Author Topic: I'm tired of having the same haircut all the time.  (Read 30995 times)

Offline J.P.M. Polished

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Re: I'm tired of having the same haircut all the time.
« Reply #30 on: January 28, 2010, 11:20:10 PM »
stop shaving then and grow hair  I have had a bald spot on top since i was 16 ,,then at 22 the forhead turned into a runway with rubble I growed it long and cut it when it got two feet so I could donate it and screw what others thought. If you could grow hair it might be so curly ya couldnt do much with it I know for a fact that happens its how mine was so I grew it out and had to braid it daily with tons of crap so that it would even stay in a braid and I didnt grow it for myself but for cancer people.
           And just so you dont feel like a virgen life is tuff everywhere Iam not looking for sympathy but just like me I just lost my job after 23 years and so have alot of other people so ya have to get a back up plan and then look at the posative side of it ,,,Iam actually looking foward to the down size my wife and I are facing there will be less stress ,,,,,,,,,dont have to word 60 hours a week and mom and dad are with God and better off then any of us ,,,so my advice is simple ,,,,,,,,,,let the hair grow shave your face if thats what YOU want Give the problems to GOD,,,,,,,,,,and if the rest of the world has nothing to worry about then how you hair is then they are the one with the problem NOT you

Offline tomgallagher

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Re: I'm tired of having the same haircut all the time.
« Reply #31 on: January 29, 2010, 06:17:24 AM »
Well said JPM... O0

Offline Rob

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Re: I'm tired of having the same haircut all the time.
« Reply #32 on: January 29, 2010, 06:26:02 AM »
Last year I lost my mom and my best friend in the space of two months.  Those are the things that really upset you.  hairloss is nothing.  Being able to change your hairstyle is unimportant.  Just count your blessings and hope nothing worse than hairloss happens. :/O

Offline xnewyawka

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Re: I'm tired of having the same haircut all the time.
« Reply #33 on: January 29, 2010, 09:53:25 AM »
Last year I lost my mom and my best friend in the space of two months.  Those are the things that really upset you.  hairloss is nothing.  Being able to change your hairstyle is unimportant.  Just count your blessings and hope nothing worse than hairloss happens. :/O

I agree with Rob, big time. Your hair, or lack thereof, is really small in the scheme of things.

J.P.M. I'm with you as well, welcome to SBG's forum, and good post.

Get over it and get on with life! 

Offline Rusty Shackleford

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Re: I'm tired of having the same haircut all the time.
« Reply #34 on: March 13, 2010, 09:53:20 PM »
Alright, this is a dead thread and all but I feel compelled to respond.  It sounds to me like the guy has settled for the sly hairstyle, but he would rather his hair work the way hair is supposed to work.  The guy wants to do with hair what people can do with hair and it bugs the hell out of him that nature is denying him that choice.  What's wrong with that?  As much as we love our looks we have to accept that others aren't going to be as fond of it.  A lot of us proudly associate our sly look to our personality, so it should be expected that hair'd guys would do the same.

I'd be more than just whiny if something (head rash, ingrown hairs, a wife, etc) forced me to do the opposite and regrow my hair, and I'm sure if that situation came around the guys on this board would commiserate with me.  Even though he sympathizes with the enemy, i.e. hair, I feel bad for the guy; especially since it hit him so young.  BTW, I think one of the worst things you can do to encourage someone to get over a problem is to mention how someone else has things even worse.  Are we not allowed to have a negative feeling about something so long as someone else on earth is in even worse shape? 

I think the reason something as irrelevant as this compels someone to post a public complaint is due to the fact that it gones on day after day after day.  Most irrelevant annoyances in life tend to be short term things like getting stuck behind a slow driver, some piece of technology not working right, spilling a drink on yourself, etc...
You don't know me, but I know you.

Offline Rusty Shackleford

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Re: I'm tired of having the same haircut all the time.
« Reply #35 on: March 13, 2010, 10:05:24 PM »
Alright, this is a dead thread and all but I feel compelled to respond.  It sounds to me like the guy has settled for the sly hairstyle, but he would rather his hair work the way hair is supposed to work.  The guy wants to do with hair what people can do with hair and it bugs the hell out of him that nature is denying him that choice.  What's wrong with that?  As much as we love our looks we have to accept that others aren't going to be as fond of it.  A lot of us proudly associate our sly look to our personality, so it should be expected that hair'd guys would do the same.

