the second time you 'buy' it. 
Time to check out a new suit, at a new store.

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Offline xnewyawka

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Re: Settling sucks!
« Reply #2 on: April 28, 2010, 12:21:28 PM »
Great post and good decision on the ex, food. It's never a good decision to stay involved in something you know is not healthy and will end up getting you nowhere.

I hope that some of the other fellas' that are struggling in a relationship will read this and get the message.

Never sell yourself short, or settle for anyone, or anything!.

Hang in there, be strong for yourself.      O0

Offline foodfor4

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Re: Settling sucks!
« Reply #3 on: April 28, 2010, 03:04:54 PM »
I found out my ex has found someone elses life to make a living hell today. I was in the caffeteria at school and gues who went over to the table right next to the one I was at. I put my hood u[ and he never saw me, my friends said my facial expressions were a bit scary lol.

I told this little story, because I know I'm not alone in settling for relationships that are nhot right or healthy. I hope from reading this some people can prevent themselves from doing this. I know the wait can be long, but finding the right person that you can have a great relationship is definitly worth the wait.

Offline warhawk

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Re: Settling sucks!
« Reply #4 on: April 30, 2010, 12:21:09 PM »
hey foodfor4:  CONGRATS on not settling & moving on.   continue 2 B yourself & hang in there, bro. O0

Tough times don't last but tough people do!!!