Author Topic: How 'bout dat Tiger Woods?  (Read 14693 times)

Offline Razor X

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Re: How 'bout dat Tiger Woods?
« Reply #30 on: December 09, 2009, 07:41:05 PM »
I'm curious as to why nobody seems to be saying, "It's a private matter" or "It doesn't affect his ability to do his job," which are the usual lines of defense when a celebrity is involved in a sex scandal.   Why are people more upset about Tiger Woods than they are about countless others who have done the same thing?

Offline schro

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Re: How 'bout dat Tiger Woods?
« Reply #31 on: December 09, 2009, 07:57:49 PM »
I'm curious as to why nobody seems to be saying, "It's a private matter" or "It doesn't affect his ability to do his job," which are the usual lines of defense when a celebrity is involved in a sex scandal.   Why are people more upset about Tiger Woods than they are about countless others who have done the same thing?

Razor, I can't speak for everyone, but I think the fact that the vast majority of his income is tied to his persona/image is the reason. His estimated annual take is $100 million, of which only $10 million is based on his athletic perfomance. Also, he (and his late father) espoused virtue, doing the right thing, serving a "higher cause". Tiger spit on them all.

Pond scum.

« Last Edit: December 09, 2009, 09:36:40 PM by schro »

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Re: How 'bout dat Tiger Woods?
« Reply #32 on: December 09, 2009, 08:32:47 PM »
You know I don't approve of extra marital affairs. Affairs, yes. Just not the extra marital types.

[rant] On that note I have to state that...It REALLY is none of our (the public) business what this man does in the confines of his home or his relationship(s). Why this is getting so much attention is beyond me. Why the death of Michael Jackson is STILL in the news in also beyond my comprehension but, I digress.

It is no secret that many a man and woman before El Tigre, in much more powerful public positions, have committed a plethora of grave transgressions. Why then, does this one mans private affair(s) garner so much vile. After all, should we (members of the public) expect the same harassment and public scrutiny should our own faults be exposed for all to criticize? Should we expect the same public out cry and television coverage?

He never claimed to be a saint. He never claimed to be a role model. That is merely an unsolicited revered position thrust upon him by certain members of the public. His endorsements, I'm certain, are not based on who he is faithful or unfaithful to but rather his outstanding excellence in his chosen profession and his ability to increase sales. Do you really think that less GATORADE will be sold because of Tiger's marital misdeeds? I think not. Do you really think the public will suddenly stop purchasing Mach 3's? I think not.

Should he come clean publicly? Should he just kneel down and acknowledge his sin before us all? Why should we feel that he owes us anything? He owes us NOTHING!

I'm in no way trying defend Tiger. Make that clear. What I am trying to do is to brings us all back down to earth. Are we not ALL members of humanity? Shouldn't we ALL forgive our brothers and sisters for their trespasses as we would expect our own trespasses to be forgiven?

All I can do is pray for my brother in humanity, that he and his wife may find their way clear of this public humiliation and if nothing else, remain civil friends.[/rant]
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Re: How 'bout dat Tiger Woods?
« Reply #33 on: December 09, 2009, 09:28:31 PM »
Todd, I respectfully disagree on the theme of your statement. Does he "owe" anyone in the general public anything? Bottom line, no. However, like I've said previously, he's made a mint on an image that is now worth 5hit. He has been completely two-faced in his corporate endeavors. He has preached a holier than thou attitude, and his late father Earl had previously talked of Tiger being assigned a "higher calling". Tiger spit on them all.

I'll respect him as a golfer, but cheer against him whenever I get a chance.
« Last Edit: December 09, 2009, 09:35:45 PM by schro »

Agonizing over what cannot be is an insult to what is.

Offline Mikekoz13

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Re: How 'bout dat Tiger Woods?
« Reply #34 on: December 10, 2009, 04:56:21 AM »
Todd, I respectfully disagree on the theme of your statement. Does he "owe" anyone in the general public anything? Bottom line, no. However, like I've said previously, he's made a mint on an image that is now worth 5hit. He has been completely two-faced in his corporate endeavors. He has preached a holier than thou attitude, and his late father Earl had previously talked of Tiger being assigned a "higher calling". Tiger spit on them all.

I'll respect him as a golfer, but cheer against him whenever I get a chance.

I totally agree with SCHRO here........ His fortune was built mainly on his "clean" reputation..... so it becomes fair game when that reputation is shown to be fake.
Personally.... I think he may never golf again....... the fans will brutalize him if he returns.
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Offline cvasara

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Re: How 'bout dat Tiger Woods?
« Reply #35 on: December 10, 2009, 05:06:06 AM »
I don't agree that he won't play again,  it might be a while, but he will play again.  He is the best at what he does, and there are too many goals out there for him to reach.   He has done more for the game of golf than any other person ever has.  We all looked up to him as the squeaky clean athlete that was above all the 'dirt' but just remember, he isn't the first, nor will he be the last. 

There is a pretty good article (blog)  in todays USA TODAY (Thursday, 10/Dec/09) that addresses some of those issues, well worth reading.  The link is here:

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Re: How 'bout dat Tiger Woods?
« Reply #36 on: December 10, 2009, 07:30:20 AM »
He will play again, people will watch again, and he will be in ads--might even get some condom action >:D.  These were acts of two consenting adults at a time--not on the golf green, clearly that would not only have been really interesting, but not rated for the general public.  Wouldn't be surprised at all if this is how he met his wife.   >:D  He's a professional golfer, not a spiritual or moral advisor. 