I'd be more than just whiny if something (head rash, ingrown hairs, a wife, etc) forced me to do the opposite and regrow my hair, and I'm sure if that situation came around the guys on this board would commiserate with me.  Even though he sympathizes with the enemy, i.e. hair, I feel bad for the guy; especially since it hit him so young.  BTW, I think one of the worst things you can do to encourage someone to get over a problem is to mention how someone else has things even worse.  Are we not allowed to have a negative feeling about something so long as someone else on earth is in even worse shape?  

I think the reason something as irrelevant as this compels someone to post a public complaint is due to the fact that it gones on day after day after day.  Most irrelevant annoyances in life tend to be short term things like getting stuck behind a slow driver, some piece of technology not working right, spilling a drink on yourself, etc...

Um... You guys were right about this guy and I was wrong. 
Someone else's response mentioned his MySpace page so I went there.  He does have some pretty deep issues.  Very deep.  I think his problems go far beyond throwing pity parties.  This blog here is downright suicidal:
« Last Edit: March 13, 2010, 10:08:28 PM by Rusty Shackleford »
You don't know me, but I know you.


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Re: I'm tired of having the same haircut all the time.
« Reply #36 on: March 14, 2010, 04:23:26 PM »
Dude, youf over thinking it.  First let me say, I'm a hetrosexual guy who has been married for 18 years, so don't take this the wrong way.  Dude your a very good looking guy and should have no worries.  

People do get bored with their style from time to time.  Grow some facial hair, try a new style of clothes and remember to always be greatful for good health.  I have a full head of hair but choose to shave because of the low maitenance life it affords me.  I do mine once a week and all week don't have to worry about doing my hair.  That in itself makes my hectic life that much easier.  

The bottom line is hair is way over rated.  Good hair dosen't make a homley guy more good lucking and the lack of it dosen't make a good looking guy unattractive.

Also, that intimadating factor that you mentioned using it to your advantage is not a bad thing.  I'm an extremely passive guy, but for some reason when I shave my head, I get treated with much more respect.  I guess I have that look of a tough guy.  The truth is I'm a total push over (which is something I'm working on).  But hey with the bald head people don't see that.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2010, 04:26:40 PM by stemikger »

Offline tomgallagher

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Re: I'm tired of having the same haircut all the time.
« Reply #37 on: March 15, 2010, 01:57:31 PM »
I have to agree with stemiker wholeheartedly.

Offline Morthen

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Re: I'm tired of having the same haircut all the time.
« Reply #38 on: April 23, 2010, 03:37:51 AM »
you could try different hat styles. Im a big fan of the fedora
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Re: I'm tired of having the same haircut all the time.
« Reply #39 on: April 23, 2010, 06:32:12 AM »
This post is not really about your bald head. To me it is very clear that you are in a depression.

I used to be depressed when I was 15, 16 or 17. I'm not sure when it started and it's not clear where it ended. For me your posts are very recognizable. I would like to give you all the advice that I can, but the problem is that it (escaping a depression) needs to come from within yourself. It is a long process.

Unfortunately it is really hard for me to give any advice about how to overcome depression, because I know that I, like you do now, had a very different mindset when I was depressed; like 180 degrees the opposite.

Nowadays I would say all these things like all the rest here says: "Stop worrying so much, get on with what really matters!" yada yada. But I know it will not come through. Because I did not even know what really mattered: I wish I did. I can not even think of how I was thinking back then: nowadays I cannot possibly understand how I used to think about life back then.

For me, my parents saved me really. One day my mother came to me, angrily yelling: "If you do not talk now, I will call a psychiatric institure right now!" Because of my depression I wasn't talking to my parents much that year, while living in the same house. I think it was the thing that I needed to hear. I was upset that I have let my mother down. She was really unhappy back then. When I think about it now, I can feel her pain. But I know, things are good now :) I love her, she loves me yada yada  :@` (Try to keep it happy here huh!) Also, I did not want to go to a psychiatric institute! So instantly I had two things that mattered to me: my mum's state of mind and my own fear an angriness of possibly going to a place like that. All of a sudden: I had real problems that were close to me, instead of all the thinking: "this world sucks, everybody sucks, I am a good person, why can't people see this??! Why don't I feel love? It must be because of everything and everyone!!"

So I tried and tried to talk more to my parents (it sounds easy, but it was so hard to restore the relationship), do things... luckily I have very good friends and they were still inviting me for parties and stuff. They never knew of a depression whatsoever. I never showed it, I made a lot of jokes etc. I was a fun guest, but I was doing it for them. It did not come from within me back then.

Anyway... this is not about me. The good thing of the 'threat' that my mother did to me, was that I realized that there was something that mattered: I felt like a complete jerk to have let my parents, especially my mother, down so much. She might have been even unhappier than I was at the time, just to see her son ignoring her like that.

So, think about it: your parents, your friends etc all want to see you happy. Do it for them. Fake it till you make it. Hang on. It will pay back. You write that your parents are in a financial struggle. It would be great if they see you smile, to forget the troubles they are having. A change of location can always be a good thing. You could try a two month vacation to the Caribbean where people are friendly and not that materialist. (Try to stop blaming the world for what is really your perception of it)

I was not nearly out of my depression when I started losing my hair. Great timing... but it turned out good. I used it in the process of becoming undepressed. Deal with your problems first and then come back asking whether you should keep on shaving your head of making cool flames out of your remaining hair  :/O

Well, I just hope this makes sense for you. Try not to wait for an event in your life that will magically change your mindset. You have to do it yourself. It will get over. It's not the evil world that makes you depressed, it's your hormones probably. They will fade. I hope. All I can say, you have to do it yourself. Nobody can give you advice on a web forum.
« Last Edit: April 23, 2010, 06:37:55 AM by Polarbear »

Offline lifeinthesouth

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Re: I'm tired of having the same haircut all the time.
« Reply #40 on: April 23, 2010, 07:02:34 AM »
How come nobody has suggested a skullet. If you are look to turn heads grow one. Then nobody will ask if your in the military, you can color it, put it up or pull it back in a pony tail.
I'd go for a skullet if all I wanted was attention.

Sorry guys I couldn't resist.  :/O

Seriously though, My opinion.... do what makes you happy, grow it out, buzz, shave lighting bolts on the sides just be yourself. a persons haircut does NOT make him a "good man" it is the attitude you approach people with. Try just being happy around others smile. I bet a smile and a joke will make more people think you are a nice guy more than anything you do to your looks. True story. one of the best friends I had in high school was a girl that was way over weight but she was the sweetest person if you ever met her. She was very popular, she laughed and smiled all the time and was just a lot of fun to be around. She knew who she was and was o.k. with it.

Laugh and you will live longer!
« Last Edit: April 23, 2010, 07:04:06 AM by lifeinthesouth »

Offline marcx

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Re: I'm tired of having the same haircut all the time.
« Reply #41 on: April 27, 2010, 06:17:06 PM »
Ummm..pardon me as a very new member of this forum if I am overstepping my boundaries---but...based on the link to that myspace bog stuff is there someone that should be notified???? That looks rather serious---and way beyond isses of lightning bolt hairstyles....

Offline Ming the Merciless

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Re: I'm tired of having the same haircut all the time.
« Reply #42 on: April 28, 2010, 01:32:20 PM »
From the top of your ears to your Adam's apple, you probably have all the follicles you had when you began shaving.  There are probably more different beard styles than there are hair styles.  Grow something exuberant there and NO one will think "military."  They might think "weirdo," but they will definitely not ask you about Parris Island or "Desert Storm."

Offline D.A.L.U.I.

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Re: I'm tired of having the same haircut all the time.
« Reply #43 on: April 28, 2010, 01:54:09 PM »
Not to minimize in anyway the serious nature of his posts, he was last at SBG on 1/23/10 & the I want to die post on MySpace was on 2/26/10.  We've kinda missed this one, and I hope nothing bad has happened.  He is a very troubled guy.

Offline D.A.L.U.I.

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Re: I'm tired of having the same haircut all the time.
« Reply #44 on: April 28, 2010, 02:15:17 PM »
How come nobody has suggested a skullet. If you are look to turn heads grow one. Then nobody will ask if your in the military, you can color it, put it up or pull it back in a pony tail.
I'd go for a skullet if all I wanted was attention.

Sorry guys I couldn't resist.  :/O
Laugh and you will live longer!

Laugh, maybe, but too close to lunch time & that could be a mighty nasty looking keyboard in front of you unless you were warned.  What is he after? :/O--no I don't want to know anymore :P.