The only take aways I see are keep your clubs in the car so (1) your wife can't hit you with one, and (2) so you can always go play with friends--golf or otherwise.  Personally, if he is the public face of something, it's not the reason I buy or don't buy it.  I wouldn't wear a shirt sporting his name before this and not after this either, not because he's got the morals of an alley cat, but because he won't pay me to do it. 

This whole business has been overdone, there's got to be other news out there.  Never bought People magazine or anything like it either--just not interested in the "other" life of celebrities.

Offline tomgallagher

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Re: How 'bout dat Tiger Woods?
« Reply #37 on: December 10, 2009, 08:03:41 AM »
Judging by the plethora of gossip magazines and papers and TV shows that have been around before, and will be after, Tiger Woods, it's clear that the "public" has an insatiable appetite for titillating gossip and any kind of celebrity is fair game.. Whether it is right or wrong is moot at this point.  IMHO.
« Last Edit: December 10, 2009, 08:06:53 AM by Tom Gallagher »

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Re: How 'bout dat Tiger Woods?
« Reply #38 on: December 12, 2009, 11:06:41 PM »
What's the difference between Santa Claus and tiger woods?............

Santa stopped at three ho's!      ;D

Offline RyanJP

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Re: How 'bout dat Tiger Woods?
« Reply #39 on: December 13, 2009, 12:07:46 AM »
What grinds me is the fact that this spew of crap is getting headlined like it's the most important thing on the planet and everyone is glued to the idiot box fathoming what's next for Tiger, he got about a baker's dozen worth of loving on the side and is it wrong yep, is it unethical and immoral ? in my book absolutely but enough is enough. How about the stuff that really matters like Navy Beating Army today  O0

.....I dont give a Sh$# about Tiger and his personal problems nor do I want to get sucked into his drama, America's Men and Women are fighting for idiots to update every five minutes what hot piece Tiger allegedly has been with, I call Bull$#@!.

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Re: How 'bout dat Tiger Woods?
« Reply #40 on: December 13, 2009, 07:43:31 AM »
Does he "owe" anyone in the general public anything?

No, he does not.....the other side of the coin is that the general public doesn't "owe" him anything either. But let's see if these chowderheads pay up anyway.
It's like when the NBA went on strike for back in the midst of the Almighty Chicago Bulls string of championships. I vowed, at the point where I saw Scotty "No-Tippin'" Pippin (so nicknamed for his refusal to tip $2.25 an hour waitresses) on TV talking indignantly about his working conditions actually being bad, to never watch another NBA game. My thought was "you make $20mil a year, if you want better working conditions.....BUY SOME!" So I swore off the NBA (don't ask me why I still watch the Bears?????).
After the strike was over, as well as all the caterwalling by the public about what a bunch of spoiled little b!tches play in the NBA, I told my wife that I was going to turn on the Bulls game. I don't remember who they were playing but I just wanted to see how many empty seats there would be. So I turn on the game and to my surprise it looked like SRO.
So I think it's gonna be a "how soon they forget" situation. People will, at some point, pay to follw El Tigre around on the golf course and they'll buy his golf shoes and gloves and clubs and bags. And at some point fathers will tell their sons that El Tigre is the man, and he'll be back on the Wheaties box.
It's just how we roll.
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Offline Mikekoz13

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Re: How 'bout dat Tiger Woods?
« Reply #41 on: December 13, 2009, 08:18:31 AM »
Well I personally don't think that Tiger Woods has done more for golf than anyone..... and in some ways I think he has hurt the actual game. I think he has done more to bring an interest in golf to minorities without a doubt but I think Jack Nicklaus was the guy that put golf on the map.

As far as hurting the game....... I've played golf since I was 16 years old (33 years). Back not too many years ago you never heard golfers screaming on the course. It was truly a gentlemen's game and there was something almost surreal about a round of golf in those days. Tiger has made it very "cool" to scream and carry on while on the course. Yelling at fans & photographers and throwing clubs are also a couple of things that Tiger has made mainstream. I;m not saying these things weren't sometimes seen in the past but they were rare.

If you golf.... even casually, and you want a good read about golf and life, read "Golf in the Kingdom"....... a great read.
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Re: How 'bout dat Tiger Woods?
« Reply #42 on: December 13, 2009, 10:42:27 AM »
I'm going to repeat part of what I said in a PM to somebody here...
[Rant on]
I have no idea why our great country is so caught up in hero worship for actors, musicians, and sports "stars." If an ordinary Joe had 16 mistresses, who really cares, aside from his wife/friends/loved ones? But, because it's Tiger Woods, we all hear about it on the news, and gossip rags fall all over themselves trying to get a different angle on the story, juicier than the other rags.

Personally, I don't give 2 hoots WHAT Tiger does with his winkie, or with whom. The man plays golf well...big deal. I don't revere a man or woman because they excel in a sport. Not that I don't think it's admirable, but in the end, they're all just games.

My reverence is reserved for those who do something that benefits us all in this country - the soldiers who fight for our freedom, the police and firemen who put their butts on the line for our safety, and the teachers who mold the minds of tomorrow - everyday Joes who labor in anonimity, so the rest of us can do nice things like hang out on SBG ;D

As for the aforementioned "stars"... Bah.
[/Rant off]

Offline RyanJP

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Re: How 'bout dat Tiger Woods?
« Reply #43 on: December 13, 2009, 12:44:27 PM »
Pretty much what IRON said.

Offline FR8TRAIN

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Re: How 'bout dat Tiger Woods?
« Reply #44 on: December 13, 2009, 01:37:49 PM »
I vowed,  to never watch another NBA game.

Myself as well and I STILL have not watched an NBA game to this day. I had the opportunity to see the Pistons, free of charge on Veterans Day. Being a Vet, it was a great gesture but I turned it down. I think I'll go watch a hockey game. ;D
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